Page Two THE GUILFORDIAN Published weekly by the Zatasian, Henry Clay, Pliilomatheaii, and Web sterian Literary Societies. Editorial Staff Joseph J. Cox Editor-in-Chief Ira Guthry Newlin ... Managing Editor Frances Osborne Associate Editor Robert Atkinson Associate Editor Miss X. Era Lasley .... Alumni Editor Miss Dorothy Gilbert .. Faculty Adviser Byron A. Haworth Contributor Reporters Marie Barnes Reginald Marshall Sarah Edgerton Edwin Rozell Gurney Collins Leslie Murphy Sudie Cox Paul Reynolds Business Staff Robert Griffin Business Manager Moore Rabb .. Ass't. Business Manager Alice Hazard Secretary Thelma King Circulation Mgr. Wilmer Steele .. Ass't Subscription Mgr. Address all communications to THE GUILFORDIAN, Guilford College, N. C. Subscription price $1.50 per year Entered at the post office in Guilford College, N. C., as second class mail matter. Member of North Carolina Collegiate Press Association. We trust that our friends, D. Riley, Weir, and Finch, enjoyed the game Saturday. Grott Iloyle says that even Weir ought to have caught on when the same play was called eight consecu tive times. It is reported that the man who mentioned moral victory number four at the close of the Catawa game is recovering as best as could be expected. +++ These Poor Rats We want to express our sympa thy for the Freshmen; not the ones who get into some devilment and are hauled into rat court for it, but those poor individuals who may be classed under one or more of the following: 1. The rat who comes from a large town and condescends to be a part of the college community, owning at least 51 per cent stock in the college. 2. The rat who refuses to take his licks when he deserves them but takes an active part the following year in demonstrating the "proper angle." •'}. The rat who has written a lit tle before entering college and ex pects to become editor-in-chief of the GI'ILFORDIAN without going to the trouble of first being a reporter. 4. The rat who never tries to get into any student activity and spends all his time sleeping or smoking and talking at the store or in his room. 5. The rat who wants to impress his rodent brothers with his sophis tication by wishing lie was "out of this damn place," or was "at a real school where there were fraterni ties." (Little does he realize how we wish he could realize his dreams.) We sympathize with them be cause all of us who have gone be fore have had one of the above faults to some degree. We have even greater sympathy for them if the fault is not removed. Sane hazing has many good points that fond mothers and rats don't appre ciate. As for us, we would be bet ter off if we had gotten quite a few more licks. It is a senior's privi lege to own the college, and they don't want any competition from rats. How About a "Clean-Up" Day? How ahont a "Clean-Up Day?" Several years ago it was the cus tom to give a day to the cleaning of the campus in the fall. All the student body secured rakes and other implements for the removal of leaves and trash and secured a partner of the opposite sex, if pos sible, and then went to work. No! Don't gather the impres sion that this is a clever ruse for more social privileges. It is not. We have enough now, so there is nothing left to gripe about. The campus at present is in a rather unkempt condition due largely to the fact that ditches are being dug and other construction work necessitates the piling of trash all over the college green. Hut in a few weeks this will he a thing of the past and the leaves will be gin to fall. After said leaves have become somewhat settled, a crew of four or five hoys will rake a part of the campus for 25 cents an hour, leaving the leaves in piles where the wind can again scatter them over the campus. For three years we have watched this take place. After about the third or fourth piling, the leaves will eventually eitlier become pulverized from use or will be hauled off. Why not save the wear and tear on the leaves and the many two bits an hour and do all the work in one day'! We had a part holiday to see Lind.v land, so why not even up classes some Thursday or even Sat urday, (preferably Thursday) ? The whole thing could be worked out to interest the student body, improve the campus, and tit the same time save a lot of money. Will some reader, if any, please bring these things to the attention of the proper authorities. COLLEGE MARSHALS ARE ELECTED FOR THE YEAR (Continued from Page One) The other marshals who are elected to serve with Mr. Hoyle are students that stand high in scholarship and per sonal esteem among their fellow-stu dents. In speaking of the group in a general way it is thought that a more efficient group could not have been se lected to serve the college on all occa sions. —-* The cookery class gave an informal dinner of four courses Tuesday eve ning, October 18, at 6 o'clock in the Home Economics dining room. The guests of the evening were Miss Doro thy Gilbert, Prof. E. G. Purdom, Mr. Wilmer Steele, and Mr. Alden Hunt. Miss Mary Hodgin acted as hostess and Miss Sudie Cox as host. .