4 WEBSTERIANS ELECT AND INSXALL OFFICERS The question of whether the gov ernor of North Carolina should be given the veto power was ably de bated on the affirmative side by Dabney White and Ogburn Staf ford, and on the negative by Charles Summers and John Dorsett Friday night. The negative side was suc cessful in this debate. The Websterians were glad to have as visitors two old members, Professor J. B. Woosley, of the Jamestown High School, and Hervie Williard, who now has a position in the Commercial National Bank of High Point. Both of these gentle men made very good talks to the so ciety. Mr. Woosley, who it will be remembered by old Guilfordians gave up his position as head of the History and Economics department here at Guilford in tthe spring of 1917 to go to an officers' training camp, where he was commissioned lieutenant, assigned to the 81st di vision, with whom he went overseas and gained a citation for bravery, made an especially interesting talk to the members ot nis old society. Mr. Shore also visited the society and made quite an interesting talk. Under the head of reception of mem bers Messrs. Kinney, Nutting and Odom were initiated. The following officers were elected and installed: President, David J. White; secretary, Lindley Tremaine; marshal, Raymond Stafford. CLAYS DEBATE THE PLUMB PLAN At the regular meeting on Friday, Nov. 14, the Clays held a lively dis cussion of the Plumb Plan. The affirmative was upheld by Messrs. Tayldr, Farlow and Merrimon, while Wolff, Woody and Nichols de bated negatively. All on the program are new men with one exception. This is the sec ond appearance of some of the new men on the program and improve ment is already quite noticeable in some. The second number on >the pro gram was a declamation excellently delivered by Mr. Everett Hollady. Such forms of literary work add much to the success of the program as well as to those striving for liter ary development. The society was pleased to have as a visitor for the evening Mr. Rush, who is at present a student in our local high school. CABINET GIRLS ATTEND RALLY (Continued from first page.) a wonderful pipe organ recital by Dean Shirley and vesper services, where Dr. Rondthaler spoke to us on the subject, "The Influence of a Christian Life." To say that the Salem Y. W. C. A. rally was a success is a mild way to give expression to the real condi tions. It was a wonderful idea and one we hope will be extended and enlarged. Those representing Guilford Col lege were Misses Frances Moore, Alma Chilton, Frances Bulla, Annie Brown, Florence Martin and Madge Coble. J. M. Hendrix & Co. The Home of Good Shoes Greensboro, N. C. WILL MAKE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS SPACE NEXT IS SUE REGARDING THEIR FALL AND WINTER SHOES. MEANWHILE IF YOU WANT SHOES DON'T FAIL TO SEE HENDRIX. JOE TAYLOR & H. RAIFORD Agents for Dick's Laundry "WE DO GENUINE FRENCH DRY CLEANING." DICKS LAUNDRY COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. F. B. Shackelford Co. SMART APPAREL FOR WOMEN AND MISSES COLLEGE GIRLS ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO OUR STORE, 10 PER CENT. ALLOWED ON PURCHASERS. THE STORE OF COURTEOUS ATTENTION. Guilford College YOUR OLD COLLEGE With its simplicity, thoroughness and no shams, becomes to-day OUR NEW COLLEGE With the growing opportunities an d enlarged student body and teeming new life. OLD STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Have established precedents and seated an atmosphere into which NEW STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Enter and by which they are guided and refreshed and to which they add their contributions towards perfection. OLD AND NEW We labor together and look forward to that perfect day for OUR GUILFORD. FAST BASEBALL GAME ON HOBBS FIELD (Continued from first page.) for the Juniors and Seniors. Much "pep" and enthusiasm was manifest ed throughout the game. The line up was as follows: Juniors-Seniors. Soph-Freshman Mary Dixon. ... p Nell Carroll Ruth McCullom. . c. . .Edith Mason Lulu Raiford. . s. s. . . .K. Harmon Donna Mcßane. . lb.. .Edna Raiford Do vie Hay worth 2 b.. Florence Cox Vanner Reece...3b M. White Alta Zachary. . . .rf C. Raiford Vera Mcßane... 1f... .Vera Farlow Anna Henley.. cf.... Ruth Outham Myrtle Cox. ..2 s.s.. .Ewrie Teague Umpires: Miss Edwards and Pro | fessor Pancoast. Bernau THE POPULAR JEWELER Invites you to his store when in Greensboro. BEST STOCK OF WATCHES, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS FIRST CLASS REPAIR SHOP. MEDALS AND CLASS PINS MADE TO ORDER IN SHOP. GREENSBORO, N. C. i THE GUILFORDIAN ELLIS-STONE & CO. Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear. College Students Given Special Attention Use Your Preference Buy Your Clothing and Furnishings from either one of our Stores Greensboro—Winston-Salem The same standard of quality in bath. Special attention to college business FELDER-BRIGGS CO. "Pay Cash—Cash Pays!" Bijou, Fsis & ViGtory Virginia-Carolina Amusement Co. Greensboro, N. C. COBLE & MEBANK We give Special Attention to College Footwear. U stand In them. We stand behind them. 220 South Elm St., Greensboro, N.C. DR. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST Gardner's Drug Store Office Phone 29. Residence 22. S. L. Gilmer & Company READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING SNAPPY STYLES FOR COLLEGE GIRLS. BANKING BY MAIL WITH Greensboro Loan&TrustCo. CAPITAL $227,000.00 RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000.00 Is Safe and Convenient. Accounts Invited. HARRELL'S CUTE PHOTO STUDIO Modern Photography Portraits in Black and White, White and Sepia Post Cards and Ping Pongs Expert Kodak Finishing 222 1-2 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N.C. THE QUALITY SHOP W. F. FRASER, Manager THE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR STORE. 222 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. Southern Real Estate Company GREENSBORO, N. C. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance We make a specialty of First Mort gage Real Estate Loans, 6 per cent, interest guaranteed. W. E. Blair, Treas., H. L. Coble, Sec. S. Fuller Smith, Asst. Treas. T. D. Sharpe, Asst Sec'y. GREENSBORQ BOOK CO. 214 S. Elm Street "Everything for the Office" New Fiction, School Supplies, Sta tionery Greensboro, N. C. Phone 589 HUNT BROTHERS PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating American Radiators & Ideal Boilers GREENSBORO, N. C. Sweater Coat and Athletic Goods of All Kinds. GET IT AT ODELL'S WHERE QUALITY TELLS. ODELL HARDWARE CO. GREENSBORO, N. 0. Students and Teachers of Guilford College The New Footwear for men and young women is here. Our Shoes are good and our prices are reason able. You are invited to come and see the new Fall styles. THACKER & BROCKMANN The Rhodes Clothing Co. 300 SOUTH ELM STREET Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx EVERYBODY KNOWS RHODES DEMANDS SATISFACTION THE RHODES CLOTHING CO.