Page Four The National J'w 1 \\ Underwear fK ri\ Elastic Ribbed—4 Weights { V, „ E Athletic Unions—Woven and Knit j f\ \ College Combination , Y| il E (Flat Knit Pullover Shirts and j | )'J ■ ij E Woven Drawers) yl BL ft I | Combining Every Wear-Resisting and | Comfort-Giving Feature ' | Popular Prices Pj Mwm (P | P. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY | | WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. | jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH^ Back Those Who Back Us—Trade With Our Advertisers KENDALL, The Printer The Best Printing—The Best Service 216 North Elm Street Greensboro, N. C. See Joe Cox For Programs, Etc. Back Those Who Back Us—Trade With Our Advertisers Say it with Flowers See THOMAS HADLEY SYKES FLORISTS, INCORPORATED Successors to Van Lindley GREENSBORO - - HIGH POINT - - WINSTON-SALEM Trade With Our Advertisers—Tell Them You Are From Guilford SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE COMPANY Real Estate, Loans and Insurance W. E. BLAIR, Treasurer and Manager D. SHARPE, Assistant Secretary H. P. HARDIN, Sales Manager 1 FULLER, Assistant Treasurer Miss RUBY PREDDY, Loan Clerk GREENSBORO, N. C. Back Those Who Back Us—Trade With Our Advertisers Henry F. Tew AGENT FOR DICK'S LAUNDRY COMPANY "We Do Genuine French Dry Cleaning" Trade With Our Advertisers—Tell Them You Are From Guilford ■iiiiiimiiiiimiimmiiiiiMiiiiMiimiiiimMiiimimiiimiiiiimiiiiiirmiiiimmiiiiiir = Make Our Store Your Home When In = = the City = = Hickey-Freeman Clothes Manhattan Shirts = = Knapp-Felt Hats = Younts-Deßoe Company *' Where Quality Is Higher Than Price" = GREENSBORO, N. C. ! ■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIjj Back Those Who Back Us—Trade With Our Advertisers R. F. DALTON President A. S. PARKER W. E. SNOW ' Ist Vice-Pres. and Treas. 2nd Vice-Pres. and Supt. SNOW LUMBER COMPANY Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. High Point, N. C. H. M. ARMENTROUT . CARTER DALTON Secretary Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Counsel _) Trade With Our Advertisers—Tell Them You Are From Guilford 1 • 1 | BERNAU— The Popular Jeweler I I Invites you to his store when in Greensboro. Best stock of watches, jew- ? elry, silverware and diamonds. First class repair shop. Medals and class | i pins made to order in shop. Glasses fitted. ♦ Back Those Who Back Us—Trade With Our Advertisers THE GUILFORDIAN The Religious Side CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY MORNING TOPIC Kev. Joseph I'eele, delivering liis reg ular Sunday morning sermon at the Friends Meeting House, took for his subject, "Christian Stewardship." Mr. I'eele spoke first of the things that Christian stewardship is common ly thought tn be and then of the things that are its true foundations. lie stressed particularly the following points: In the first place we belong to God. We are Ilis by right of creation, and we are dependent on Ilini for blessings. Secondly, we are Ilis by right of re demption. We were bought with a price, therefore, we should so order our lives as to glorify God. We are re deemed with love; we, as well as our possessions, belong to God. The farmer as a Christian steward was stressed particularly by Mr. I'eele. lie read a few verses bearing on this subject from the twenty-fifth chapter of Leviticus. "It is in the country," said he, "that God's presence is es pecially felt. The conditions of life in the country, particularly where the people own their homes, make it an ideal place for the practice of Christian stewardship." In closing lie said: "Let us fulfill our obligations to God, according to the way in which God has prospered us, ana not according to the way in which someone else meets his obligations. PLANS FOR EASTERN CONFERENCE STARTED (Continued from Page One) liiia and the arrangements committee is making every effort to see that they are not disappointed. On the campus'are 7 to 8 first class tennis courts which may be used at any time, and an attempt is being made to secure Hamilton Lakes, Inc., to be available for swimming at any time during the conference period. In the afternoons 011 which nothing else is planned there will be 011 hand a skilled play director to direct in group games and organized play. A conference pep committee lias been ap pointed whose chief duty will be to keep pep in the dining room. Realizing the fact that securing 200 delegates from this state is no easy task, the executive committee of the young people's activities lias planned to keep the field secretary, Byron I la worth, in the field most of the time be fore file conference begins in August, Members of the state executive com mittee expect to visit every Friends Sunday school and Christian Endeavor in the state before August 8. The pur pose of these visits is to present the Young Friends Conference and to make an effort to arrange for members of every Friends church in the state to send delegates to the conference. Since the conference will last six days instead of four it will be necessary to increase the board and room and registration fees. The cost for board and room for the six days will be $lO. The registration fee is if sent in eight days before the conference be gins and is not paid before Au gust first. Direct information concerning the conference may be obtained by writing to Charles Coble, of Guilford College, or Byron Ilaworth, of Burlington. — . Dear Sir: My wife lost her voice years ago and just recovered it in a railroad accident. Mow can 1 thank the railway company? Ans.: Don't thank tliem—sue them. —The Tattler. ♦+* Almost bald—Can you tell me what I can do to avoid falling hail ? Manicurist—Jump out of the way.