♦ — RAINBOW CAFE LUNCH Opposite Jefferson Standard 101 West Market Street "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" :• GUILFORD LUMBER MFG. COMPANY GUILFORD IITOOD ODD WW ORK Since 1884 Greensboro, North Carolina THE GUILFORDIAN OPEN FORUM THE MODEL STUDENT M,y idea of an all-around student is one who does liis l>est in every phase of college life. He is the student who does something approaching his l>est in his text-books, and who keeps up with the social, scien tific, and literary world. He is the person who takes a leading part in all the scholastic activities. He is the per son who realizes that he is working for himself, not for his professors or anyone else. He is the athlete who plays clean sports for his college. He is the stu dent who wears a smile and has a warm heart for everyone he meets. He is one who realizes that he is only human on the same basis as others. He is the student who holds the church in respect and God in reverence; the one who puts into his relations with fellow-students and his own life the practical teachings of Christ. He is the student who has self-confi dence. He is putting forward every effort to achieve his own ambition. He is the student in whose veins the red blood of college spirit flows. If each student would judge himself by these fundamental points and act accordingly, in my mind, we would have a greater Guilford. LUTHER FRANCIS. PROF. FURNAS GIVES A DIALOGUE OF BOOKS (Continued from Page One) and World Almanac were discussing the values of indices and condensed knowl edge. Then the magazines piped up and said that they were up to date and interesting. Philosophy and Sci ence, however, said that they would be handed down through posterity while the magazines would soon pass out of existence. Then Prose and Poetry be came heated over their various merits and Biography and Novels joined the discussion. Then among the clamor of these tiny voices advertising their wares was heard a louder voice boom ing out. It was a Reserved Book. It's chief merit, it seems, lay in the fact that it had made a hit with the faculty and the students were required to read it, whereas, some of the other books had not been opened in forty years. Then some of the books became con scious of the presence of Professor Furnas and they asked him to carry an appeal to the student body that they read more books and discover for them selves the rare joy of interested read- GREENSBORO HARDWARE GO. Hardware OUR STORE WELCOMES YOU 221 S. Elm Street Greensboro, N. C Tell Them You're from Guilford SCHOOL SUPPLIES A full line always on hand for your selection. WILLS BOOK & STATIONERY CO. Tell Them You're from Guilford Ellis, Stone & Company Greensboro's Best Store —for— Women and Misses Hack Those Who Back Us Pennsylvania Lumber Co. Manufacturers of MILLWORK AND FRAMING (Quality Has No Substitute) Phone 231 GREENSBORO, N. C. "Has your husband given up golf?" "Yes, but he still uses the language when changing tires."—Exchange. Sell iff man's WMMT Back Those Who Back Us Puts - Sores Relieved by anti- A septic properties feM V! c| fs JW VAPORUB ! QUALITY JEWELERS" GREENSBORO, N. C. .. ; Trade With Our Advertisers 4- STRATFORD-WEATHERLY DRUG CO. "We Always Sell the Best" College Headquarters in Greensboro * H ■ Back Those Who Back Us — CRUTCHFIELD PLUXMBING COMPANY GRF.ENSBORO, N. C. -2- Back Those Who Back Us A— * W. I. Anderson & Go. Wholesale FRUITS AND PRODUCE Greensboro, N. C. * ;■ Back Those Who Back Us ■ ITTHK PILOT"! For College Men The Pilot Life Insurance Com pany provides a contract at onc lialf regular premium rates dur ing the tirst five years. This liberal feature makes it convenient for tile college man to get his life insurance at his pres ent age and carry it for the least possible cost during college days. See that you get your protec tion from the Pilot. Write to us for particulars. PILOT Life Ins. Go. GREENSBORO, N. C. A. W. MCALISTER, Pres. 11. B. GLINT EH, Vice-Pres. October 26, 1927 SCOTT BENTON Agent for LUCAS BROS. Dry Cleaning and Pressing Back Those Who Back Us 4> 4. See ISAACSON'S for your next Suit or Florsheim Shoes and Furnishings Ask Scott Benton and Save Money 308 S. Elm St. Greensboro, N. C. * * Tell Them You're from Guilford " 4. Meet Mr at PARKE'S SODA and SANDWICH SHOP Trade With Our Advertisers 17. When in High Point STOP AT RANDALL'S . Back Those Who Back Us See US for DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY SASLOW'S JEWELRY CO. 306 S. Elm St. Opposite National Theater 10 Per Cent Reduction to College Boys and Girls Prompt Service on All Repairing Trade With Our Advertisers ■*— r , WALTON'S SHOE SHOP 1 12 V. Sycamore Greensboro, N. C. College Representative, Walter Brown PHONE 318 5 * Tell Them You're from Guilford POWELL'S WALK-OVER SHOP SHOES and HOSIERY /TTV\ Jj jj 216 S. Elm Street Greensboro, ;C. 808 GRIFFIN, College Representative Trade With Our Advertisers * / GIFT SHOP 7 / j fES 77 /890 PHONE 633 7m m! !T/ /o ft G 20a s. ELM sr " SL GREENSBORO. N C js/ / LAST/NG GIFTS / 2£ ■ Back Those Who Back Us * 4. You Will Find a Welcome at J. K. FARLOW'S Dealer In General Merchandise, Candies, and Fruits of All Kinds Sandwiches, Drinks and Stationery Phone 7020 Guilford College, N. C. * Tell Them You're from Guilford r— =T\ RADIO HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS Greensboro, N. C.