VOLUME XXVIII Guilford Gives 15th Performance of 'Messiah', Dec. 14th Jeffre and Victorius Lead Quarter Grades With All 'A' Record According to quarter grades released from the office of the registrar, Miss Era liiisley, two students made all A's, as compared with the same number at the first quarter of last year. They are Itia Jeffre and Clans Victorius. Eight students made sill A's but one, an increase over the seven of last year. They are: Senta Anion, Winifred Ellis, Margaret Jones, Raoul Kann, Roy Leake, Charles Lewis, Jane Marshall. Antonle Ungar. Seventeen students made all A's and It's, a decrease from the 24 of last year. They are: Virginia Ashcraft, Ruth Bab, Martha Elizabeth Bell, Hugh Brown, Benjamin Brown, Edelweisse Brower, Nancy Graves, Mary Ellen Jordan. Helen Lyon, Rosemary Nunn, Elfried Pennekamp, i-ee H. Poole, Sam Price. Charlotte Speare, Edith Swisher, Gerda Ungar, Cora Jane Walters. Three students made all B's. eam pared to one of last year. They are: Withelmina Bickley, Mildred Pegram, Edward Clark Wilson. Thirty students passed less than nine hours, compared with 20 of last year. Four students passed only one subject, over three of last year. Two students passed no work at all, an Increase from the one of last year. A great decrease was found in the number of students who passed less than nine hours with a C average. There are only (10 compared to 83 of last year. This year the enrollment is 352, while lust year there were 386 students regis tered. Fine Arts Club to Assist In Sale of Opera Tickets The Fine Arts club, headed by Presi dent Barbara Anderson, vice-president Barbara Clark, and secretary Henry Lane, will cooperate with the Knterpi club in Greensboro by selling tickets to an opera which it is sponsoring. The opera. "The Bartered Bride," by Sinetana, is being given by the Federa tion of Music clubs. It will be pre sented in the Ayoock auditorium at Woman's college on Monday, Novem ber 17. at 8:IO. Tickets are priced from 35c to sl.lO, and may be purchased from any number of the Fine Arts ciuli. Guilford Nightly Lights Out Delayed Till Witches' Hour By I'OIIKV FIKM) Twas her idi'H, Buthie's, and tlio W.A.A. forged 11 hen(l with ambitious plans for n Hallowe'en Carnival to quandry the campus for a week. Cos tumes? Penny piteliin', bobbin' for ap ples—all the old stunts. And then the eorn started poppin ' Byway of Madame Milner, a progres sive dean who slices cucumber into punch to excite her party guests, soldiers were invited to this, a Quaker campus. And on Saturday night when they flowed into the gym strong they were met ly cooperative Guilford girls. Sit stronger. Quite a juggling job undertaken by receptionists Lloyd and Jessup, and Christine Foster who of ficiated at the drawing of the numbers. Once couples were happily estab lished, Nature took its course and the THE GUILFORDIAN Y Delegates Attend Durham Conference Hear Outler, Nelson At Semi-Annual Meeting Of Christian Associations Mary Belle Clark. Marie Grumhreeht, Hazel Key, Charlie Lewis, Anne Sell wider. Margaret Townsend, Sadie White, and Dan Young, of the Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A., attended a State Confer ence held at the North Carolina college for Negroes at Durham, 011 Sunday, No vember 0. Dr. Outler of Duke university spoke on* "A Christian Faith Adequate for Our Times" during the morning session. Claude Nelson, the national director of the World Student Service Fund, spoke 011 that organization's need for in creased aid from America this year. Jimmy Wilder, the part-time Y.M.C.A. secretary in the southern region, dis cussed the Christmas Assembly held by the Christian Associations once every college generation. This year it will be held at Miami university, at Oxford, Ohio, from December 27 to January 3. The Guilford Y.W.C.A. is sending Anne Schneider as its delegate, and the men are also planning to have a represen tative there. This month's Y membership meeting will lie in the form of a retreat to lie held on Sunday. November 10th. Supper will lie served following a business meeting. A discussion is being planned for tile evening portion of the retreat. W.A.A. helped her