— Technecian. Ini REV. WILLIAMS SPEAKS IN CHAPEL WEDNESDAY Mr. Williams, pastor of the Church of the Covenant in Greensboro, spoke in chapel assembly Wednesday morning, lie used as his text Fhilippians 4:8. Mr. Williams compared the present day with the time of our grandfathers and implied that our greater advantage entailed greater responsibility. lie reminded us that he who would attain mastery in anything must live temperately, must "deny himself." And whoever becomes truly great does so only by complete forgetfulness of self and selfish interests. "How'carefully lliost men sink them selvc* into nameless graves, while a few forget themselves into immor tality." ,l! '[ \et wliate awer we have amounts to nothing if we are not united with God. Y. M. C. A. Thursday evening the Y. W. C. A. held their installation service, followed by an ice cream party. After a short devotional service the secretary read the names of the officers for the past year and those of the new officers. After short talks on the part of the old cabinet members the new members took their places on the plat form. President Maie Ilolhuly then gave her report as president and made the charge to the incoming cabinet. President Hassel then took charge of the service. The new members of the cabinet are: President, Alma Hassel; vice-president, Doris Joyner; treasurer, Itutli Lane; secretary, Mary Neal; under-graduate representative, Frances Osborne; chair man of religious meetings committee, Alice Hazard; chairman of music com mittee, Esther Ueece; of World Fellow ship committee, Catherine Cox; of So cial Service committee, Claudia Neal; of Poster committee, Josephine Paul; of Bible Study committee, Nell Thomas; of Social committee, Berta llollady. The Y. W. C. A. has been running for a number of weeks ai contest for j attendance and new members. The ice cream social after the service Thurs day night was held in honor of the winning side of this contest. Y. W.C. A. Paul Jassimides spoke for a few min utes to the members of the Y. M. C. A. Thursday evening. He chose for his subject, "Why Christ Came to Earth." In the beginning, Mr. Jassimides named a few leaders, such as Moses in the wilderness, and King David as leader of the ten tribes of Israel. Using this as an illustration, he showed that Christ came to earth to lead His fol lowers into the straight and narrow way. The speaker spoke directly from the Hible. giving a clear interpretation of some of the things that are hazy to many people. He spoke of the seven dispensation's, giving the meaning and termination of each. The installation of officers forced the speaker to make a short talk. The expressions and the reports of the retiring officers are accountable for the success of the association. The new president, Ira O. Newlin, with the aid of his cabinet, will strive to keep up the record set by their predecessors. ■ Scotchman (listening to Sunday serv ice over radio) : "Quick, turn off the radio." Son: "What's the matter, father?" "They're about to take up the collec tion."—The 'fattier. — "If your wife is too fat, to get into a telephone booth, there ain't no use talking."— Old Gold and Black. May 25, 1927 | SchifTmann | ' j | I J Back Those Who Back Us Greensboro's Oldest and Largest Shoe Store DOBSON SHOE CO. Shoes—Hosiery "Too" Greensboro, N. C. Tell Them You're from Guilford GREENSBORO HARDWARE CO. Hardware OUR STORE WELCOMES YOU 221 S. Elm Street Greensboro, N. C. Trade With Our Advertisers RAINBOW CAFE LUNCH Opposite Jefferson Standard 101 West Market Street "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" Back Those Who Back Us SCHOOL SUPPLIES A full line always on hand for your selection. WILLS j BOOK & STATIONERY CO. Tell Them You're from Guilford j | | WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Trade With Our Advertisers Siiiiiiiiimmiiiimimimiimiiiimiiima = Clothes Styles | That Appeal to | College Men! The styles that are E fashioned for the man = in college are the = = styles that are fea- = tured by Vanstory's = = for the Fall Season. = And the prices will = = have an instant ap- E peal to the fellows = = who appreciate real 5 values. = = =s°Q> VANSTORY | CLOTHING GO. | = Jefferson Standard Bldg. = Greensboro, N. C. ■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS

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