THE GUILFORDIAN VOLUME V. FRESHMEN WIN INDOOR MEET Annual Event Bouses Much Enthusi- asm and Class Spirit. The third annual indoor track meet was held last Saturday night in the Gym. and proved to be an un qualified success. For the first time this year the classes met each other in friendly but fervent rivalry and class spirit was developed to a de gree hitherto unknown. The feats of the performers were worthy of the vociferous adulation received. Nev er was there 6een such hopping, wob bling, chewing, pushing, pulling and throwing. The events permitted any one who had any kind of a talent whatever to put it on view before the applauding audience. Lip work, arm work, leg work, feet work, all re ceived an equal share of attention. The first event was a throwing contest for girls. The boys were astonished at the speed and accuracy of the throws and the baseball train ing of the participants was much in evidence. Every contestant scored at least one bull's-eye. iLulu Raiford '2l, mound artist for the 'Crimson base ball team, came first with a score of 65, while Nell Carroll, '22, star twirler of the Greys, was second with 55. In the human wheel barrow race which followed there were a good many breakdowns due to tire and engine trouble, while some of the difficulties could be plainly traced to the inexperience of the chauffeurs. Non-skid noses will be used next year. In this event, Raiford, '2l, and B. L. White, '2l, won by a nose while Macon, 'l9, and J. White, 'l9, came in second. In the three-legged race the value of cooperation was demonstrated. It may be true that "united we stand" but the proverb doesn't apply to run ning for "united" a good many fell. The three-legged race for girls was won by Harmon, '2 2, and E. Raiford, '22, with D. Mcßane, '2O, and V. Mc- Bane, '2O, second. In vo, N three legged race for boys G. Mctsane, "22, and Hodgin, '22, came first, and H. Raiford, '2l, and B. L. White, '2l, second. If the girls showed ability at the masculine sport of foot racing the boys showed equal skill in the fem inine art of threading a needle. The girl held the needle while the boye put the thread through or at least at tempted to do so. Here the Seniors proved to have the steadiest hands. K. Smith, 'l9, and J. White, 'l9, coming in first, while D. White, '2O, and D. Mcißane, '2 0, held second place. In the girls' nail driving contest the feminine ability at knocking was amply demonstrated. Esther White '22, succeeded in sinking her three nails into the board first. Ruth Col trane, 'l9, a former champion in this event, would probably have won had not she mistaken her thumb nail for the other nail. As it was she came in a close second. (Continued on fourth page) GUUiFORD COLLEGE, N. 0., NOVEMBER 20, 1918. DR. FEW DELIVERS INSPIRING ADDRESS President of Trinity Creates in Stu dents a Desire to Sacrifice. Dr. W. uP. Few, president of Trin ity College, spoke at Guilford on Thursday evening, November 14, in the interest of the United War Work campaign now being waged. Dr. Few said that there are many important considerations in connec tion with the gifts we are going to make. These funds are to be used to keep up the morale of the army and to make soldiers by first making men. It is the morality back of force that makes force victorious. The United States went into the war in defense of those things that make life worth while. It will be neces sary to keep a million or two of men in France for some time yet and the work henceforth will be more trying on their morality and more than ever are they going to need the help that we can give. The amount of reconstruction needed is beyond our comprehension and no one can face the question of reconstruction in any spirit other than one of aggressive co-operation. Soldiers have had no such care in other wars as in this. The ministry of helpfulness has been carried on right behind the front lines. This has been of the utmost importance both in the interest of war and in the interest of morality. We should consider the opportunity to contrib ute an opportunity to express our gratitued to all the forces that have brought the war to an end. Contri butions should be made as a sort of Thanksgiving offering. We here have done little and have made very few sacrifices. Now is our chance to deny ourselves some genuine and legiti mate pleasure. The heroic self-sac rifice and self immolation of the youth of America deserve our grati tude and thanksgiving. They have given their lives for causes which they justly counted more precious than their lives. They have died that we might live. Belgium's was the first of the great sacrifices that saved humanity. This kind of sacri fice as well as that of our youth should make every one not steeped in selfishness eager to show his grat- (iContinued on fourth page) FOOTBALL SEASON CLOSES. As the new outbreak of influenza and the re-establishment of the quar antine has made it highly improba ble that any more football games can be played, Captain Stafford has discontinued practice and is collect ing all suits and paraphernalia. Man ager Taylor has canceled the Thanks giving game with Virginia Christian College. It is a great disappoint ment to the men that the epidemic has so seriously interfered with the