ELON GAME SATURDAY VOLUME XVII CHERNIAVSKY BROTHERS PRESENT UNUSUAL MUSIC PROGRAM IN MEM. HALL Russian Artists Captivate An Appreciative Audience ARE NATIONALLY FAMOUS Violin And Violin-Cello Solos Offered In True Spirit Of The Artistic Oil Tuesday night, February 3, the globe trotting Cherniavsky Trio pre sented a recital which completely captured every heart in the appre ciative audience which assembled in Memorial Hall to hear them. The Cherniavskys are artists in ev ery respect, having poise, grace and individuality. It is very significant that it is possible for three such tal ented musicians to appear to such per fection as a trio. Their numbers show ed sympathy of expression and one ness of purpose. As their initial selection the trio offered Brahms Trio in C Minor. The second part of the program consisted of violincello solos played by Mischel Cherniavsky. It opened with Seren ade Melancolique by Tschioskovshi and included Hayden's Minuet and Dance of the Elves by Popper. As the third division Jan Cherniavsky open ed the "floodgates of his soul" and poured out three melodies of Chopin. Leo Cherniavsky followed with two beautifully rendered violin solos. "A Russian Dance" by the trio conclud ed the program. The Cherniavskys are an unusual group of musicians. They have travel ed for thirty years together and on their world tours have given over 3000 recitals. Scarcely a remote islands' inhabitants have missed hearing them play. AfU-.r their recital hove the three brothers planned to go to Mexico for a four weeks stay. They are to give 10 recitals in one town alone. Since the Mexicans are natural born lovers of music it is said they flock to re citals as they do to a bull fight. Leaving Mexico they plan to go to California, then to Europe in May and back to America next November. The Cherniavskys see the advan tages and disadvantages of the radio. They do not like to play over radio however. "It is like playing into a can," so they say. When they get back to Germany they will make a talking picture written especially for them. Some day too they plan to accept McMillans' offer and write a book on their travels. And so the "Three young priests from the temple of the Muses" resum ed their wanderings into the earth world to bring comfort and joy to thousands of hearts as they go along. Ernest Scarboro Heads Sr. Class Election Of Officers For The Final Semester Takes Outstanding Members At a recent Senior class meeting Ernest Scarboro won the final honor of serving his class as its last presi dent. Mr. Scarboro who is editor of the Guilfordian, and who has held other equally important positions on the campus, is quite well fitted for leading his class on the final lap of its journey. Elbert Newlin was chosen as vice president. Mr. Newlin whose study of the ministry has brought him in contact with the class of '3l, has proved himself quite worthy during his stay at Guilford. Ester Lindley, New Garden House president and president of the Women's Athletic As sociation, was elected by the class as secretary. Weldon Reece was re elected to the position of treasurer. Isabella Jinnette and George Allen, both of whom have shown rare ability in student activities during their four years at Guilford, brought the election to a close when they were chosen as class marshals. All new officers have shown keen interest in various fields of student life and the final half of the Senior year bids fair to be well piloted. Simpson Garner, Ralph Mallo and Eugene Eagle are confined to their rooms with mumps. THE *\j GUILFORDIAN "THESOUTH'S OUTSTANDING CHOIR"-GUILFORD'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE FIELD OFMUSIC • . 