along with smooth dance music and the golden glow of a harvest spotlight. Bound and round whirled the dancers, Jersey City "jit" struggling with Carolina crawl. Midst the excitement of ping pong, shuffle board, bingo, and palm-reading (who says Joyce can't still toss a line) many confidences were exchanged, many promises made. Then at quarter till (you know the hour) refreshments were served. And Guilford girls knew something was up, for we don't begin to serve refresh ments 15 minutes before shut-eye time. It just isn't done. Then didn't young Melville throw the crowd with his astonishing announcement. For the first time in the history of Guilford college—chalk another up for defense (Continued on Page Three) GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., NOVEMBER 15. 1941 Pacifists Plan Social Work in Community Members of Group Supervise Recreation At Negro School Each Sunday afternoon members of the Pacifist Picussion group meet in the Hut to discuss principles of paci fism. At present the group is studying techniques of pacifism with the aid of books and articles. For several week-ends the group has invited boys from the Buck Creek Civil ian Public Service Camp to the campus, and they have led the discussions at the Sunday meetings. Each Saturday after noon several members of the group hike down to the Woodyside Negro grade school, where they organize games and playground recreation. By this contri bution toward better inter-racial under standing, the students are putting into everyday living} some of their bases for pacifism. I Since the organization of the group |in the fall of liHO its members have jlieen helping in various ways through lout the community. Some met with the | West Market Street Methodist Young j People's group in Greensboro: others | chopped wood in the slum area, helped I busy mothers with their children, and conducted story telling hours. I Guilford is the only college in this | vicinity to have nn organized pacifist group, and it has been found that con ! tact with other pacifists of Greensboro colleges is mutually beneficial, j The activities and meetings of Guil ford's Pacifist Discussion group are ar ranged by a steering committee consist ing of Malcolm Crooks, Corky Field, and | Margaret Townsend. All Guilfordinns are welcome to at tend these informal Sunday afternoon j discussion periods and to join in the I work of the group. Collection to be Taken During Worship Service During the worship service con ducted by Or. A. I>. Iteittel in chapel on Wednesday, November 1!>. a col lection will he taken h.v the Social Service committee of the Christian associations. I'art of the collection will he used for distributing Thanksgiving bask ets to the poorer people in the com n utility. The remainder will he used for a Christmas party for Negro chi'dren. These activities are regular pro jects of the Social Service commit tee, of which .Margaret Jones is chairman. Scholarship Society Fetes Honor Roll Students The Guilford Scholarship Society gave a party for honor roll students on Sat urday, November S. in the Hut. Officers of the Society are: President—Charles Lewis: vice-president—Elfried I'enne kainp, and secretary-treasurer Mar garet Jones. Attending the party were faculty members I)r. Eva Campbell, .Miss Doro thy L. Gilbert, and I)r. Ilarvey A. Ljung, and students Winifred Ellis, Corinne Field, Gerhard Friedrich, Margaret Jones, Tohey Laitin, Hoy Leake, Charles Lewis. Robert McAllister. Hernice Mer ritt. Virginia Pope, Clans Victorius, and Sadie White. Charles Lewis had charge of enter tainment. Refreshments were served by Margaret Jones and Hernice Merritt. Conductor . . . v.; ;o VV; ' 4®'.' Sp; ■ -.. 