PHILOMATHEANS DISCUSS MILITARY TRAINING At the regular meeting on Friday evening, Oct. 31, the Phils debated the following question: "Resolved, That the United States should adopt a policy of compulsory military training in its colleges." The affirmative was upheld by Misses Ethith Macon and Ida Willis Thompson, while the negative was upheld by Misses Ethyle Yenable and Sobelia Williams. The sociei.,, was very proud of the spirit and "pep" that thet debaters showed. Miss Thompson deserves special mention because of her speech in defense of the affirmative. The judges decided in favor of the af firmative. Miss Vera Farlow gave a discus sion on "Who is John J. Pershing and What Has He Done?" The third number given by Miss Mary Dixon was entitled "The Great est Force That Won the War." This was interesting as veil as instruc tive. Miss Dixon showed how much had been accomplished during the war by electricity. The last number, "Selections of the Latest Current Poetry," was given in an interesting way by Miss Myrle Cox. Miss Cox stated that current poetry was of two kinds, that written on Nature and that pertaining to the war. The chairman of the executive committee proposed a plan to run a contest for six weeks. The plan which was adopted after discussion provided that the society should be divided into groups and each group should plan its own programs. After a critic's report by Miss Mariam Mendenhall the society ad journed. MRS. DAVIS LEADS Y. W. C. A. "The Fuller Life" was the sub ject of Mrs. Davis' beautiful and helpful talk to the girls on Thurs day evening last. Holiness of mind and soul is very closely connected with healthfulness of body. Let not the body retard the mind and soul, for they can never rise to the greatest height un less they are supported by a strong, body. Jesus came that we might have fuller and more abundant life, and He wishes us to make our lives full in the truest sense. When He was on earth He cared for the physical life. He healed many who were sick. He cares for the physical that it may co-operate with the spiritual life. A girl who has sound health of body, mind and spirit is of sound judgment, and credits others with purity and good judgment until she is convinced of th v contrary. She will not look down upon one who has not had the advantages which she has, neither will she feel ill at ease in the company of her supe riors—that is, those who are better educated than she. While in college girls should de vote their time to their assigned work, should make friends by show ing themselves friendly, and be true to every trust. Development of the mind makes life fuller in every re spect. Wisdom teaches the best use of what we know. There need be no fear for the future if the mind and heart be pure. Are we true to ourselves, or do we yield to our besetting sin? By yielding we dwarf our lives and souls. Even though we may regret our misused powers, we cannot help the consequence. Let us now, to day, consider the trend of our lives. Let us ask ourselves if the lives we are leading will lead us to the wo manhood we are seeking, or will lead us downward. Bach girl has her own responsibility. She may lay the foundation for a cleaner, more abundant life if she so wills. —• CLAY NOTES. The Clays Met Friday Evening, With Vice-President S. G. Hodgin Despite the fact that many mem bers were absent the Clays had a very good program, including a de bate, "Resolved, That the Federal Government should operate the coal mines." The affirmative was suc cessfully upheld by Messrs. Ham bright, R. C. Williams and Crews, while the negative team consisted of Messrs. Dassiter, J. E. Doughton and Wolff. The rest of the literary program consisted of an extemporaneous solo and debate. Bcrnau THE POPUIiAR JEWELER Invites you to his store when in Greensboro. BEST STOCK OF WATCHES, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS FIRST CLASS REPAIR SHOP. MEDALS AND CLASS PINS MADE TO ORDER IN SHOP. GREENSBORO, N. C. The Parker Paper & Twine Co. WHOLESALE Pioneer in Exclusive Paper and Twine Business in North Carolina W. T. PARKER Sec. & Treas. and Gen. Manager HIGH POINT, N. C. Tomlinson Chair Mfg. Co. Manufacturers of CHAIRS AND FURNITURE Specialty: Complete Dining Suits HIGH POINT, N. C. FOR AUTO SERVICE Day or Night See or call LEE S. SMITH, Guilford College, N. C. GUILFORD BARBER SHOP Special Attention Given College Students Guilford Hotel Building Greensboro, N. C. HOWERTON'S DRUG STORE We invite your patronage 46—PHONES—4 7 Agent Norris Candies Guilford Hotel Corner THE GUILFORDIAN The College Students ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WITH US. OUR LINE OP DRUGS, CANDLES, TOILET ARTICLES AND SODAS ARE COMPLETE. Ralph J. Sykes' Drug Store :JSO SOUTH ELM ST. NEAR DEPOT BOOKKEEPING AND COMMERCIAL COURSES THOROUGHLY TAUGHT. ENTER ANY TIME. SCHOOL YEAR ROUND. Greensboro Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C. YOUNG MAN! Get the saving habit. Th 6 way to begin is to fix things so that you MUST save. We can show you how to do that, and at the same time, how to per petuate your income—or part of it—in case you die while you are saving. We can show you how to insure against the uncertainties of life as well as the certainty of death. The cost is low. You are young. The Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia Fourth and Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia, Penna. Member of Federal Reserve System FREE EDUCATIONAL COURSE In Life I nsurance Salesmanship is given to the new agents oi the Southern Life and Trust Company. Splendid opportunity (or young college men. SOUTHERN LIFE AND TRUST CO. GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA A. W. McAlister, Pres. A. M. Scales, 2nd Vice-Pres. R. G. Vaughn, Ist Vice-Pres. R. J. Mebane, 3rd Vice-Pres. " Arthur Watt, Secretary and Actuary Greensboro Hardware Co. i EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE OUR STORE WELCOMES YOU 221 SOUTH ELM ST. THOMAS HOWARD CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Durham, N. C. Greenville, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Columbia, S. C. and Greensboro, N. C. W. P. Reaves,M.D. C„ R. Reaves,M.D. S. G. Reaves, M. D. REAVES' EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT INFIRMARY Greensboro, North Carolina !lii ftgg!™! . ■ Jl i -J■ i We Make Only the Rettcr Grade Photographs. GONVILLE de Ovies Portraitist EUTSLER STUDIO, Greensboro, N.C. POMONA TERRA COTTA CO., Pomona, N. C. Manufacturers of Sewer and Drain Pipes, Flue Linings, Hollow Tile. Conduits and other clay products. Annual capacity 2,000 car loads. J. E. LATHAM Real Estate GREENSBORO, N. C. EASTMAN KODAK AND SUPPLIES FILMS PROMPTLY DEVELOPED Mail Orders a Specialty. FA RISS-KLUTZ DRUG COMPANY Greensboro, N. O. DR. L. G. COBLE DENTIST Phone 001 Greensboro, N. G David White, President. J. Ay. Brawley, V.-Pres. &, Treas. R. W. Harrison, Sec. & Atty. The Real Estate & Trust Co. We buy and sell Real Estate, Negoti ate Real Estate Loans and write all kinds of Insurance S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. Jos. J. Stone & Company PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS AND BINDERS Office Equipment and Supplies GREENSBORO, N. C. Lewis & Andrews MILLINERY lO Per Cent Discount to College Girls 108 W. WASHINGTON ST. GREENSBORO, N. C. 3