7 •• ''• gpSM |gj -■ ■ as Lions Club Sponsors Choir*s Appearance DOUBLE QUARTETTE IS CHOIR ADVERTISEMENT Radio And Public Appearances Have Won Recognition For Group NEW MUSIC TO HP: USED The Double Quartette, an organiza tion within the A Capella Choir, is rapidly gaining recognition as a unit, as well as a part of the Choir. Only a few times has it appeared, but on these occasions the ability ol the group has been apparent. On Friday the quartette will sing at the N. C. C. W. Auditorium as an advertise ment for the coming appearance of the Choir. The group has used the regular choir music in previous performances, but additional numbers are being studied now and they hope to com plete an entire program for concert work. The organization is following the old English "around-the-table" idea and this bit of folkways adds a touch of romance to the splendid voices. The initial appearance of the quar tette was several weeks ago when they sang' at the Greensboro Lions' Club lnucheon. Their numbers were broad casted also, and many friends express ed a feeling of appreciation for the music. The group sang in the local auditorium recently, and a second ap pearance is looked forward to. A Birthday Party Proves Big Moment Twenty years seems to approach dangerously near the age of the fa mous fellow named Methusalah, but "Emmy" returned to a state of child hood long enough to have a real birth day party celebrating that age, for a small group of friends. All environmental conditions were conducive to an old-fashioned "ses sion," so the young ladies waxed most oratorical in historical testimonials. "My Ideal Man" was described by one who should know, as a person who won't grumble over the cooking, can make lavish use of safety-pins in stead of buttons, can "bust" his sox, has loads of money, and isn't particu lar demanding in his requirements for domesticated family life. Since two in the party were on the verge of matrimonial adventures especial advice was offered them. The evening was concluded in the disappearance of two birthday cakes, grape juice, fudge, and "V. P. I. Spe cials", together with an orchestra which overhung the balcony, and pre sented several numbers. Pie-Eating Record Smashed Coach's record has been smashed! This isn't the one for constancy, or being called "good-looking,' but his ability as a pie-eater is in deep dis grace in comparison to Ikky's re cent development of such an appetite for peach pie! Fourteen pieces, it was—shells and all! GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., FEBRUARY 11, 19.11 Guilford College A Capella Choir Takes Position Of Leading Southern Musical Organization of Mixed Voices The A Capella Choir, Guilford Col lege's greatest bid to fame, is now taking its position as the leading southern musical organization of mix ed voices. The Lions Club of Greens boro is sponsoring the appearance of the Choir in Odell Memorial Audi torium at the North Carolina College for Women on Saturday evening, Feb ruary 21, at eight-fifteen o'clock. This appearance will climax two years of study and concert work. The Choir has previously performed for church, and school meetings with donations to cover necessary expenses, but this appearance is to be made before mu sical critics of the state, friends, and a widespread group of music-lovers, Dr. Binford Gives Purpose of Life Object Of Living Should He To Understand Personality Of Universe SCIENCE IN AWAKENING Dr. Raymond Binford spoke to the students during the chapel periods, January 28 and February 3, on the purpose of life. "We can't live with out a purpose," he said. "And more and more it is coming home to me that the great object of living should be to understand the great personality of the universe—God. In achieving that height his all harmony, all glory of life. We have grown up with the idea that God deals with us in a superna tural way; that we can pray for things and He will supply us, but with the coming of scientific research our faiths were shaken. We know that natural laws govern certain pheno mena; that behavior is determined by reflex actions dependent on stimuli, and that health is a normal result of attention and care of the body. We do not know why these things happen but we have convictions that they will occur in their normal sequence. So there is no need to pray for things, and we have lost our faith in prayer. The scientific explanation of living activity has crowded out our belief in a divine power. One is a victim of circumstances, not a master of them. Our minds and personalities have con stantly resisted adoption of these con clusions, but as scientists there is no way of avoiding it. But now science is coining through to upset its own conclusions and give a new base for faith in the great personality, a new hope and significance to life. More and more the great purpose of life should be to understand God. In every way He is revealed to us—in emo tions, desires, and