2 THE GUILFORDIAN GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C PUBLISHED WEEKLY BOARD Fred H. Morris Editor-in-Cliief C. Robt. Mitchell. .Business Manager Prof. W. E. Moore Censor Prof. J. B. Woosley Alumni Editor Bessie Guthrie Laura Davis Harrell Budd Ethel Speas Ezra Moore Sarah Richardson Joseph Reddick Mary I. Shamburgei Deborah Brown Clifford Hinshaw SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI.OO Address all communications to TUB GUILFORDIAX, Guilford Col lege. N. C. CALENDAR. Thursday: 0.45, Prayer meet ings. Friday: 7.00, Literary Socie ties. Websterian-Zatasian recep tion. Saturday: 7.80, Lecture, Wm. A. Blair. Sunday: Religious services. Monday: 0.30, Biblical Seminar. Tuesday: Senior class meeting. Wednesday: Sophomore class meeting. Literary Club. MID TERM. From casual remarks that have been heard on the campus we are aware that mid term is here. Our instructors in our various studies have kindly given us a recitation period in which to prove to them by a written paper that we de serve to be classed as "A" stu dents. I am sure that many of you took advantage of this oppor tunity to show that you deserved high rank in your studies, but those of you who did, made the grade, not 011 that test period, but on all your previous recitations. Those of you who have been studying hard and as a result have made good should not for a moment permit this fact to cause you to slow up. The "A" may have been just an "A" and one that cannot be reproduced at mid year without a greater effort than was put forth for this one. Let this grade give you a strong reso lution to keep it even if it requires a great deal harder work. Those who did not make good grades should realize the fact that you have not put forth the effort. Those who failed (I hope this number is small) should not let this discourage you but let it act as a goad to force you to .work when you want to be having a good time. Never say: "Prof. didn't trea*. me right. He flunked me when he could have passed me if he had wanted to." Just realize once for all that von have not been making use of your rime, that you are here for work and if you work you will make good and will have no cause whatever for grumbling. THE QUAKER STUDY CLASS. A group whose purpose is to study the history and doctrines of the Society of Friends held (lur ing the month of October three successful and well attended meet ings. A great deal of interest has been shown in tl>(- undertaking not only on the part of the Friends of the College who feel a need to know better the reasons and historical background for their faith, but also on the part of many of other denominations who And in the history of Quakerism much that is worth knowing. The program of the first: meet ing consisted of a discussion by Professors Balderston and Brin ton of the history of the modern Young Friends movement in Eng land and America and the confer ences and other activities in which it has expressed itself. In the second meeting l'rof. Brinton outline 1 the history of the Christian Church from apos tolic times, particularly dwelling 011 the conditions which brought about the Reformation in Ger main- and Puritanism in England, and the history of the religious unrest and many sects of the Com monwealth period, out of which Quakerism arose. In the third meeting Gertrude Cronk took up the life of George Fox, selecting particularly those incidents which throw the most light on his character and the na ture of his message. Prof. Balder ston followed with an account of Fox's Journal and read several in teresting passages in the pic turesque language of the original manuscript. It is the plan for the next meeting to take up several of the most striking characters of the early period. ZATASI AN NOTES Our meeting of Oct. 29 was one of unusual interest. The program was one of the best that we have had, and for this program a large part of the credit should go to our new members. The program con sisted of: Reading—Leacy Hockett. Instrumental Solo—Grace Tay lor. Recitation —Ruth Harding. Query Box—Connie Stout. Recitation—Pauline Outland. Newspaper—Ellen White. THE GUILFORDIAN "Get It at Odell's" Quality First Base Ball, Basket Ball, Tennis, Track and Gym Supplies Sweaters, Jerseys and Athletic Clothing A Specialty. Odell Hardware Company GREENSBORO, N. C. A. L. RIDDICK, College Representative. GUILFORD COLLEGE We want our Alumni, Old Students and friends to help us make a Greater Guilford. We have the material equipments—the social, moral and religious advantages, as well as a Faculty of well qualified and exper ienced teachers The expenses are low. Library, Laboratories, Athletics, Music, Beautiful campus and Homelike surround ings. Ten good Buildings. Call on us. Write for information. Send suggestions. THOMAS NEWLIN, President. It is indeed encouraging to Hie old Zatasians to see the new mem bers perform' their duties in such a cerditable manner. At this meeting also we were de lighted to bear the words of en couragement given by our visitor, Prof. W. E. Moore. Under miscellaneous business, Clara Hinshaw was made an ac tive member and Prof. .Moore an honorary member. Our program for Nov. 5 was splendid, including a very inter esting debate, for which Misses Taylor, Out land and Davis acted as judges. One of the special fea tures of the program was a set of rules and maxims for our society, given by Miss Copeland. We had with us Misses Aver and Edwards, who each gave us some very helpful remarks. We are al ways glad to have any member of the faculty come to visit us; we feel that we are benefitted by their remarks of encouragement or crit icism which ever it mav be. JOS. J. STONE & COMPANY PRINTERS AND BINDERS, Steel Die and Copper Plate Printing. GREENSBORO, N. C. EASTMAN KODAK AND SUPPLIES. Films Promptly Developed. Mail Orders a Specialty. FARISS KLUTZ DRUG CO. WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE Howerton's Drug Store 46 PHONES 47 Guilford Hotel Corner Greensboro, N. C. W. H. FISHER COMPANY Best Line of Engraved Cards, Wedding Announcements, Etc. PRINTING Record Office. Greensboro, N. C. THE ONE ALWAYS APPRECIATED GIFT Flowers In Our Flower Shop You Can At All Times get the Best the Season Affords DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY. WEDDING FLOWERS. VAN LINDLEY COMPANY FLORISTS 115 S. Elm Street. Greensboro, N. C STUDENTS OF TODAY WILL BE THE BUSINESS MEN OF TOMORROW Some will probably locate in High Point, N. C. The best possible Banking facilities are offered by The Commercial National Bank of High Point, N. C. J. ELWOOD COX, President. C. M. HAIJSER, Active Vice-Pres. W. G. BRADSHAW, Vice-President. V. A. J. IDOL, Cashier. A. H. JOHNSON DENTIST. Over Greensboro National Bank. Plione No. 710. DR. L. G. COBLE DENTIST PHONE 601, GREENSBORO, N. C. Greensboro Commercial SGhool 110 West Washington Street, Greensboro, N. C. Bookkeeping, Shorthand and the Business Branches taught the year round. Enter any time. Write for catalogue. Phone 1086.