Page 6 Cougar Cry Sam Bush Rocks The Walker Center By: Amanda Molesa “MerkFestfavorites the Sam Bush Band delighted an enthusiastic audience of800 with a three hour show at the Walker Center at Wilkes Community College on Friday, February 2.” Bush is not only known for being an accomplished vocalist, guitarist, and fiddler, but more so for being one of bluegrass’ greatest mandolin pickers. This concert was fiill of energy not only from the band, but from the audience as well. Sam Bush’s energetic style of bluegrass coupled with a hungry audience can only lead to an exciting, crowd pleasing evening. "Howlin’ at the Moon” proved to be a favorite when the request was made by a member of the audience and the band agreed to play. Hiis fiin-filled two set show ended with a standing ovation after the encore performance. Sam Bush is known for shaking up the traditional bluegrass sound. From his first record released in 1972 with his band New Grass Revival, through playing with other well known artists like Bela Fleck, Emmylou Harris and Lyle Lovett, to his most recent solo album "Laps in Seven” in 2006, he has continued to raise the bar and reinvent bluegrass music. Traditional bluegrass, country, fusion, breakdowns, jazz, reggae, and rock are some of the styles the Sam Bush Band has made their own and compiled to form'newgrass”. Each member of the band is able to receive thunderous applause with their breathtaking solos throughout many of their jam style songs. Bush has made annual appearances at Wilkes County’s own bluegrass festival, Merlefest. This year will not only mark Sam’s 20'*', but Merlefest’s as well. Phi Theta Kappa Update Early December was a time when temperatures began to fall. Once again this year, members of Phi Theta Kappa chose to spend $500 to purchase blankets. Westpoint Stevens was gracious in supplying us with blankets that we were able to distribute to various agencies in Alleghany, Ashe, and Wilkes counties. The blankets were then made available to elderly and shut-ins. Every two seconds someone in America needs blood. Our area recruiter for the American Red Cross informed us that every blood type was low prior to our February blood drive. Phi Theta Kappa hosted a blood drive on the WCC Wilkes Campus on Wednesday, February 21,2007 and a total of 37 pints were collected. Each pint can help three people. Hooray for the five first-time donors! Thank you to all who took time to donate. The criteria for membership in Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society are: completion of 12 semester hours of credit, a cumulative grade point average of 3.50, and enjoy full rights of citizenship of one’s country. If you have met these criteria and would like to join, please stop by the Student Services Office in Alumni Hall to learn more about becoming a member. An induction ceremony of new members will be held in April. Is It 4:20 Yet? TIhs is a safe place for WCC students, faculty and staff to access information, rcsourccs, request a referral for help, slrnre personal e.vperienccs. recover)’ stories, or just ask a question. This blog is hosted by the Drug Education Counselor in Student Services and your anonymity' is respected mBRIAN BARKER ^■P^P H 0 I 0 G R A P H V supports Wiikes Community College We can help with all your photographic needs! •Weddings • Social Gatherings • Special Events • Outdoor Portraiture 02UU6 Brian Barker Photography Make A Differea^e Today! ^ Run for SGA! (YOUR Student Government Assoc.) Petitions may be picked up in Student Services and are available on Campus Cruisen Completed petitions must be turned in by Monday, March 19. Positions avallabis ineludo: ^ ’*'Exeeutlv« Offleors: Prosidont, Vie* Presidant, Soerotary/ Troasuror A Public Itiformation Offiear. ^ R*i|ulr«ni«RU f*f •IlglbltKy: *mlnlmum cumuiattv* gpm of 2.S *miMt b* a riting »ophemor« b* a full ttiB* student (mlRimuin of 12 hour*) '*'Progratnmln Chairparson (4 positions) *8ophonx>re Sanators (4 positions) Roqulronioat* for •liglMtRy: *mlnimum cumulatlvo gpa of a.2i *nuuit bo a riklntf oopbonoro *mu«t carry a mlnlaMmi oouroo load of • hours)