Page 4 CAVERLY DECISION BE BATED BY WEBS ID JOIN I he Wehslerian program for riday evening, the >rd. centered . round the most enthusiastic de ate held in the Wehslerian hall this year. I he querv was. Resolv ed that Judge Caverlv was justili ed in his decision in the Frank's t under case. John (iude and Gil mer Sparger upheld the aftirma hile i'.rnest Macon and Nereus English handled the negative : ud won the decision of the judges. Ronnie Russell then entertained the soviet\ with one of I'.dgar \. ■ nest - poems. Rlton W arrick ended the program with campus news which was very humorous. I lie society was glad to welcome the following men into its mem bership: Walter Robertson. Royd '-lev. Sam Strader. Raul Swan -on. \lvles llavncs. W. C. Reeve. W iliner Steele. Rw iglit Matthews. Hugh R. (aroper. and \rthur (Car penter. \fter which Joseph Reele, Addison Smith. Wendell Cude and Finest Cude. all former W eb sterians made helpful remarks. ZAYS TURN TO SOUTH FOR NOVEL PROGRAM i lie spirit ol the Southland per- | vaded the /atasian hall Fridav ev- i cning at the regular meeting of the society. As a fitting background for this type ol program. Harriet Pringle read three short "Lvries from Cot ton-land written in negro dialect. following this number, Beulah t Allen read an interesting selection I troin Fmma Sampson's "The . Shorn Lamb'" which added much I to the theme ol the evenings pro- t g ram. I la/el Coltrane and Xulia i A o 111 as Ink Mottle, an old lie- ; -ro mamy. and "Chocolate i drop her son. enacted some ven | iever and original joke- on vuri- i mis societ\ members. Tin 1 concluding number of the :' program, "Black Notes," was giv- : in by Geneva Ilighfill. Ola Nick olson. Katie I.amheth. and Olive i ( row. in negro c ostume. This I number was composed ot a series ot jokes, old plantation love I songs, and comic acting. f To Our Readers: We take -pare in this first issue of Ihe Guilfordian for the -ehool year to all your attention to our advertisers, the manager ha- tried to till the advertising space with the advertisements of reputable concerns, and we believe a careful perusal of our ad vertising columns will bear out the statement that everv con cm represented i- reli able and a leader in its line. \\ e w i-h to call the attention of our readers, ande-peciallv the the fact that The Guilfordian is made possible onlv through the adver tising patronage we receive. The merchants advertising in The Guilfordian should act value received for everv dollar they invest in advertising in our columns. Thev will do this it everv reader will make it a point to look up these firms when buvimr in their line. Our advertisers are among the oldest and most reliable firms in the citv and when you patronize them you are assured of a square deal and courteous treat ment. Show them your appreciation, fell it to them bv patronage. The Business Manager CLAYS DEBAIE PUHT BILL V RECEIVED TEN NEW MEN Ihe Henry Clay literary societv 1 conducted a lively debate Friday on the subject. Resolved, that the I citizens ol North Carolina should vest in the General Assembly a power to create a hoard of water and railway commission accord ing to the recommendations laid down by the Roil and Water Com mission ot North Carolina. I lie afiirmative speakers. James Bar ' bee and llarvey Dinkins, were not j able to put up an argument that would stand before the attacks of Ray inond I homas and Hlison While, ol the negative. But the debate had the lire and pep that make- debating worth while. \t the close ol the debate John Rev- I nobis gave an oration enumerating the many points in North Caroli na s lavor which go to make her a good slate in which to live. John Cannon. \ll red Lindlev and Joe Houghton, all ex-Clays were present and made short speeches of interest to the societv . len new students