THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME IV. OLD STUDENTS IN RETROSPECT Mrs. Davis Gives Some Interesting Facts and Reminiscences. Dear old Founders Hall! The hearts of many of thy children go out to thee in thankfulness and blessing. Thou who wast the child of strong desire, ardent labor, individual sac rifice and fervent prayer, became the fair (haven, the beckoning friend, the careful mother and the "Jerusalem Temple" of the youth of North Caro lina Yearly Meeting and her admir ing friends. On the first day of Bth Mo. 1837, New Garden Boarding School, now Pounder's Hall, received into her haJlte twenty-five girls and twenty five boye. This number was muc/h increased before ithe end of the term. From the diary of one of the first twenty-ifive girls we learn that she and her brother walked twelve miles from their home near Center on the 31st of 7th mo. in order to be there at tihe opening of school; and on their arrival "supped on light wheat bread, cheese, butter, 'coffee, tea and The dinner the next day was wholesome and well prepared, and at the game time economical enough for our present day war menu. water Several members of the Yearly Meeting's Boarding School Commit tee were present at the opening of the school and remained two or tlhree days to assist in the development of suitable regulations and the system atic running of the institution. Among the ipersonfe w:io visited the Boarding School during the firsit term was Joseph John (jurney, of Eng., Whose services seem to have been mudh appreciated by the young people. He must have enjoyed his surroundings much for he remained some time and said the Boarding School was the prettiest place he had seen in Carolina. Pretty it must have been, nestled in the midsit of the for est of nat'ive trees, oaks and Chest nuts. The iwriter can remember pick ing up chestnuts beneath these same chestnut trees on the campus many years after the founding of the insti tution. Hickory nuts and walnuts were also abunaant. New -arden Boarding School must have been an place for concen tration of thought. No whistle of factories or of engines on rail.-oads, or honking of automobiles, or the fiendish voice of the motorcycle. Only the ,horn of the stately stage-coach as it wended its way from Greens boro to Salisbury along the State highway that led east and west, just south of the school building. The old Yearly Meeting house stood where the southern boundary of the cemetery now is. And here the wounded in the encounter be tween Generals Green and Cornwallis at the battle of Guilford Court House were housed and cared for. (Continued on fourth page) GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., MARCH 13, 1918 mtk '"T 1 -®! ; '-'WM W-K& ' .tlpVwT. • Sr / Ji^3^K r I m j /,m' p rn i *&>>*-' Emm fIH D|fi^ AMERICA'S DEBT TO ENGLAND Dr. Wags faff, of the University, in Interesting Lecture. Dr. Wagstaff, professor of English History at the University of North Carolina, gave a very interesting and instructive lecture in Memorial Hall Saturday evening, March 9th, on "Our Debt to England." The sipeaker first showed how and why we Americans looked upon Eng land with enmity. "This, however," he said, "should not be tlfe case." We have been taught from our text books on history to look upon the Revolutionary War as one of tyran ny vs. virtue. This is natural be cause thus we won our independence. The War of 1812 established this thought of mistreatment more firm ly in the minds of 'the American peo ple. The sipeaker then showed how this distrust of England was kept alive in America by the Emigration from Ire land. The Irish mistrust was caused by the over-lordship of England. England was, however, forced to ex ercise authority in Ireland because Ireland was a stepping stone for England's enemies on the continent. For two generations Irish blood has been mixing with our blood and we have acquired much of Ireland's ill feeling toward England. "Sovereignity of the People" was the idea that Prance claims to have been creator of in 1789. Dr. Wag staff claims England had priority to this claim based upon the revolution of 1688. "The Kingship by the grace of God disappeared and Parliament took control. This was a great step toward the goal of popular sovereign ty." The English colonies naturally (Continued on second page) THE OLI FOUNDERS JUNIOR-SENIOR RECEPTION Juniors Prove Themselves to Be Most Successful Hosts. Wednesday, March 6, was a festive day at Guilford. The very air was pervaded with an indescribable mys tery so tantalizing, yet so fascinating. The Seniors lived over again their Santa Glaus days, ais they saw the many (packages of various shapes and sizes arriving at New Garden Hall, where they were quickly utilized by the busy Juniors. When eight o'clock arrived the Seniors, who had assembled at Foun der's Hall, with anticipation high, and happiness uncontrollable, wend ed their way to New Garden Hall. Uipon a >near aipproaich an attractive light above the door was discernible displaying with intermittent light, the numerals 'lB and 'l9 and the let ters G. C. After passing down the receiving line, composed of the members of the Junior class the guests were present ed with d'ainty favors, tied with black and gold ribbon, containing within the ,program and menu and on the back the name of his or her partner for t'he evening. Then with chatter and laughter the guests drifted to cozy nooks and comfortable chairs placed in the hall, parlors and ver anda. New Garden, on this night, was not only homelike but "was indeed festive, robed in its gala attire. Black and gold ifestoonings, gracetuily hung vines, huge bowls of yellow jonquils and of violets and the shaded lights nmde of the whole a scene of unusual and extraordinary beauty. With this as the setting, a pro gram displaying the enviable talent of some of those who follow the col ors of 'l9, was rendered. (Continued on third page) FORCEFUL MESSAGE FROM PROF. DAVIS The regular Thursday evening prayer meeting was in charge oif Prof. J. P. Davis. The meeting was inspiring to all present. The leader began with some general remarks about .the four Gosipels. Mark is the oldest of the crospels. The other writers based their discourses on Mark's writing. One of the sources of Mark's Gospel was a book con taining the sayings of Jesus. These words of Jesus are of great interest to any one interested in Christianity. But we do not have very many words of Jesus record. If all the verified s'ayings of Jesus that have come down to us today were in one collec tion, they would not make a large pamphlet. Mark is known and dis tinguished as the narrative Gospel. It contains few sayings of Jesus. In delivering the first parable in Mark, Jesus gave some special instruction in regard to the purpose and use of parabolic teaching. Some people have a wrong conception of the rea son Jesus gave for teaching by para bles. Jesus did not go about teach ing to blind the eyes of people to the truth. He came to reveal truth. His teaching was simple. He was such a teacher that the common people could understand him. What he did, he did thru love. Mark emphasizes the fact that Jesus was a teacher. 'He did not teach in mysteries. It is of primary ini/portance to have an understanding df the Bible. Too often the real meaning of the Bible is miscontrued to justify individual conduct. If we would understand the Bible we must often get a deeper insight than gotten from the literal meaning. The Scriptures are often read with such preconceived ideas and notions of their meaning that (Continued on fourth page) NUMBER 21