forces of life. The whole world is coming out of the dark into a great and marvelous new day." Miss Campbell, Miss Gilbert, Pro fessors Reynolds and Fleming attend ed the Wednesday night supper pro gram at the Friends' Church in High Point, February 4. with all proceeds from the sale of tickets being donated to charity. Mr. David J. White, vice-president of Guilford College Alumni Associa tion, is actively instigating a cam paign among the old students and friends of the college, for a large number of intimate people in the audi ence, before which the Choir is to make its brilliant debut. Professor Max Noah, director of the Choir has not announced his schedule of appearances following the concert under the auspices of the Lions Club, but request from northern music circles indicate a tour of ex tended length sometime during the spring. Missions School In Annual Session College Committee And Church Group Organize Classes And Lecture Series NOTED SPEAKERS INVITED The annual session of the School of Missions began on Sunday even ing, February 8. The college religious organizations and a committee from the New Garden Friends Meeting are sponsoring the school, which will meet during the next six weeks. Miss Mildred Blackburn, leader, Isabella Jinnette, secretary, and Mrs. J. F. Davis, musician, are in active charge of the meetings. But indi vidual classes are to meet from seven to seventy-forty five each Sabbath evening, and be conducted as; Pri mary and Junior, Miss Clara Farlow; Survey of Friends Missions, Miss Haviland; Religious Problems on a College Campus, Dean Milner; Com munity and State Problems, which will meet under the leadership of Mi - . Phillips, Judge Hayes, W. M. Bailey, Dr. Auscombe, Miss Clara Cox, and Mr. McAlister. Addresses will be given each evening, following the class meetings, by the folowing well known religious leaders: Rev. D. Clay Lilly, Rev. L. W. McFarland, Rabbi Ellis, Dr. Elbert Russell, and Rev. Tom A. Sykes. During the week of March 8-15, Rev. Sykes will speak each evening in the meeting-house at seven-thirty. "Rick" /s In Familiar Surroundings On Campus "Rick" Ferrell, midget catcher for the St. Louis Browns and national fa vorite in "big league" baseball cir cles, has visited the campus several times during his stay at home pre ceding his departure for training camp in Florida. "Rick," an old student of the col lege, reminesces over the days when he piled up scores in basketball for the college team against Duke Uni versity and Wake Forest. That wasn't so long ago either for "Rick" is still in the infant stage—according to the old timers in the sporting world. COLLEGE CHOIR GIVES EXCELLENT PROGRAM Immense Audience Hears Group In High Point Friends Meeting House LATIN SONGS SPLENDID The College Choir sang at the Cen tral Friends Church, High Point, on Sunday evening, before an immense audience, in one of the smoothest con certs they have ever presented. The church was filled to capacity, and Itev. Sykes announced that hundreds were turned away. The program was divided into four groups of several numbers each. The second, or Latin, group was executed with almost perfect quality, and it was said that the choir had never reached such a peak in presentation as was achieved in the numbers "Ave Verum Corpus," "Adoramus Te," and "Ave Maria." The negro spiritual "Were You There?" in the last group was also superbly done, and the en tire program splendidly received. Rev. Sykes tributed the choir group in a brief recognition of the work which has been done in an attempt to bring the beauty of sacred music to a larger range of people. He feels grateful not only to the choir director, Mr. Max Noah; the college which the choir represents; but also to the group of young people who are intensely interested in working on something which is worthwhile. Rev. Ralph Boring Speaks At Joint Y Life And Education Is Theme Of Lecture To Christian Associations Reverend Ralph Boring, pastor of Asheboro Street Friends' Church, Greensboro spoke to a joint meeting of the Y. W. C. A., and the Y. M. C. A. February 5. He based his remarks on two words, "Life" and "Education." Life is a strange thing; it is beau tiful and it is tragic. Life is a game that every one must play whether he will or not. In order to play a good game one must