4 . . . I)r. Ezra 11. F. Weis will direct the fifteenth annual presentation ;f ll nuclei's "Messiah" here, December 14. Wiley Kyser Will Play At Monogram Club Dance Wiley Kyser will bring his hand and vocalist to play for the annual fall Monogram club fiance, to be held oil Saturday, November 22, in the gymnasium. The dance will last from 7:45 to 10:45. Because there was some misun derstanding last year concerning Hewers, the club members this year are discouraging corsages alto gether. The admission will he fi6 cents, including a 10% national defense tax. Tickets may he secured from Bob Nolan, Dink Hail, John Down ing, or Fretl Taylor, If you are planning to bring an ( IV-campus date, he sure to register with Mrs. Milner before 12 o'clock Sat urday. Square-Dancing Featured Kl lichee will call the figures lit the square dance tonight in the basement of the gym at 7 :30. The committee in charge, consisting of Miss Christine Foster and Edward Hehre, hopes to bring outside figure callers to Guilford. "Tex" Sanders, Field Secretary of the Peace Section of the American Friends Service Com mittee, litis already called n dance oil campus thlh semester. I)an Fryesinger, of Philadelphia, at present at the Civil Public Service Camp at Buck Creek, may conic to n campus square dance in the near future. Guilfordians Take Timc-Out To Discuss the Weather "Why. that's something you should have learned down in the grades." en courages Dr. Purdom as he tries to teach the innocents the intricacies of trig. With this same indomitable spirit does he start potential meteorologists (weathermen, to you) 01111 path through extensive math and physics courses. From here the rocky road leads to the Greensboro Federal building, where Civil Service exams in mathematics, physics and meteorology are given. Having survived the ordeal, reward is NUMBER 4 Dr. E. H. F. Weis Will Lead Chorus in 200 th Oratorio Anniversary The two hundredth anniversary of the writing of (J. P. Handel's oratorio "file Messiah" will be commemorated by the Guilford college chorus in its fifteenth annual presentation of the composition 011 Sunday afternoon, De cember 14, in Memorial hall at 3:00. "The Messiah" was first presented at Guilford college in 1027 under the di rection of Professor Max Noah, then head of the department of music. The singers were accompanied by piano. In 15)35 Ir. Ezra H. P. Weis joined the faculty as head of the department of music, and continued the practice of presenting the oratorio each year, add ing an orchestral accompaniment. The chorus this year is composed of the Guilford College A Cappeila Choir, other students, and members of the community. The singers will be accom panied by an orchestra composed of members of the Chamber Orchestra and players from the community. The four soloists will be from the com munity and from other colleges. The group will sing the following choruses: And lie xltall purify; (> thou that tellext (food tidings to /ion; Be hold the Lamb of God; Surely He hath borne our griefs; tml with II ix stripes IPC are healed; lie trusted in (lad that lie teauld delirer Him ; Lift lip your headx, 0 ye gates; Hallelujah!; Since by man eame death; Worthy ix the Lamb, including the Amen chorus which has never before been given at Guilford. This chorus is not usually sung, for most performances of "The Messiah" conclude with the "Hallelu jah !" chorus. Handel wrote "The Messiah" in 1741. lie finished it in -4 days, conducted (Continued on Page Four) Sociology Students Plan Seminar Discussions This semester the Sociology seminar, which meets every Tuesday night at the home of I)r. A. I). Beittel, is studying "Southern Regions." The 17 students, nil sociology majors, have been discuss ing all phases of life pertinent to the south—religion, education, tenant farm ing, and relationship between the classes. Next semester the subject for study will lie "Crime." Outside speakers from the F. 8.1, will be brought in, and there will also be trips to penal institu tions. criminal mid juvenile courts. The group plans a trip to linleigh to visit the state prison and interview Governor Broughtou with regard to bis duties nml relationships to prisoners. In position sis .junior observer, lending through industry and skill to work as, j senior meteorologist. "Hut," cautions I>r. I'nrdom, "it's only the fellow with the college degree who enn hope to make the grade. You can't quit in your junior year and ex pect to reach the top." And I'ncle Sam pays well—sl2o every four weeks, and a month's vacation with pay. If you're interested in the work, De- Armas Smith is the man to see. He's (Continued on Page Four)