2 THE GUILFORDIAN GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY EDITORIAL BOARD Donna A. Mcßane. . . Editor-in-Chief David J. White. .Business Manager Gladsone Hodgin Secretary Mark Balderston. . . Faculty Advisor Mark C. Mills Faculty Advisor Alma T. Edwards . . .Alumni Editor Associate Editors Florence Martin Norman Fox Dovie Hayworth Shields Cameron Genevieve Lindley Algie I. Newlin Katherine Campbell Arthur Lineberry Madge Coble Address all Communcations to THE GUILFORDIAN Guilford College, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRJCE SI.OO PER YEAR. Entered at the postoffico in Guil ford College, N. C., as second-class mail matter. N. B.—Those desiring additional copies of the paper may secure them for the sum of 10 cents per copy. CALENDAR. Wednesday, 6:30 Freshman class meeting. Thursday, 6:30 —Christian Asso ciation meetings. Basket Ball game Guilford vs. Carolina at Greensboro Y. M. C. A. Friday, 7:3o—Litearary Societies. Saturday—Basket Ball, Guilford vs. Greensboro Y. M. C. A. at Greens boro. Sunday—Regular services. Monday 9 a. m.—Mid-year exami nations begin. RESOLUTIONS. Nineteen hundred and nineteen has passed into history. We have turn ed our back to the old year with its defeats and its victories, and are entering a new year with its re sponsibilities and rewards and .the question of how I am going to use x this year should be seriously con sidered by each one of us. The new year is the occasion for many and varied good resolutions. Doubtless almost everyone started the year 1920 with a secret resolve to do something better than ever be fore. A great many will at least make a worthy effort to live up to their good resolves, while others, alas, forget them all too soon. There is at least one resolution which every college student should make, and that is to get the most possible out of his life in school. We would do well to pause a mo ment for a bit of self analysis—did we do anything during the past year which should have been different? Did we shirk a duty and waste our time loafing when we should have been at work? Did we mope and sulk because we could: not be the most important person on the cam pus? Did we get "sore" because somebody resented our "freshness?" Did we obtain something by some underhand method? If we have been guilty of any of these things—if we have been overcome by any petty temptation, let us earnestly resolve to take control of ourselves and set our mark toward really high and noble achievements. We can open the ne~w year with no better resolve than that we will throw ourselves into every good thing, whether we work or play, with a zest and enthusiasm which' spells W-I-N. And finally let us resolve to live up to that resolution I to' make each day as it comes the best. SCHEDULE OF RECITATIONS. Spring Term 1920. B:2o—Education, M.W.; French I (Sec. 1), T. W. Th. P.; House Fur nishing, W. F.; Household Manage ment, T. Th.; Solid Geometry (Sec. 1), M. W. F.; Trigonometry, T. Th.; Physics I, T. Th. F.; Electric Waves, M. W.; Chemistry IV, M. W.; Eco nomics, T. Th. F.; Ancient History, M. T. W. Th. F. 9:3o—Bible School Training, M. W. F.; History 11, M. W. F.; Eng lish II (Sec. 1), T. Th.; French 11, M. W.; French 111, T. Th. F.; Ger man 11, M. W. F.; Descriptive Geom etry, T. Th. (Sec. 3:10); Rural Problems, M. W. F.; Plane Geome try, M. T. W. Th. F. 10:25—English VII, M. W. F.; English II (Sec. 2), T. Th.; Greek I, M. T. W. Th.; Solid Geometry (Sec. 2), M. W. F.; Trigonometry (Sec. 2), T. Th.; Elementary Cook ery, M.; Physics 11, T. Th. F.; Ele mentary Bible, M. W. F.; Primary Latin, M. T. W. Th. F. 11:20—Education, T. Th. F.; Logic, M. W.; Chemistry I, M. W.; English I (Sec. 1), M. T. Th. F.; French I, M. T. Th. F.; History IV, T. Th. F.; Caesar, M. T. W. Th. F.; English A, M. T. W. Th. F. I^3o—Biology 