follow the rules. Youth today is being accused of playing the game by a new set of rules. New rules are good things to have provided they are an improvement over the old ones. Education is more than an accumu lation of facts. Mr. Boring drew up the following educational creed: first, I believe in the promising individual; second, I believe in the personaliza tion of truth; third, I believe in the transmutation of property into com modies of highly practical value. The following students spent the week-end at their respective homes and attended the game with Winston Y: Eleanor Grimsley, Rosa Lee Bell, Nell Ellington, Jewel Conrad, Lillian Holder and Mildred Conrad. CHOIR WINS RECOGNITION NUMBER 11 A CAPELLA CHOIR HAS PRIVILEGE 10 HEAR WESTMINISTER CHOIR Famous Group From Foremost Musical Institution At Raleigh WILLIAMSON IS DIRECTOR Dr. John Finlay Williamson will ap pear with his choir at the Hugh Mor son High School, Raleigh, the night of February 13th. Members of the Guiford College A Capella Choir who will hear the Westminster Choir at that time are: Miss Gail Wilbur, Mrs. Max Noah, Gladys Mcßane, Nelle Ellington, Alice Conrad, Jewell Con rad, Mary K. Booker, Rachel Beas ley, Georgia Fulk, Lucille Patterson, Josephine Kimrey, Marvin Lindley, Professor Fleming, Bruce Smathers, and the director, Mr. Max Noah. This internationally known Ameri can group, the Westminster Choir, is the pattern by which Mr. Noah is de veloping: a similar organization at Guilford College. He has studied with Dr. Williamson at the choir school at Ithica, New York, gaining from the work many things which he has giv en to the people he himself is now directing. The program itself, given by the Westminster Choir, is reported to be very similar to that of our home choir, with perhaps some of the same numbers. Dr. Williamson, with mem bers of his choir, has arranged much of his music from ancient English manuscripts, which fact gives his pro gram a certain melo-dramatic aspect, heightening its effectiveness great ly. It is of course sacred throughout, and sung a capella. The people who attend the concert in Raleigh are expecting to gather ideas that can only be gotten through direct contact with the original, hop ing to apply them to help in perfect ing the work of the organization with which they themselves are associated. Semester Grades Have Been Issued Wilbert Braxton And Esther Lee Cox Make Perfect Scholastic Record The reports for the first semester have been issued, with Wilbert Brax ton, of the Junior Class, and Esther Lee Cox, of the Freshmen, leading the student body in its claim for the honor of an all A grade. Only these two perfect reports were made, but the following made all A's but one; Matthew Bridger, Howard Cannon, Pearle Kimrey, Mattie McCanless, Elizabeth McVey, Dayton Newlin, Elizabeth Parker, and Paul Tew. A much larger number rank in the group of all A's and B's: George Allen, Granville Alley, Eleanor Bangs, Roscoe Barrow, O. L. Brown, Tom Cheek, Virginia Clayton, Jean Coch ran, Ralto Farlow, Leona Guthrie, James Harper, Ruth Hiller, Thomas Houck, Ivan Jackson, Isabella Jinette, Murray Johnson, Esther Lindley, Nell McMullen, Manuel Mallo, Louise Mel ville, Leroy Miller, Jr., Brodie Money, David Parsons, Ailene Pegg, Mary Pittman, Mary Reynolds, Mary Rich ardson, Lewis Rosenfelt, Blanche Silver, Merlie Sizemore, Samra Smith, Allen Stafford, Ethel Swaim, Mar garet Warner, Clara Belle Welch, John Hugh Williams and Dorothy Wolff. "Baby Cabinet" In Charge of Program The Y. W. C. A. "Baby Cabinet" had charge of the regular weekly meeting of the Y. W. C. A. last Thurs day evening, January 29. The subject for the program was "Be Your Best." The meeting opened with a song. Then the regular program was given. Those taking a part in the program and their respective contributions were as follows: Prelude, Sarah Davis; Theme "Be Your Best," Doro thy Whitfield; Devotional, Katherine Farlow; Poem, Glynn Bane; Dialogue, "A Message of Love," Mai'y Richard son, Annie E. Wiley, and Mary E. Camp; Solo, "Give of Your Best to the Master," Mildred Beasley; Essay, "Happy? If Not, Why Not?", "Ruby Holder; Talk and Poem, "Be the Best of Whatever You Are," Rose Askew and Mary Fitzgerald, respectively. Jean Cochran, the leader, offered prayer at the close of the meeting.