were admitted into the society. I liev were: Sam Keen. Jr.. Ira G. New I in. Walter 0. Beck. Rudolph Snvdcr. W . W al ido William-. Glenn Boose. Raul | Reynolds. G. Curtis Smithdeal. ()r -j1 in Newliil and Richard Reele. PHILS I URN TO POLITICS FOR SOCIETY PROGRAM (An account of the pending na tional election the program prov ed to be one of interest and en tertainnnicnl. Sal lie l'ierson in lormed the society of the import ant points in the Republican plat form. while l.alali Cox told of those in the Democratic platform. \nnie Wagoner gave an article called "Women in Politics." \s a diversion I torn the serious part ol the program Edith llollovvcll played a piano solo. "The Flatter er. by Chaminado. flic spice of j he evenimg wa- I'm ni.-hed from j "Newspaper (.'lipping-.'' b\ \ir i u'inia (Tallowa\. j Iw o more new members were t received and welcomed into the society. \liss Era Laslev, as an old Rhilomathean and v isitor, gave j the societv helpful advicea mid 1 lav orable crit ii i-ni. THE GI I I. [ OI!I) I A \ E. F. CRAVEN "i lie Road Machine Man" Greensboro, N. C. Dl!. C. C. POINDEXTER DEMIST .'!() IJefferson Standard Bldg. Greensboro. \. (!. DR. EDGAR T. SIKES DKNTAI. SI lU.KON Suite .11 I Jeflerson Standard Bldii'. GREENSBORO. \. C. REEVES' EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT INFIRMARY Phone 30 Greensboro, N. C. 'McGLAMERY AUTO CO. Ford Lincoln Fordson Greensboro, N. C. See NICK MEBANE and get L 0 per cent Discount on your next pair ol shoc> Nick Mebane Shoe Store 111 \\ . Market Si. (Ire* usboro, \. ( Aon will find here even article usual I v carried in A MODERN BOOK STORE Wills Book & Stationery Co. Greensboro. \. C. Broadway Cafe Sl udents I leadipiarters ()|i|K.~il( Post Office C.KEENSBOKO, NORTH \ROI.IN\ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *fHD* ♦ u r, v ♦ : 4- , J : : : \ W : x : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4- : A COMPLETE LINE OF SPORTING I GOODS AND COLLEGE SWEATERS I Odell's ♦ X Incorporated t GREENSEORO, NORTH CAROLINA ♦ "Where Quality Tells" ®BRB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ■ H ■ ; National Underwear for £ ; Men and Boys g Ribbed and Athletic Styles which have every ] ■ . wear-resisting and comfort-giving feature . 1 : P. H. HANES KNITTING CO. | I Winston-Salem, N. C. ; BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| I RENT A NEW LORD I)RI\E IT YOI'RSELF U DRIVE IT CO. EAST MARKET STREET RHONE ;!65:J t III■!! llEtraraot^JiiaMM^ X HOME lit II.DINi; HOME J'l \NNINC * X HOME DEN EI.OPINO HOME! FINANi iI.NO X A. K. MOORE REALTY COMPANY X N. K. \, I'res. J. ||. > ec .-Treas. X ♦ 116 NY. Market St. P. . Eilgerton. Salesman I'hone 511 HENRY F. TEV/ NCENT Mil! DICK'S LAUNDRY COMPANY "WE III) OENIINE EUENiII DUN tI.ENNINO" We handle Lime. ( einenl. Pla-ter. Paints Electric I'ixtnres and General Hardware GUILFORD HARDWARE j Phone 27~> ~>2! South Elm Street j WHITE REALTY CO. \\ Ijiin ami -l! lo al I.slate, nejznliale Ileal F.-lal- Loans and write X all kinds of insurance * L: I' JSIoi LI I:L\I STKKKT - CUEKNSHORO, \. L. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ** Carolina Engraving Co. SOI I \I. \NI) I OMMEItt IM. ENCIi N\ I N; I'll North Elm Si reel. (Ireenslmro, Y 1 • SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE COMPANY GREKNSIIORO. NORTH C NROEI\ \ REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSI'ItANCE V*. 1.. Blair. Treas. If. !.. I oble, Sec. s. fuller Smith, .Wi. Treas. T. I). Sliarpe, \--t. See. J SAY IT WITH FLOWERS! ♦ t See E. M. Macon, Agent ♦ ► VAN LINDLEY COMPANY X ► (iREENSRORO PIIOM; 129 HIGH POINT X V ♦ * BERNAU— The Popular Jeweler Invites you to his store ichen in Creensboro. Best stock of Hatches, jewelry, silver ware and diamonds. I'irst elass repair shop. Medals and class pins made to order in shop. Classes fitted.