“Ouch! That’s My Back!” Fiy Carla Toolhman Submitted by: Medical Assisting At some time or an other in our lives we are faced with inevitable and unbearable back pain. Anyone who has ever experienced it knows it can be very painful and debili tating. We, as students, lug around a heavy load every day. Up and down the stairs and all around campus. Some think we are incapable of hurt ing our backs, but that is definitely not the case. It does give us an advantage, but if we don’t know what to do when we’re picking up and carrying that heavy load, we could end up in a world of trouble. The most important thing to remember is to bend at the knees when lifting. It takes the pressure off your back and leaves the job to your legs. Carry your books in a back pack on your back instead of in your hand is a good idea because carrying it in your hand puts all the weight on your shoulders and your top vertebrae. If you do happen to hurt yourself, mild pain relievers and rest can take care of those sore muscles in a day or so. If your pain lasts longer than a few days, it’s a good idea to see your doctor. There are all kinds of therapies out there just for back pain. To find out more about living with back pain, please visit AmericanSpine.com. TO GIVE THANKS... By: Angel Steele Sure enough, the holiday season is here again. The holidays mean many different things to different people. People recall the holidays through many different memories. These can be anything from getting gifts, sit ting down with family and eating food, or going to visit family that is elsewhere. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the two biggest holidays of the year. It is a time that many people give thanks for all that they have in life. This time of the year we should all be thankful for what we do have and to let us remember all the things that others are not fortunate enough to have. After a small survey, this is what a few Wilkes Community College students are thankful for. “I am thankful for...” Name: Wendy Porter Major: Associate in Arts, Early Education -Freedom of religion, my family and friends, my church, health, and the ability to come back to school. Name: Rebecca Montoya Major: Associate in Arts, Elementary Education - Life and family Name: Jennifer Faw Major: Elementary Education - My family and friends Name: Megan Caudill Major: Political Science - My son Name: Jessica Land Major: Interior Design - My life! Name: Jared Byrd Major: Criminal Justice - My friends Name: Jean-Claude Lyall Major: Business Administration - Family and great health and friends Name: Nikki West Major: Child Development - Family, friends, and, unlike most people in this county, a job! Name: Lisa Brewer Major: (Taking Spanish I) - Jesus; my husband Greg and sons Jack and David; good friends, especially Helen; being an American, and other blessings too numerous to count. Name: Darlene Mikeal Major: Medical Office Assistant - God’s love, my family, my friends, the oppor tunity to be back in school, my health, my new granddaughter, a happy marriage and peace. Name: Sheila Johnson Major: Medical Office Assistant -A healthy family, my friends, instructors that are willing to go the extra mile helping me, and that we have a loving God who looks after us (Continued on paj>e 15)