THE GUILFORDIAN VOL. XII DEACONS TRIUMPH OVER THE FIGHTING QUAKERS IN ANNUAL GRID RATTLE Robertson Stars for Guilford Reserves do Excellent Work The Fighting Quakers went down in defeat before the superior Wake Forest team Friday afternoon to the tune of 25 to 0. The game was slow and rather uninteresting. The weather which was ominous in its low-ranging clouds, with a drizzling rain, robbed the two teams of their usual fight and punch. Both captains started their first teams, which played thruout most of the first half. During the second half, the second teams were run in. Guil ford seemed to have a slight edge on Wake Forest with the line-ups thus changed, holding the Deacons scoreless until they ran in more first string men. The Guilford line did not pack the punch it has had in former games this season, the Baptists going thru almost at will. This Weakening can probably be attributed to Captain War rick's absence, however, who was playing in the backfield, in Kimrey's position, the plucky quarterback being out with a sprained wrist. The Deacons' aerial game netted them 60 yards in three passes. Most of the Wake Forest gains were made thru the line, however. The Guilford team showed up best in the shadow of their own goal, some of their old-time pep being in evidence. Time after time they turned Wake Forest back when a touchdown seemed inevitable. (Continued on page 4.) "Y" CONVENTION AT DUKE DISCUSSES WORLD COURT Four representatives of the Guil ford College Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., Ruth McCollum, Ruth Lane, Earl Henly and Sydney Winslow, attended the World Court Conference that was held at Duke University, from last Friday till Monday. They met with a group of something near a hundred student representatives called together under the auspices of the Christian Associations of America. This meeting was similar to the ones that are being held or have been held in each state. It is the purpose of the Christian Association to develope interest in the World Court among the students of the United States and later it will hold an election among college students to ascertain their attitude toward the World Court. Should they favor the United States entering the court, a petition will be sent to Congress urg ing such action. Elbert Russell, who has made several lectures here and who will be here for some days yet, gave two lectures before the meeting. His lec ture on the "Growing Unity of the World" was heartily received. Some other speakers were Roy Beach, from the National Headquarters of Chris tian Associations and Kirby Page, an author of note. Mr. Beach had only recently returned from Europe and he spoke in a convincing way from first hand information of the conditions over there. THOMPSON ZfICH.'.RY HERE Thompson Zachary, Senator left hander, was a visitor on the campus Sunday afternoon. He spent some time visiting his sister, Hazel Zachary, and friends and acquaintances here. Of course the main topic of conversa tion was concerning the outcome of the last World's Series in baseball. Mr. Zachary has been at his home, near Graham, since the close of the baseball season. He is planning to spend the winter there and return to his position with the Senators next spring. ELBERT RUSSELL DIS CUSSES CHRISTIANITY IN THE EAST Says Easterners Judge Us By Our Own Standards. Dr. Elbert Russell, eminent Quaker educator, gave three lectures before the student body dealing with questions of international christian relations and the attitude of the non-christian world toward Christianity. His first speech was given at chapel Thursday morning. The subject was the attitude of the peoples of the Near East toward Christianity. The people of the Near East do not see in Christianity any advantage over their present religion. Christians and christian nations conduct themsleves in such a paradoxical manner to their teachings the people feel that they can not rely on the sincerety of Christians. The concept that they get of a Chris tian influence leads to a belief in war, heartless commercialism and unprinci pled force. They see the greatest christ ian nations at war with others in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Bible which are accepted in spirit by these unchristianized Easterners. Gand hi himself says that he owes much to the teachings of a Quaker missionary that he met in Africa. He believes in the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount, but he does not call himself a Christian because he does not sanc tion the practices of the christian nations. Some people say that the Christianity of the Sermon on the Mount is im practicable. If we believe it is im pracicable and do not have faith enough to trust the word of Jesus, how can (Continued on page 2.) DOCTOR BHD TELLS THE VALUES OF CHAPEL "What would you think of a family like this?" Was Doctor Binford's question, put to the students in chapel, Wednesday morning. "The father gets up at five o'clock and gets away to business; the children get up at seven o'clock and get away to school; the mother gets up at eight o'clock and eats breakfast. Father and the children do not come home for lunch; the mother goes out to an afternoon tea and doesn't come home to supper; the children come home and eat an early supper and go to a movie; the father come home again at seven o'clock and finds all gone." After discussing a family of this type, the speaker likened it to a col lege that attempts to run without a ciiapel period during the day in which to come