2 THE GUILFORDIAN GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BOARD Fred H. Morris Editor-in-Chief C. Robt. Mitchell. .Business Manager Prof. W. E. Moore .Censor Prof. J. B. Woosley Alunmi Editor Bessie Guthrie Laura Davis Harrell Budd Ethel Speas Ezra Moore Sarah Richardson Joseph Reddick Mary I. Shamburgei Deborah Brown Clifford Hinsliaw SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI.OO Address all communications to THE GUILFORDIAN, Guilford Col lege, N. C. CALENDAR. Thursday: G. 30, prayer meet ings. Friday: 7.00, Literary societies. Saturday: 8.00, Students' reci tal and Christmas Carol service. Sunday: Religious services. Monday: 7.00, chorus practice. Tuesday: 4.00 p. in., Christmas vacation begins. EDITORIAL. THE PURPOSE OF AN EDITORIAL. The editorial column is usually devoted to a comment on some subject that is of interest to the students. In no case is it used for personal ends—to abuse or criticize any one individual. The various phases of college life that are commented on are not criticized by the editor because he thinks that he is the one best fitted to criticize them, but because he may have noticed them more close ly, and too, he must have some subject upon which to write the required weekly editorial. The things criticized are usual ly those things tnat many are guil ty of and, because they are gener al, the criticisms should never be taken as applicable to any one per son. While it is true that no one should take a criticism as a per sonal cut, every one should weigh the criticism and if it is just, real izeit and act upon it. The edi torial column expresses the opin ions of the editor and should he occasionally make pointed criti cisms they are not meant for per sonal abuse but for helpful criti cism. The letter column is open to all the students and each one is invi ted to express their opinions on any subject of interest here through this column. ALUMNI LETTERS. The editor has been pleased to receive some letters from the Alumni and old students com menting on things of interest to the students. These letters repre- senting, as tliey do, the opinions of persons who are more experi enced and who have more practi cal views than the editor are very valuable. These letters are also valuable because they are of special inter est to the student and Alumni readers; and they are gladly pub lished by the editor. The writers should always designate what por tions of letters they wish publish ed, and whether or not their sig nature should l>3 given. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. "Gleanings F"om Four Years" was the topic which the two Senior girls, Laura Davis and Josephine Coble chose for our Thursday evening Association meeting 011 Dec. 9. First, Josephine Coble told us about some tilings people have done for us, then Laura Davis told us some of the things that people have told us to do. The first speaker called to mind some Freshman experiences when the kind and encouraging words of an upper class-woman, cause 1 her to claim that girl, from that time on, a life long friend. She also cited examples of influence of some of the ladies of the faculty who have by their quiet goodness, integrity, and strength of purpose, caused their influence to be felt more than they could ever realize. She mentioned the fact that we so often do not show our apprecia tion for the good influences about us and concluded her remarks by saying, "it is not the things that we do, girls, hut the things we leave undone that give us a bit of a heartache when our college days are done." The next speaker's part of tin? program consisted of a large col lection of quotations which the leader had gleaned from some of the most forceful speakers we have heard throughout the four years. Each quotation was, in it self, a treasure. Some of them were: "I3e good, do good, make good." "One may live so as to change an evil into an angel." "We have to nay for what we got. We get what we pay for. ff we pay the price for the real thing we get the real thing." "Gumption is the ability to put the grease where the squeak is." "We must all either wear out or rust out. I had rather wear out." ELECTRICAL Contracting in all its branches. High class work. FIXTURES Of distinction. J. B. BOOTH Jr., EleGtrical Engineer PEERLESS CHANDELIER WORKS 315 S. Elm St. Greensboro, N. C. Phone 543 THE GUILFORDIAN "Get It at Odell's" Quality First Base Ball, Basket Ball, Tennis, Track and Gym Supplies Sweaters, Jerseys and Athletic Clothing A Specialty. Odell Hardware Company GREENSBORO, N. C. A. L. RIDDICK, College Representative. GUILFORD COLLEGE We want our Alumni, Old Students and friends to help us make a Greater Guilford. We have the material equipments—the social, moral and religious advantages, as well as a Faculty of well qualified and exper ienced teachers The expenses are low. Library, Laboratories, Athletics, Music, Beautiful campus and Homelike surround ings. Ten good Buildings. Call on us. Write for information. Send suggestions. THOMAS NEWLIN, President. JOS. J. STONE & COMPANY PRINTERS AND BINDERS, Steel Die and Copper Plate Printing. GREENSBORO, N. C. EASTMAN KODAK AND SUPPLIES. Films Promptly Developed. Mail Orders a Specialty. FARISS KLUTZ DRUG CO. WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE Howerton's Drug Store 46 PHONES 47 Guilford Hotel Corner Greensboro, N. C. BERNAU THE POFULAR JEWELER invite you to his store when in Greens boro. Best stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds. First Class Repair Shop. Medals and Class Pins made to order in shop. GREENSBORO, N. C. WE MAKE YOUR PHOTOGRAPS AT GUILFORD, And save you a trip to Greensboro. MOOSE & SON ■Ekaaa BEST Store in Greensboro Thacker & Brockmann carry the best men's SB.OO, $3.50. $4.00 and $5.00 shoes and the ladies' $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes sold in Greens boro. Come and see or ask people who buy all their shoes here, if this is not a correct statement. W. H. FISHER COMPANY Best Line of Engraved Cards, Wedding Announcements, Etc. PRINTING Record Office. Greensboro, N. C. THE ONE ALWAYS APPRECIATED GIFT Flowers In Our Flower Shop You Can At All Times get the Best the Season Affords DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY. WEDDING FLOWERS. VAN LINDLEY COMPANY FLORISTS 115 S. Elm Street. Greensboro, N. C STUDENTS OF TODAY WILL BE THE BUSINESS MEN OF TOMORROW Some will probably locate in High Point, N. C. The best possible Banking facilities are offered by The Commercial National Bank of High Point, N. C. J. ELWOOD COX, President. C. M. HAUSER, Active Vice-Pres. V/. G. BRAD&HAW, Vice-President. V. A. J. IDOL, Cashier. A. H. JOHNSON DENTIST. Over Greensboro National Bank. Phone No. 710. DR. L. G. COBLE DENTIST PHONE 601, GREENSBORO, N. C. Greensboro Commercial SGhool 110 West Washington Street, Greensboro, N. 0. Bookkeeping, Shorthand and the Business Brandies taught the year round. Enter any time. Write for catalogue. Phone 1086.