11, M. F.; Biology I, T. Th.; English I (Sec. 2) M. T. Th. F.; French A (Sec. 1), M. T. Th. F.; German A, M. T. Th. F.; Latin Composition, M.; Tacitus, T. Th. F.; Mathematics 11, M. T. Th. F.; Eng lish B, M. T. W. Th. F.; Virgil, M. T. W. Th. F.; Chemistry A, M. T. Th. F. 2:2o—Biblical Literature, M. T. Th. F.; Church History, M. T. Th. F.; French A (Sec. 2), M. T. Th. F.; Latin IV, M. T. Th. F.; English C, M. T. W. Th. F. 3:10 —Chemistry 11, M.; French A (Sec. 3), M. T. Th. F.; German I, M. T. Th. F.; Calculus, M. T. W. Th.; Descriptive Geometry, F.; W. 1. Anderson & Co. NORTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST DEALERS IN FRUITS & PRODUCE Wholesale Only GREENSBORO, N. C. SPAULDING'S SPORTING GOODS Are Standard the World Over. You can get what yon want from our large stock. WILLS BOOK & STATIONERY CO. GREENSBORO, N. C. THE GUILFORDIAN American Diplomacy, M. T. Th.; Al gebra A, M. T. W. Th. F.; Algebra B, M. T. Th. F. Laboratory Periods —Chemistry I (Sec. 1), 9:30-12:15, T. Th.; (sec. 2), 10:25-12:15, M. W. F.; Chemis try A (Sec. 1), 1:30-4:00, W.; (Sec. 2) 9:30-12:15, S. Biology I, 1:30- 4:00 W,9:30-12:15 S; Physics I, 1:30-4:00 W, 9:30-12:15, S; Biolo gy VII, 9:30-11:20, M. W. F. Ele mentary Cookery, 9:30-11:20, W. F.; Experimental Cookery, 9:30- 11:20, T. Th.; Housework, 2:20- 4:00, M.; Advanced Cookery, 2:20- 4:00, T. Th. To be scheduled, Geology. THOMAS WAKEFIELD Tho Students Friend Everything good to eat. Cold drinks all the time. Opp. Guilford Depot FOR AUTO SERVICE Day or Night See or call LEE S. SMITH, Guilford College, N. C. V. Wallace & Sons THE HOME OF B. Kuppenheimer Quality Clothing and Overcoats Boyden Shoes, Bates-Street Shirts Stetson Hats Interwoven Guaranteed Socks "Two Bit" Collars for 20c to College Boys THE ARCADE BARBER SHOP East Sycamore Street UP-TO-DATE SERVICE The Patterson Company WHOLESALE GROCERS GREENSBORO, N. C. FIELD SEEDS FEED FLOUR Greensboro MusiG Company "Everything Musical" PIANOS,* VICTROLAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC PHONE 438 STUDENTS OF TODAY Will be the business men of tomor row. Some will probably locate in High Point, N. C. The best possi ble banking facilities are offered by THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK of High Point, N. C. J. Elwood Cox, President. C. M. Hauser, Acting Vice Pres. J. W. Harriss, Vice President. V. A. J. Idol, Cashier. E. B. Steed, Asst. Cashier. C. H. Marriner, Asst. Cashier. DR. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Phone 793, Residence 1399 Opposite Meyer's, N. C. Vanstory Clothing Co. MODERN CLOTHING GREENSBORO, N. C. J. W. SGOtt & Company GREENSBORO, N. C. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Goods Sold to Merchants Only W. H. FISHER CO. BEST LINE OP ENGRAVED CARDS WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC PRINTING FREE "PITS" IN Fashion Park Clothes for Young Men Who Care Edwin Clapp and Howard & Foster Footwear Nifty Furnishings Donnell & Medearis, InG. The Young Man's Shop Wash Yourself Free in Our Shower DR. J. S. BETTS DENTIST Coiner Elm and West Market Streets over Greensboro Drug Co. The Broadway Cafe GREENSBORO, N. C. Opposite the Postoftice Special arrangements for the stu dents of Guilford College. Excellent service. W. F. HAYWORTH JEWELER Opp. Court House Greensboro, N. C. It's Quality and Service That Counts ~ THE IIEKNESSEE CAFE" C. C. SHOFFNER, Prop. THE HOME OF GOOD COOKING We have a rest room furnished ex clusively for ladies. You are always welcome to our Cafe. I. ISAACSON 208 S. Elm St. Men and Young Men's Clothing We Cater for the College Boys. Full Line of Gents Furnishings and Shoes BROWN-LYNDON SHOE CO. 114 W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Jas. A. Banister and Regal Shoes For Young Men. CLEPHEUS STANFIELD "The College Barber" New North Section Cox Hall