together and associate to gether for at least a short while. His address was in the form of a justifica tion of having a chapel hour service. SENIORS ENTERTAINED AT BEENS' HALLOWE'EN PARTY Senior dignity was cast to the winds Thursday night and the class of twenty-six hied to the home of Misses Mattie and Edna Been, costumed in ginghan dresses and overalls. The purpose of the occasion was to have a genuine old time Halloween social. Contrasted against the everyday "Grind of Duty" it Was a season that dispelled "wrinkled care,, and brought lo life tlie spirits that has been sleep ing since last Halloween when the whole student body spent a carefree evening by a bonfire down west of the college in Ballinger's pasture. Various games were played, fortunes were told, and contests of divers sorts were car ried on that contributed wholesome merriment to the program. Due to the fact that a lecture had been scheduled before the hour for the party to com mence, the established "sober and sensible" hour of ten, for ending all social affairs, was disregarded, at the suggestion of Doctor Binford. GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C.,NOVEMBER 4, 1925 GUILFORD STUDENTS MAKE TRIP TO LAND OF GHOSTS By Alice Hazard At eight o'clock the spooks and goblins rang the bell which called us to their frolic. However, for some time before we had heard them moaning and screeching in the trees and vari ous parts of the campus. We met in Founders Hall and never recognized our friends. The place was of a different world. There were ghosts, which silently wandered in our midst, spirits of Hallowe'en, peoples of different nations, ladies of the bygone ages, and George and Martha Wash ington came also to view the festival. After wandering about and becoming acquainted with these new friends, we were called to parade before the judges, who would choose the prize costumes. Several people were chosen to stand in line in the faculty parlor for the judges last look, then We were instructed to absolute silence while we followed our leader. Once outside the building we saw that some of the witches moaning was due to a crowd of small boys. It was, of course, impossible to maintain absolute silence, but we followed down the main walk, across the campus by Memorial Hall and then out into the Coble Road. The moon-light seemed to defy spooks, but soon our fears, which had been allayed, again were aroused as we were led up into the woods. Here we went single file, through scrubs and briars. Some of the party were sorely perplexed by a fence which seemed to encompass them. Silently across the wood we wander ed, then we found ourselves warned by some awfull-looking men to be still, on penalty of our lives. Their warning was unnecessary, for we could not speak, when the moon revealed to us, the grave-yard, that popular haunt, which seemed to be especially popular with all sorts of spirits. High on a pedestal stood the Ghost King, a blaz ing torch in his hand. Among the tombs we saw the dead coming out to revel in the moonlight. It was with a sigh of relief we left for New Garden. On reaching there, we were halted in line. When we got close enough to what seemed to be the door-way to see the cause, we found our comrades dissappearing into a hole which seemed incredably small. From out the hole (Continued on page 4.) FRIENDLY ROAD WILL BE WIDENED ENTIRE LENGTH The Friendly road will be widened as far as the entrance to Guilford college campus, it was learned recently, ft had been decided by the county commissioners to stop at the inter section of the Muirs Chapel road, about a half mile from the entrance to the campus, on account of some alleged protest of property owners along the way, but it is understood that the majority of the property owners between the Muirs Chapel road inter section and the end of the Friendly road Were not only willing to give right of way, 12 feet on each side of the present 16-foot asphalt highway, but petitioned J. G. Foushee, road com missioner. to extend the boulevard to the college entrance. The force has already passed the place at which it was first thought to stop the work and within less than two weeks it is thought that the wide boulevard will extend from the western city limits of Greensboro to the Guil ford college campus. The wide boulevard will connect with the highway leading to Oak Ridge, a high grade topsoil road, and also with the topsoil raod leading to the Guilford Battleground. The comple tion of the wide boulevard will form another link in the great system of drives and highways in western, northern and southwestern Guilford county. QUAKERS READY TO FIGHT THE PLUCKY LYNCHRURG ELEVEN HERE SATURDAY Last Game of Season To Be Played On The Home Field The Quaker eleven will meet Lynch burg College in the Annual Classic on Hobbs field Saturday at 3:00 o'clock. The Lynchburg team comes with a very creditable record for the year, she having won over several of the smaller Virginia Colleges and held some of the larger ones to very close scores. Thus for the Virginians have had a very good season, but the Guil ford Warriors already have blood in their eyes and intend to give the Lynchburg team a sound drubbing. Thus making up for the licking ad mimistered by the Virginians last year. The Lynchburg team has not appeared on the home field in two years, at that time Guilford lost by the score 25-0. However from comparative scores made by the teams this year, it looks as if the game Saturday would be a hard fought struggle. The only team