4 ALUMNI NOTES. The class of 1919 held its first re union on the campus on tho date of the opening reception when twelve of its thirteen members returned to attest their love and loyalty to their Alma Mater. True to Guilford's principle that her sons and daugh ters shall pass out to enter what ever they have gained here, practi cally all the class are engaged in one service or another. Roger Kiser is principal of the school at Germanton. John White is bookkeeper for Vaughn Grocery Company, Winston- Salem. Kate Smith, the Bryn Mawr schol ar, leaves for Bryn Mawr Septem ber 29tli. Joe White will study at Haver? ford College as the scholar of his class. He leaves September 23rd accompanied by Maud Lassiter, 'lB, Hobart Patterson and Ruth Coble, 'l7. Guilford is to be congratulated that she has so large a delegation at Haverford this year. Clara Blair is doing sixth grade work in the Jamestown school. Georgiana Bird is teacher of first grade in one of the High Point schools. Clarence Macon is pursuing his studies as a graduate student at Hartford Theological Seminary. and Mrs. Hervie Williard are living at Jamestown. Mr. Williard holds a position with the High Point Bank of Commerce. Eula Hockett is teaching at Chad bourne. Gertrude Hobbs is spending the winter at her home here. Ruth Coltrane is teacher of his tory in a state high school near Wilson. A great many alumni and other old students were in attendance at the reception to new students. Some who were present were: Harry Car roll, John B. Woosley, Ira Hinshaw, Ethel Speas, Ed. B. Carrd|l, A. W. Hobbs, Grace Taylor, Era Lasley, Brown Finch, Fred Morris, Henry Beeson, Beatrice Lewallen, Addie Morris, Deborah Brown, Jos. G. Reddick, Clara Worth, Mary EL White, Alma Crutchfielfl, Chester Sutton. THE PRESBYTERIANS DOWN QUAKERS. (Continued from first page) Barnard, capt.; R. T., Taylor; R. Cx., Cox; C., Newlin C.; L. G. C., Shore; L. T., Anderson; L. E. Rol linson; Q, Pullian; P. 8., Stafford; R. H. 8., Rice; L. H. 8., Tremain, R. Substitutions; Raiford, for Pul lian; Tremain, for Barnard; Smith, for Raiford; Johnson, for Smith; E. Mcßane, for Taylor; B. Shore, for Anderson; Pullian, for Tremain. ZATASIAN NOTES. The Zatasians held their first meeting of this year on Friday even ing, Sept. 12. The program was as follows: 1. James Whitcomb Riley the Man, Miss Teague. 2. Riley the Poet, Mis.j Mock. 3. Vocal Solo, Miss Robertson. 4. Reading, "That Old Sweet heart of Mine," Miss White. Each member of the society dis- J. M. Hendrix & Co. The Home of Good Shoes Greensboro, N. C. / WILL MAKE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS SPACE NEXT IS SUE REGARDING THEIR FALL AND WINTER SHOES. MEANWHILE IP YOU WANT SHOES DON'T FAIL TO SEE HENDRIX. JOE TAYLOR & H. RAIFORD Agents for Dick's Laundry "WE DO GENUINE FRENCH DRY CLEANING." DICKS LAUNDRY COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. H. B. Shackelford Co. SMART APPAREL FOR WOMEN AND MISSES COLLEGE GIRLS ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO OUR STORE, 10 PER C ENT. ALLOWED ON PURCHASERS. THE STORE OF COURTEOUS ATTENTION. played a superabundance of pep and enthusiasm and the prospects for good society work this year are indeed encouraging. The society was glad to have so many of the new girls as visitors. The members with great pleasure welcomed into their midst again three old members, Miss Ethel Lindley and Misses Marshall and Edgerton. After a helpful critics report by Miss Speas, a former member, so ciety adjourned. At the meeting on September 19, the question "Resolved that Co-Ed ucation in High Schools Offer More All Round Development than Sepa rate Schools," was hotly debated. Misses Neece and Ward upheld the affirmative while Misses Fallow and Teague defended the negative. The judges decided in favor of the af firmative. A piano solo by Miss Marshall and a reading by Miss Mock completed the program. Misses Hazel Richardson, Nellie Allen, Edith Harrison, Alma Tay lor and Margaret Levering were gladly received as members of the society. SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS. The class of *22 met last Wednes day night to elect the officers for the fall term. The officers elected were: Pres. —Curtis Newlin. V. Pres. —Murray White. Sec.—Ruth Outland. Treas. —Marianna Whf.e Mar.—Hugh White. POMONA TERRA COTTA CO., Pomona, N. C. Manufacturers of Sewer and Drain Pipes, Flue Linings, Hollow Tile. Conduits and other elay products. Annual capacity 2,(MM) car loads. THE GUILFORDIAN Use Your Preference Buy Your Clothing and Furnishings from cither one of our Stores Qfrieensboro—Winstoni-Salem The same standard of quality in both. Special attention to college business FELDER-BRIGGS CO. "Pay Cash—Cash Pays!" Bijou, Isis & ViGtory Virginia-Carolina Amusement Co. Greensboro, N. C. COBLE & ME BANE We give Special Attention to College Footwear. U stand in them. We stand behind them. 220 South Elm St., Greensboro, N.C. HARRELL'S CUTE PHOTO STUDIO Modern Photography Portraits in Blac and White, White and Sepia Post Cards and Ping Pongs Expert Kodak Finishing 222 1-2 South Elm St. STUDENTS OF TODAY Will be the business men ol' tomor row. Some will probably locate in High Point, N. C. The best possi ble banking facilities are offered by THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK of High Point, N. C. J. Elwood Cox, President. C. M. Housee, Acting Vice Pres. J. W. Harris, Vice Pres. V. A. Idol, Cashier. E. B. Steed, Asst. Cashier. C. H. Marriner, Asst. Cashier. S. L. Gilmer & Company READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING SNAPPY STYLES FOR COLLEGE GIRLS. BANKING BY MAIL WITH Greensboro Loan&TrustCo. CAPITAL $227,000.00 RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000.00 Is Safe and Convenient. Accounts Invited. DR. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST Gardner's Drug Store Office Phone 21). Residence 22. THE QUALITY SHOP W. F. FRASER, Manager , THE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR STORE. 222 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. Southern Real Estate Company GREENSBORO, N. C. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance We make a specialty of First Mort gage Real Estate Loans, B per cent, interest guaranteed. W. E. Blair, Treas., H. L. Coble, Sec. S. Fuller Smith, Asst. Treas. T. D. Sharpe, A3st Sec'y. GREENSBORO BOOK CO. 214 S. Elm Street "Everything for the Office" New Fiction, School Supplies, Sta tionery Greensboro, N. 0. Phone 580 HUNT BROTHERS PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating American Radiators & Ideal Boilers GREENSBORO, N. C. Sweater Coat and Athletic Goods of All Kinds. GET IT AT ODELL'S WHERE QUALITY TELLS. ODELL HARDWARE CO. GREENSBORO, N. C. Students and Teachers of Guilford College The New Footwear for men and young women is here. Our Shoes are good and our prices are reason able. You are invited to come and see the new Fall styles. THACKER & BROCKMANN The Rhodes Clothing Co. aoo SOUTH ELM STREET Homo of Hart, Schaffner & Marx EVERYBODY KNOWS RHODES DEMANDS SATISFACTION THE RHODES CLOTHING CO.