W P. Reave., M. D. C. R. Reave., M. D. ' REAVES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT INFIRMARY Greensboro, • - North Carolina. C. W. BANNER, M. D. Practice Limited to the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Hours 9 to 1 and 2 to 5. Banner Building Greensboro DR. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST Fisher Building Room 211. Office Phone 29. Residence 22. DR. J. S. BETTS DENTIST Corner Elm and W. Market Sts. Over Greensboro Drug Co. DR. J. W. TAYLOR SPECIALIST IN FITTING GLASSES. Relief or no pay. Examinations Without "Drops." stli Floor Banner Building. Greensboro, N. C. CLIFFORD FRAZIER LAWYER Offices 111 Court Square. Phone 629 Greensboro, N. C. HUFFINE HOTEL GREENSBORO Also Yadkin Hotel Salisbury, N. C. Stonewall Hotel Charlotte, N. C. LaFayette Hotel... Fayetteville, N. C. Leeland Hotel Danville, Va. Wright Hotel Raleigh, N. C. WE MAKE ONLY THE BETTER GRADE PHOTOGRAPHS You are invited to come see us, or our College Represen tative, Mr. Fred Morris. THE EUTSLER STUDIO GREENSBORO, N. C. MORRIS & MOORE GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Agents for DICK'S LAUNDRY Greensboro, N. C. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT OUR MEN'S SUPPLY SHOP IN GREENSBORO. Headwear, Footwear, Neckwear, Underwear, and every other kind of wear for a man to wear. RICKS-DONNELL MEDEARIS CO. Everything in Men's Wear. 502 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. GUILFORD LUMBER CO. BUILDING MATERIAL GREENSBORO, N. C. A NEW FORM OF SOCIAL SERVICE Tf John Buskin, devoted art lover and critic, educator, philan thropist, and social reformer, who departed this life only sixteen years ago, could return, what con trasts would confront hint! On one hand, evidence of hatred on a larger scale than ever, on the oth er, (lie nearest aproach to univer sal brotherhood since the parable of the good Samaritan answered the question, "Who is my neigh bor?" This dream of brotherhood took possession of Buskin, when the death of his father left him in full control of a large fortune. He thus announces his intention to ally himself with practical social ism: '"I simply cannot paint, nor read, nor look at minerals, nor do anything else that I like; and the very light of the morning sky has become hateful to me, because of the misery that I know of, and see signs of, where I know it not, which no imagination can inter pret too bitterly. Therefore 1 will endure it no longer quietly; but henceforward, with any few or many who will help, do my poor best to abate this misery." As it often happens with those who have the courage to strike out on new paths, doing his "poor best" brought upon him ridicule and scorn, but it seems now that he was a pioneer of what the best men in all lands are longing to bring to pass. It: is a hopeful sign, this willingness to share, not material goods only, but things that minister to the higher life. Some one has said that the Phari sees persecuted Christ because of his teaching to the multitude spir itual truths to which they felt ex clusive right. Buskin's love of the beautiful was perhaps his ruling passion; what he felt he could so express as to kindle a like flame in others; in what impressive words he speaks of music; —''Music is the nearest at hand, the most orderly, the most delicate, and the most per fect of all bodily pleasures; it is the only one which equally helpful to all the ages of men—helpful from the nurse's song to her in fant, to the music, unheard of others, which so often haunts the deathbed of pure and innocent spirits." So it may be that the in- Huence of this practical idealist has been a factor in creating a new interest; that of bringing to the children of the tenements the best musical instruction, what THE GUILFORDIAN was once quite out of reach, ex cept for the well-to-do. In this country there are now over forty Settlement Music Schools, owing their existence and support largely to the gifts of wealthy music-lovers. The pupils pay a small fee for their lessons, this arrangement having been found more satisfactory in many respects than when they are en tirely free. The scholars are taught to keep their appoint ments, to be respectful and consid erate. The orchestra is a valuable part of the work, furnishing an incentive to study the various in struments. A boy who received all his training in one of these schools, lias been admitted to the New York Symphony Orchestra. The Settlement Music School idea was first tried out in New York, then in Boston; even in one of the wealthiest suburbs of Bos ton, there is :i sufficient number of foreigners to warrant the found ing of one of these schools; excel lent musical programs are given from time to time by the scholars; at one of these, a young Swedish girl, not long in this country, sang "Holy Night;" she had had little training, but the rich quality of her voice, the natural gift of ex pression, and her evident delight in having a part in such an event, gave more enjoyment Hum a more pretentious singer would have done. It would seem that music has only begun to fulfill its many sided mission, and that in (he fu ture, ;i part from its value as a means of pleasure and education, its high function of promoting peace and good-will among men will be recognised. WISDOM FROM OUR EXCHANGES. We natural so we'll all feel more at home. Wise men make mistakes but fools repeat them. A string of sausage is no better than its worst link. When bored with life, try a lit tle hard work. Take each man's counsel but re serve thy judgment. A man is known by the com pany lie keeps away from. No man has ever lived long enough to get ev-.n with (lie worbl. The most nervous thing, next to a girl, is a bo; next to a girl. A genius is a cracked man, but it is often the crack that lets the light shine through. Every man should be willing (o take a few knocks without regard ing himself as tiu football of fate. J. W. SCOTT & COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Goods Sold to Merchants Only. THOMAS HOWARD CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. GREENSBORO, N. C. HIGH POINT BUGGIES Quaker Quality Durability the First Consideration x Known All Over the South as the Standard of Honest IfjpP' Vehicle Value M. G. NEWELL COMPANY Greensboro Agents. It will pay to see us when in want of anything in the HARDWARE LINE. All kinds Household Goods and Sport ing Goods of all kinds and descrip tions. Let us show you. "We've got the Goods and appreciate your busi ness." GREENSBORO HARDWARE CO. 221 South Elm Street. Phones 457-458. WALLACE'S Home of Kuppenheimer Clothes, Furnishings, Trunks and Leather Goods. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. Stetson Hats Florsheim Shoes 304 South Elm Street. See F. H. Mendenhall, College Rep resentative. WANTED! If a job is what you want write us; we can help you. If help is what you want we have it; no matter what kind, write us; help furnished free. GOB Banner Bldg., Greensboro, N. C. Greensboro Employment Bureau HUNTLEY-STOCKTON-HILL CO. FURNITURE, HOUSEFURNISHINGS AND UNDERTAKERS GREENSBORO, N. C. SPAULDING'S SPORTING GOODS Are standard the world over. You can get what you want from our large stock. WILLS BOOK & STATIONERY CO. Greensboro, N. C. 3