that Lynchburg has played this year that we can judge from is the Hampden Sidney game. Hampden-Sidney defeat ed Lynchburg 10-0 and Hampden Sidney usually wins from Guilford by about one touchdown. Nevertheless, a hard fought battle is anticipated. Cap tain Warrick and Jack llarrell will appear in their last home game of the year and the last game of their college career. To be played on Hobbs field. Y. W. C. A. PICNICKERS GET A THRILLING EXPERIENCE On Wednesday afternoon a body of girls, dressed in knickers and sweaters, set out down the Friendly road. They were laden with pots, kettles, lunch baskets and cups—a truly interesting burden. After a short walk on the Friendly road they turned into a small and apparently unused lane which led to a beautiful pasture lying in the basin of the amphitheatre which is overlooked from the Dolly Madison home site. It was here that the Y. W. C. A. held its annual picnic. Everything progressed beautifully until the apparently peaceful horse that was grazing in the pasture suddenly evinced the desire to become playful and frolicsome. This caused moment ary panic, accompanied by ripping and tearing of clothing as some scaled the fence and others climbed through. However, after the horse's actions had got back to what they should be in a respectable "Old Dobbin." the festive event proceeded to pleasant conclusion. MR. RUSAGK HERE Mr. A. F. Rusack, husband of Mrs. Rusack, nee Mile. Hoffman, head of the Department of Romance Language, arrived lately upon the campus from New York City, to join his wife at the college. Mr, Rusack is a graduate in law, having done his last work at Columbia University. During the late World War he served as an officer in the United States army. At the close (if the war he entered Columbia, where he dif his graduate work. Me expects to go into business in Greensboro and will make his home here. FACULTY ELECTS SIDNEY WINSLOW CHIEF MARSHAL At a recent meeting of the faculty the college marshals were chosen for the pre s ent year. Sidney Winslow of Belvidere was elected chief. To serve with him they chose Julia Wolf, Ray mond Thomas, Jack Matlock and Aileen Beason. If dreams came true we'd all be dead haven't you even stor or dropped off a cliff in your dreams? JOHN DRINKWATER GIVES A DRAMATIST'S VIEW OF OUR CIVIL WAR PRESIDENT Says Lincoln Never Lost Sight of The Worth of The Individual "A Dramatist's View of Lincoln" was the subject of a lecture given last Wednesday afternoon by John Drink water, eminent English play-wright and author, before a large assembly of college students and visitors from nearby cities. Mr. Drinkwater is an artist in the field of poetry as well as drama; and in the few poems that he read at the beginning of his lecture gave his audience a sympathetic glimpse into himself as revealed in his verse. Coming quickly, however to the main subject of his talk, he briefly reviewed the tendency and causes back of any great work of art. "The great hunger of every mind in the world is the hunger of the mind to understand its own experience," said Mr. Drinkwater. "'Our minds are all the time eagerly trying to deal with evperience and means of interpreting experience and each one of us in some way tries to perpetuate his thought by working it into a tangible form." Artists are the people who have the power of inter preting their experience after the most perfect manner. The speaker brought out the fact that no true artist, when doing his work, ever thinks of how it will be received by mankind, but rivets his whole attention to the idea of getting the truth out of the experi ence. "A man must put down what he believes to be in order to be an artist." Mr. Drinkwater, at the close of his discussion of the philosophic nature of art said, "There is always an added pleasure when we know from where that pleasure comes." Tn taking up the major division of his subject, Mr. Drinkwater explained (Continued on page 3.) REPORTERS ELECTED TO THE GOILFORDIAN BOARD Friday night, four reporters were elected to the Guiifordian board, filling vacancies that have existed since the first of the year. Ira Newlin, Byron Haworth and Joe (.ox were chosen from the Henry Clay Literary Society and Reginald Marshall was admitted to the board from the Websterian Literary Society. These appointments do not fill all the places that are vacant at present. Some reporters are lacking from the two Women's societies as well as two others from the Websterian Society. Other appointments will be made as soon as recommendations from the English department are made and the applicants hcve been given sufficient tryouts. DRAMATIC COUNCIL IS CHOOSING FALL PLAY The first meeting of the Dramatic Council was held recently for the pur pose of deciding upon new representa tives for the Council, and to choose the fall play. Several plays are under consideration; among the most favorab ly read: "Happiness;" "Mr. Piin Passess By;" "The Enchanted Cottage" and "Belinda." All the s e plays are well known, and have enjoyed lengthy runs on Broadway, so that the college is assured of an excellent production just before the Christmas holidays. Iryouts will be held at an early date, and rehearsals will start immediately. The Council is composed of Mrs. Raymond Binford, Professor D. Riley Hayworth, and Professor Howard O. Smith, from the faculty literary club, supported by Katherine Shields, Frances Osborne and Ella Mae Friddle from the Y. W. C. A., Edwin Brown, Otis Burke and Carey Reece, from the men's athletic association. NO. 6.