THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME I. GUILFORD DEFEATS LENOIR Thursday afternoon Guilford met and defeated the strong tennis team from Lenoir College in the doubles. The first game started with quick, snappy plays, and it seemed that both teams were even ly matched, but Guilford forged steadily ahead so that after the first set there was no doubt but that the Guilford representatives would carry off the honors. Wood and Brown started the doubles for Guilford and took the first set 7-5. When Guilford had taken the second set (1-4, Wood gave way to Price. The next set was lost 2-6, but after Price had "warmed up" the next set was eas ily annexed (>:J, thus giving us the necessary three out of five sets for victory. Lenoir was represented by a stronger team than the score would indicate. Both Con red and Hale played a good, stiff game, and fought to the last against de feat. Especially did Conred have a good serve, and would have giv en his opponents a close race in the singles which were scheduled for Friday afternoon. Unfortun ately the weather did not permit these, so Guilford was given the decision of the tournament. Manager Price has announced that we will meet the team from Davidson College soon, so the stu dents may look forward to a tourn anient that Avill afford some of the fastest tennis to he seen this sea son. Cox Hall Loses to Archdale. The first publico base ball game of the year was staged Wednesday afternoon when picked teams rep resenting the two boys' dormi tories were chosen to determine their pre-eminence. Cox Ilall scored in the first: inning, but their lead was overcome when Archdale came to the bat and made three. From that the Archdale boys gain ed steadily one or two runs nearly every inning until the eighth when Cox Hall started a rally and three runs were scored before the side was Anally retired. Zachary pitched a good game for the Archdale boys, and, with the exception of the first inning when he forced a run on bases on balls, and in the eighth when three runs were scored, he held Cox Hall under his control. Strayhorn made a good showing for Cox Hall, and had he been given the support that Zachary received the score would have been much closer. A good many new men were seen in ac- GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., OCTOBER 27, 1914. Y. M. C. A. NOTES What the Old Presidents Are Do ing. J. E. Coltrane is now ill the head of (lie .Jamestown High School. A. JO. Lindley is now College Secretary Intercollegiate Depart ment, Baltimore Young .Men's ('hristian Association. Edward S. King is now Secre tary at the University of South Carolina. R. H. Fitzgerald is Secretary at University of Tennessee. Paul S. Kennel 1 is attending a Theological School up in Mary land. J. B. Woosley is teaching His tory and Economics in Guilford College. S. .J. Lindley is teaching at Archdale. On Thursday night, October 1~, the Y. M. C. A. meeting, after the Scripture reading and a few re marks by J. 1). Wood, was given over to hearing reports from the Elon Conference. The meeting on last Thursday night was conducted by Prof. Geiser. There are one hundred and sev en boys rooming in the dormi tories. On last; Thursday night eighty-seven of these boys were out. Where were you? tion, and they made a creditable showing in their iirsl public game. Cheering. Now is the time for the new fel lows to lie learning (lie college yells. The basket ball season will soon be here, and the support giv en the team in cheering will liclp (hem light harder for victory. And the way to obtain this is for all the boys to learn the yells, and then we may have a mass meeting of the boys, elect a leader, and have organized rooting. This form is much more effective, and also tends to suppress the personal re marks which are exceedingly dis tasteful to the players and also the spectators. Then let us organize, and support our teams. Mr. and Mrs. J. El wood Cox, Mrs. Ein ma Cox, Misses Clara and Effie Cox motored over from High Point Thursday afternoon to see Miss Luna Cox. Miss Blanche Dawson, voice in structor, has returned from a visit to her parents at Matthews, IS'. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR GUILFORDIAN. NEW SOCIETY HALL Since Hie burning of King II;ilI in 1 DOS, all loyal Henry Clays and Websteriaus have been anxiously awaiting the (lay when we should again have halls suitable to (he needs of these organizations. We have been promised adequate quar ters when the front of New King Hall should be completed. Six years have passed since the de struction of our halls and the pros pect for this location seems yet very remote. A great many of the alumni and old students firmly believe thai the work done by Hie societies is far too important a phase of life ;it (iuilford to be neglected or hampered in (lie least degree. They are ready and eager to do what ever they can to increase the ef ficiency and vigor of the work. There are few 1 believe who will question the fact that the present location (in class rooms) is inade quate and unsatisfactory. What therefore can be done to replace the "("lays" and "Webs" amid the surroundings they desire and deserve? For some weeks there lias been a movement on foot to secure (lie second floor of Y. M. C. A. Hall as permanent homes for the societies. It: is a part of this plan to devote (he Y. M. C. A. building to the Y. M. C. A.. the societies and head quarters for the Athletic Director —thus centering all Ihese activi ties in one convenient and accessi ble place. An architect has examined the building and says that (lie plan is feasible in every particular; also that two halls can be made equal in size to the Y. M. C. A. room. The seating capacity of (his room is seventy-five; thus it will be seen that the halls would be fully suf ficient as to size. This proposition meets Hie ap proval of both societies, which have endorsed a petition to the Board of Trustees asking that they remodel the stairway and construct the necessary partitions and then allow each society to ar range and equip one of the rooms as it may see lit. The success of this undertaking will depend in large measure upon the whole-hearted support of old society men. We urge therefore a liberal expression of opinion up on this important matter. Write to the GUILFORDIAN and tell whui you think of the proposition, as the Board of Trustees will be like- Y. W. C. A. NOTES Perhaps nearly all of the new students have joined the V. M. and Y. W. Christian Associations and feel that they have made a wise step. Hut do they know how great a factor it is in our college life? I dare say many thought it was an obligation which ceased when they paid the fee. Some of us think when we go to the Thursday evening prayer meeting that we have done all that is necessary. To be sure this is one of the most helpful parts of the Association work, but it is by no means all. Everywhere we turn there is some good resulting from (bis great work. Here at CJuil ford, Field Secretaries of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.'s, Student Vol unteer Secretaries and other strong men and women visit us from time to time and help to make our vision of life broader. Each Association has a presi dent and cabinet officers who re ceive useful training in the work. Then if there are any who are real ly willing to do something they may help on the committees by which the work is systemized and promoted. Through the efforts of the Hible Study committee we have Sunday morning chapel. Here, short, im pressive talks are made by the stu dents and occasionally by some member of the Faculty. Often we have special music. Following Ibis is an hour in some well-chosen Hible study. This will be replaced by Mission Study in the second semester. The Associations promote the social life of the college to a very great extent through the commit tee for this purpose. To take these two organizations out of our college would be almost as serious a-; doing away with the church in the community, lie cause it affords the only opportun ity to students for the develop ment of Christian character. Do we fully realize this? ly to accede to this arrangement if they can be assured that it will be permanently satisfactory. I{. J. M. HOBBS, 'OO. There was a Hook Social at Founders Hall Saturday night, October 17th, in which all the stu dent body took part and thorough ly enjoyed. PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS. NUMBER 3