schedule but the practice this fall will be" of much use next season. Basket ball practice has begun in earnest and prospects for a good team are excellent. PHILOMATHEANS ENTERTAIN THE CLAYS "The Southland" Presented in Unique and Artistic Manner. Last Friday night, Nov. 15, record ed a most memorable occasion for the Henry *Clay Literary Society. They had the delightful pleasure of being the guests of their sister Phil omatheans. At 7:30 o'clock the Clays were escorted into the auditorium of Me morial Hall, which was beautifully decorated with luxuriant cedars, where they were most royally enter tained by a unique yet exquisite pro gram of "The Southland" and assur edly, the heart of every Clay was transported into a realm of fantasy and joy. It was a program rendered by the talented Philomatheans whose untiring perseverence makes everything they undertake, a suc cess. It was full of mirth, joy, loy alty, patriotism and love and every Clay wishes to express his grateful appreciation for such splendid enter tainment. The program was as fol lows: 1. The Old South. • 2. An Evening on the Old Planta tion. Scene I.—Neighborhood gossip Scene 2—Mammy's Chil'ens. Song—Sweet Miss Mar> —Neid- linger. Scene 3—Memories. Song—Mammy's Song—Ware. Scene 4—By the moonlight. Every number was so thoroughly appreciated that it would be hard to decide which was the best. Every Clay was the proud pos sessor of a beautiful little program representing a log cabin, on the in side of which was written the pro gram and menu and on the back was writtne the possessor's name and also the name of some popular old Southern home as "Grey Plape," "Collingswood," "Redwood," "Drel incourt," etc. Each name represent ed a family to which each Clay be longed. After the program was ren dered each group assembled and journeyed to the parlors at Pound ers, which were beautifully decora ted in purple and white and with ferns. There they entered Into hearty merry making. The follow ing menu afforded much curiosity and questioning: Ole Plantation Favorite Aunt Chloe's Delight Log Cabin Dainties Missus Relish Rastus Reliable Pickaninny Joy On receiving the dainties, curios ity fled and contentment and appre ciation reigned for "Ole Plantation Favorite" was transformed into chicken salad, "Aunt Chloe's De light" into hot rolls, "Log Cabin Dainties" into delicious sandwiches, "Missus Relish" into stuffed olives, "Rastus Reliable" into coffee, and "Pickaninny Joy" into mints. Of all happy times this reception was the happiest. When at 11 o'clock the guests departed, every Clay knew that his love for the Phil omatheans had increased a hundred fold. GUILFORD MORE THAN DOUBLES QUOTA, United War Work Campaign Inspires Much Sacrificial Giving'. Following Dr. Pew's address last Thursday night a thorough canvas of the student body and faculty was made for funds. The committee con sisted of Kate Smith, Anne Sham burger, Ruth Coltrane, Georgiana Bird, Alma Chilton, Nell Carroll, Hugh Moore, Leslie Barrett, Jim Barnard, Tom Anderson, David White and Clarence Macon. Prof. Brinton acted as faculty manager. The quota assigned Guilford by the state committee was S3OO. After a canvas lasting only a little more than an hour the committee reported pledges amounting to $7 05.00. A good many SIO.OO gifts were receiv ed. The contributions on the whole represented a very real sacrifice on the part of the givers. All those who have not yet paid over their gifts are urged to give the amount to Miss Gainey as soon as possible. No payments later than Dec 10th can be received. SCIENCE CLUIi TAKES A TRIP THRU HYPER-SPACE At the meeting of the Science Club held last Wednesday night, Prof. Brinton discussed the conception of space and the means by which other spaces than the one we know by ex perience can be mathematically con structed. He first showed that dif ferent interpretations of Evelid's parallel postulate led to a variety of geometries and thus introduced the notion of space as curved and not of infinite extent. By comparing a two dimensional and three dimen sional geometry he was able by an alogy to show what was possible in a fourth dimensional geometry. Thus any one could get out of an enclosure in two dimensions by using a third, so a three dimensional enclosure such as a closed room could be gotten "over" in the fourth dimension. He then showed some of the scien tific results secured by a four dimen sional geometry in which time was the fourth dimension. This, togeth er with the demonstrated invariant velocity of light led to a revision in our ideas regarding mass. Mass could no longer be considered a con stant as it was by Newton but as de pendent on relative velocity. The results deduced entirely by mathe matics had been verified by experi ments on the velocities of electrons in vacuum tubes. Among the first evidences to us that the war is over, has been the appearance of several of Guilford's service men, on the campus the past week-end. Sgt. H. N. Williard from Camp Sevier; Paul V. Fitzgerald of the Naval Hospital at Norfolk, and Nigal Marlette of the Aviation corps, now in training in Michigan, have all been present. Guilford gladly wel comes these men back and hopes to have them on her campus as students at an early date. NUMBER 10