The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth! VOLUME XIV IMMORAL CONDITIONS REVEALED Martial Law I Dean Andrews RUTH LANE ASSIGNED TO HEAD POLICE AND TO CONVERTSINNERS Investigation Held by Grott Hoyle's Sunday School Class and ex-Editor Cox CONDITIONS NOW QUIETER Joe Cox Attributes Calamity to Over- Population of Women and Gullibil ity of Men on Campus Brotherly love and sisterly affection again reign supreme over Guilford's Quakerly campus after a week of un rest, suspicion, scandal and disillusion ment. Wild tales of dates pulled in the seclusion of East parlor during break fast, anonymous rumors of tete-a-tetes behind the boxwoods at Founders, as sertions by members of the dean's cabinet that the young men and women have been unnecessarily holding hands while playing three deep at the gym socials, and many other choice bits of scandal have electrified the atmosphere. THE GUILFORDIAN immediately or ganized a campaign against vice and began an investigation in co-operation with the Women's Student Govern ment. Because of the close friendship and harmony between the administra tion and the contributing editor of the paper, Joe Cox was placed in charge of the investigation. It was also real ized that the great amount of time lie spent at Founders might well be (Continued on Page Four) LIBERALRULESARE ADVOCATED BY DEAN Mrs. Andrews Expects to Liberalize Guilford in Near Future NEW RULES OUTLINED By RUTB LANE Special Staff Correspondent for The Yellow Fever Founders Hall, March 33. —Mrs. B. M. B. Andrews, dean of women at Found ers Hall for the past year, announced here today that she had reconsidered her resignation, and that she would probably return to the college again next year. The reason for this decision was the fact that she considered her mision un finished, and by remaining here another year it was thought that her program of liberality would be completed. It is her aim to make Guilford one of the most liberal of the small colleges in the United States. When interviewed last night, Mrs, Andrews pointed out the many radical changes that had been brought about since her coming last fall. The most notable of these are the granting of store privileges to all girls, the intro duction of a complete system of book (Continued on Page Three) YELLOW FEVER EDITION 2J THE Si) GUILFORDIAN jB|V TmiiSwaLT* At great risk to his life, the slick, sly, sleuthing staff photographer of the Yellow Fever stalked his prey to the boxwood bushes iu front of Founders and obtained this exclusive picture exposing immoral campus conditions. FACULTY MEETING IS CALLED IN LAUNDRY Sixteen Faculty Marks Award ed Various Students—Faculty Approves Alfred Smith MARRIAGE IS DISCUSSED (By Secret Wire to The Guilfordian) March 91.—The regular meeting of the faculty was held in the laundry here tonight with the president pre siding, for the express purpose of clean ing things up. At the roll call all mem bers were found present so they pro ceeded with the business. The committee on storage space re ported that there was an overstock of faculty marks on hand, and recommend ed that the surplus be disposed of at (Continued on Page Four) STUDENT AFFAIRS BOARD SETTLES SOCIAL DISPUTE Dispute Between Two Governing Bodies Over Interpretation of Rules Is Settled Without Bloodshed DECISION RENDERED IN DETAIL After sailing along smoothly and harmlessly since its creation, the Stu dent Affairs Board forced itself to the front and showed Guilford College and the surrounding vicinity that it did have life and power, and that it would use them if necessary. The cause of this sudden awakening was the dispute between the Men's Stu dent Council and Mrs. Andrews, spokes woman for the Women's Student Coun cil, over a question of interpreting the social rules. The point of dispute has centered mainly 011 the questions of who should get permission for dates, what time the seven o'clock bell should be rung, and how much sugar it was proper to put into the new teacups. Many and loud had been the meetings, both joint and separately, and it was earnestly desired by many of the students that it might be settled at once in order that peace (Continued on Page Three) GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., MARCH 21, 1928 PAT CRAWFORD NOT TO LEAVE GUILFORD Women's Student Government Refuses to Allow Him to Report to Giants CROOKEDNESS CHARGED The Girl's Student Council in a joint meeting with Dean Andrews and Miss Laura Worth last night refused to per mit Coach Pat Crawford to report to the New York Giants, who arc now training at Augusta, S. C. The action of the Girls' Student Council came as a complete surprise to the political leaders 011 the campus. By bribery, corrupt politics, lobbying, "log-rolling," patronage and "gerry mandering," the consent of the Student Affairs Board had been obtained for his early departure for training, and 110 trouble had