2 THE GUILFORDIAN GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BOARD Fred H. Morris Editor-in-Chief C. Robt. Mitchell.. Business Manager Prof. W. E. Moore Censor Prof. J. B. Woosley... .Alumni Editor Bessie Guthrie Laura Davis Harrell Budd Ethel Speas Ezra Moore Sarah Richardson Joseph Reddick Mary I. Shamburgei Deborah Brown Clifford Hinsliaw SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI.OO Address all communications to TIIE (1 UI I.KORDIAN. Guilford Col lege, X. C. The ideal relationship that should exist between the alumni and the students of any college is that of the big brother to his younger chum. Xow a brotherly relationship really does exist be tween the alumni and students at Guilford, but in the past it has bad a tendency to be more like that of the eldest son and small brother who never have known each other well. This latter relationship is good and commendable, but it is not the best that can exist. This was realized last year and it was for the purpose of keeping the Alum ni in touch with their alma mater and in sympathy with the stu dents and student activities that the GUILFORIUAX was founded. The paper exists for this purpose today and we students —the little brothers —would be glad to be come better acquainted with our big brothers —the alumni. TI-IE GUILFORDIAN wishes to serve the college better this year than last by bringing the alumni in still closer touch with the col lege and the students, which can only be done with the hearty sup port of each individual alumnus. Any article of interest or any helpful suggestions from the alumni will be gladly received by THE GUILFORDIAN and the stu dents. CALENDAR. Thursday: G. 30, mid-week pray er meetings. Friday: 7.00, Literary Societies. Saturday: 8.00, social. Sunday: 11.00 a. m., Karl Leh mann, field secretary of Christian Endeavor society; 7.30 p. m v , Rev. W. L. Hutchins. Monday: 0.30, chorus practice. Tuesday: G. 30, Senior Class meeting. Wednesday: 0.30, Sophomore Class meeting. The Young Men's Store Everything for the college boys in Cloth ing, Hats and Furnishings. Nobby Suits in all the newest fabrics from $15.00 up. English models suitable for fastidious dressers. Vanstory Clothing Company GREENSBORO, N. C. THE BALTIMORE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR CO. ALL WORK GUARANTEED WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERD Look for our Car Monday Morning and Thursday 329 South Elm. Phone 897. Greensboro, N. C. PARKER PAPER & TWINE CO. HIGH POINT, N. C. Carries the lagest stock of Paper and Twines of any house between Baltimore and Atlanta. W. T. PARKER Sec.-Treas. and Gen. Manager. STUDENTS OF TODAY WILL BE THE BUSINESS MEN OF TOMORROW Some will probably locate in High Point, N. C. The best possible Banking facilities are offered by The Commercial National Bank of High Point, N. C. J. ELWOOD COX, President. C. M. HAUSER, Active Vice-Pres. W. G. BRADSHAW, Vice-President. V. A. J. IDOL, Cashier. A. H. JOHNSON DENTIST. Over Greensboro National Bank. Phone No. 710. DR. L. G. COBLE DENTIST PHONE GOl, GREENSBORO, N. C. JOS. J. STONE & COMPANY PRINTERS AND BINDERS, Steel Die and Copper Plate Printing. GREENSBORO, N. C. THE GUILFORDIAN "Get It at Odell's" Quality First Base Ball, Basket Ball, Tennis, Track and Gym Supplies Sweaters, Jerseys and Atheletic Clothing A Specialty. Odell Hardware Company GREENSBORO, N. C. A. L. RIDDTCK, College Representative. GUILFORD COLLEGE We want our Alumni, Old Students and friends to help us make a Greater Guilford. We have the material equipments—the social, moral and religious advantages, as well as a Faculty of well qualified and exper ienced teachers The expenses are low. Library, Laboratories, Atheletics, Music, Beautiful campus and Homelike surround ings. Ten good Buildings. Call on us. Write for information. Send suggestions. THOMAS NEWLIN, President. WE MAKE YOUR PHOTOGRAPS AT GUILFORD, And save you a trip to Greensboro. MOOSE & SON BEST Store in Greensboro ThacKer & Brockman's Best Palce in Greensboro to Buy Shoes. In Ladies' Shoes we sell the popular $2.50 and $$ Sherwood line and the elegant La France $3.50 and $4 line. For men, the famous Bostonian Shoes, sold at $3.50, $4 and $5. W. H. FISHER COMPANY Eest Line of Engraved Cards, Wedding Announcements, Etc. PRINTING Record Office. Greensboro, N. C. THE ONE ALWAYS APPRECIATED GIFT Flowers In Our Flower Shop You Can At All Times get the Best the Season Affords DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY. WEDDING FLOWERS. VAN LINDLEY COMPANY FLORISTS 115 S. Elm Street. Greensboro, N. C