been anticipated from the Girls' Student Council. When the matter was brought up, however, con siderable opposition developed. Miss (Continued on Page Four) SEVERAL NEW BOOKS ARE PUT IN LIBRARY The Libarry Staff, in order to stimulate more interest in the library, lias ordered an entirely new stock of books and magazine. The list of magazines includes, The Police Gazette, Whiz-liana, Hot Dog, and College Humor. Some of the new books are, Love, by Elinor Glyu: Elmer Gantry, by Sinclair Lewis; Physical Educa tion, by B. M. B. Andrews; Elevat ing the Negro, by Cranford Iloyle; Defense of Militarism, by Samuel Ilaworth ; My Father as a Minister, by C. R. Crawford; Eat and Grow Thin, by Mollie Parker; The Case of Atheism, by Herman White; A Second Hand Car as a Character- * Builder, by Errin Lemons; How Student Organizations Should He Run, by Era N. Lasley; Phase Re mit , by Maude L. Gainey, and See ing Other Persons' Points of Viae, by F. Ilill Turner. Our Beloved Professor iSH [ I I TENDER NURSING SAVES LIFE OF RAY PARRISH Much Sympathy and Pity Shown Toward Star Fullback During Period of Convalescence NOW ON ROAD TO RECOVERY A very touching incident happened on the campus a few weeks ago, one that plumbed the very depths of our emo tion. Our esteemed Mr. Ray Parrish, while lying 011 a bed of pain, was suf fering the tortures of the damned, caused by an attack of acute appendici tis which was brought on by eating too much ice cream in the dining room. He was bearing his agony with manly fortitude, but despite liis heroic strug gles, a low moan of pain escaped his clenched teeth ever and anon. Our angel of mercy heard of Mr. Parrish's (Continued on Page Pour) Coach Steele Announces an All-Star Legging Team | Our Cute Captain * HP: iTMlfflß GRITTY GROTT GKO7T HOYLE WINNER FOOTBALL CAPTAINCY After a brilliant career on the gridiron, Byron lln worth lost his most treasured possession, the foot ball captaincy, (which be won from Walter Robertson last year in a poker game) to Cranford Iloyle, who has long been recognized on the campus as a religious lender, due to his broad views of race lela tionsliips and his excellent work as leader of the Y. \V. C. A., became incensed when Ilaworth, the leader of the rougher element on the cam pus, claimed Iloyle was unlit to be (Continued on Page Four) Extra Copies May Be Obtained From Bus. Mgr. at 5c Each BEAUTIFUL FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR BELOVED PROFESSOR Special Music Is Feature of En tertainment at Grove and Is Enjoyed by Audience IN FRONT OF KING HALL Incidentally, the Victim Was Professor and Friend of Students—But Curt Chrysler Cowboy It now becomes our grief-laden duty to speak of the almost unbearable mis fortune which bows down the student body of Guilford. Our revered math teacher, the loving confidant and genial, ever-friendly adviser of the boys, has at last passed to his reward. Sad to say, he died In the throes of insanity, his death being caused by zealous labor and strenuous overwork on behalf of the boys. Rev. "Heathen" Mackie de -1 levered a most touching eulogy on the many admirable qualities of the de ceased, and the pallbearers were some bereaved lower classmen who were extremely grateful for the A's which had been so generously donated by our dear teacher. As the body, calm and serene in repose and with a smile of ineffable peace resting upon his be loved countenance, was being lowered into the grave, the soft strains of ethereal music floated out from the choir, composed of Espie Neece, Fran ces Osborne, Ervin Lemons and Edwin Ilozell, who reverently sang "All God's Chillun (Jot Chryslers." A fitting monument, has been erected to him in front of King liall, and we sincerely trust that it will serve to keep his benevolence and magnanimity green in the memory of all those so fortunate as to come into contact with him. HOYLE FULLBACK Sarah Edgerton Is Captain and Quarterback With Coble and Hazard Also in Backfield LASSITER-WHITE, ENDS Beamon and Reynolds Get Tackle Po sitions While Murphy and Tew Are Guards—Marshall Is Center Followers of the well-nigh universal sport of legging will he interested to know that Wilmer Steele, foremost leg ging authority on the campus, due to a long, successful practice of the art, has picked an all-Guilford legging team. No one doubts Steele's ability along this line, as he has played the game faithfully and continuously on every thing that looks like a faculty member, from the president and business man ager down to the colored cooks in the kitchen. No form of legging has ever been too low for him to adopt and he knows all the tricks and finer points of the game, so the Yellow Fever re gards liis selections as authoritative. The following is Coach "Leggio's" se lection and his reasons for said selec tion : "Due to the wealth of material, I have selected two teams, though I think (Continued on Page Four) NUMBER 21