September 26, 1947 Sideline Slants By HERB SCHOELLKOPF Believe me, this little job of cheerleading isn't us simple as it is made out to be. I'm going to quit and go out for football, it must be easier. In the past two weeks I've not only lost my vocal chords but also 11 pounds, one heel, 20 cents in small change, and all pretense toward any dignity I may have had. The only things I gained were three blisters and a huge cleaning bill. Balancing the sheet, however, is the great amount of satisfaction, tinted with a little pride, at finally witnessing the rise of some active "school spirit" at dear ol' Guilford. The primeval oak and pine that hold down our hallowed green were no doubt astounded at the display of student enthusiasm at the Fri day night pep rally. And the trans fer of the morale to the Bowman Gray Stadium on Saturday night proved to .the unbelievers that the rally spirit was not just a one-night stand. The mass response to the cheer leaders' sharp prodding not only moved the students to feverish ac tivity but even reached some of the reserved faculty emotions. One new, and already popular, member was heard to say, "I sure wish I were 10 years younger right now." We know that the student back ing is appreciated, for many mem bers of the team have so expressed themselves to the cheerleaders. On behalf of the latter group, let me congratulate the team for their fine showing Saturday night, and the student body for their solid support. Appreciation goes to the Reynolds High Band, our own proud musical aggrcg&tion, Coach Teague for his presence and speech at the pep ral ly, and to the few freshman fellows who helped get the firewood. It has been an encouraging and stimulative beginning to a success ful year. C.F.T.P.O.S.S. Namely, the "Committee for the Promotion of School Spirit"; chair man, Carlyle McKaugan; secretary, Betty Nunn; members, anybody else interested. Right now that includes about 15 students plus I)r. Purdom and Mr. Kent. All told, they are the main ones behind the revolution. You too can be one. Join. Par ticipate. Yell. Act. Short Slants A plea from Local 532, Industri ous Order of the Gymnasium Cus todians Association: Please stay the off the gym floor with street shoes on. . . A red-hot tip that in formal basketball practice will start in a couple of weeks. . . T. Bray should have worn his helmet with ears at the game, on him it looks good. . . A quiet funeral for the Idea, born last year, of a cross country team this fall. . . Philoso phizing, Mr. Feagans may have seen Make Our Store Your Headquarters for Sporting Goods COBLE SPORTING GOODS CO. 344 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C, •• " " " • j Walton Shoe Shop j i 112 W. Sycamore St. J I GREENSBORO, N. C. I 1 "We Appreciate Your j Patronage" j,, , , r t ■ ■ ■ t i t I -> ......... . j Tuck Photo Supplies j I Incorporated J t 225 N. Kim SI. I'hone 3-7170 t ! GREENSBORO, N. ('. I | Cameras Films | Developing | THIM■IIfH ■ I I I I ■ ' Clothing for Men and Bogs VANSTORY CLOTHING COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. the student body gone berserk with pep. Quoth he, "And we think the Indians were—er —crazy." . . A sob, long and wet, for a good cause: won't some good people kindly chip in and get "Ding-Dong" Harvey a new rope for his bell! . . He's so cracked they ought to call him "Liberty Head." Introducing The Pigskin Luggers Bill Powell—Fullback—lßolbs. 5' 10" Bill played his football at Golds boro High School. He was captain and made honorable mention All State halfback. This is Bill's third year on the varsity, the first being in 1!>40. The Navy took up the next three and a half years with Bill spending most of his time in the Pacific on the carrier "Intrepid." Bill is a physical education major but hopes to go into professional scouting after graduation. He was the assistant scout master of the local Troop 28 last year. Among his other accomplishments Bill won tiie Alumni Sportsmanship trophy last year. Bill's hobby Is hunting, nothing special, but just anything that gets in the sight of his shot gun. Jimmy Nantz—End—lßs lbs. 6* 2" Jim is a junior and played for Mount Holly High School before he became a Quaker. This is his third year of varsity football. Jim is a physical education major and says his main interest is studying tine arts. Jim acquired the nickname of "lover" around the campus and it seems the "fine arts" study is con fined to women. If he can acquire HO hours next year, Jim wants to fulltill his ambition to be a coach. Hob Gordoi—Halfback-185 lbs. 6' 1" Bob came to Guilford in ItHG and is playing his second and final year of football. He transferred from N. C. State after serving three and a half years in the Navy. One of the "Paper Hut" boys, Bob can be seen carrying two tine children in arms, Bobby and Carroll. Bob is a physical education major but spends liis spare time off the football field in the "Friendly Corner." He and Joe Winner are co-owners. His ambi tion is to become a coach although he has not made any definite plans. Wallace Maultsb.v — Tailback—lßo lbs. 6' 1" Wally began his football career at Mills Home in Thomasville. This is his second year of varsity ball but he played a year at the Miami Naval Air Station. Along with being a physical education major, Wally Greetings! WILLS Book and Stationery i • Jefferson Roof RESTAURANT )oG Delicious Foods Skillfully Served Wonderful WAY TO RELIEVE DISTRESS OF HeadCoUsl (Double-Duty Nose DropsoA A] Works Fasti Yes, you get quick relief from snlffly, stuffy distress of head colds with a lit tle Va-tro-nol in each nostril. What's more—it actually helps prevent many colds from developing if used in timet Try it I Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL THE GUILFORDIAN is president of the sophomore class. Coach Newton had Maultsby play ing about every position in the back field last year but has now assigned him to tailback. A ten second man, Wally displayed his ability as a scat back last year wih a 95 yard punt return against Lenoir Rhyne and one for 70 yards against Ran dolph Macon. Maultsby adds more points to his total by kicking extra points. Outside of being a nightly visitor to Hobbs Hall, Wally's ambi tion is to a coach. Scum an Some (Continued from Page Two) grunt. Gil continues. "I've been try ing to beat it in their heads that this place is as much theirs as ours. There's a gang of them in the choir. That looks good, but I've got to con vince them that all the school activi ties are theirs, and that their voice in the affairs is as loud as ours." I'm the silent type, I still don't sny nothing. She keps right on. "There's a play due to be cast soon, nnd I want to see some of the frosh in some of the parts. There's clubs sticking out their index finger all over campus, wiggling, "Come Here," but they aren't attending. Boss, what am I going to do about them?" I puts an exclamation mark on the sentence I just finished. It looks nice there, nice and important. Then I answers' her. "Leave 'em be, gal. leave 'em be. Let 'em find out what they're missing and learn the hard way. Remember, honey, as long as tbey think we own the campus, we do." I turn around then just in time to see a book coming my way and duck. After it passes, I realizes that I didn't need to duck. Outside of having no manners, Qilda can't pitch worth a cuss. I starts laughing. "You no-good so-and-so," she screams. "You mean to sit there on your brain and tell me you don't care anything about them, that you're perfectly willing to let them wander around lonely, unsure of themselves, ignorant of what's to be had?" That's something else I should have added. Outside of not having no manner, and not pitching worth a cuss, Gilda' got too much of the maternal instinct. I gets up, puts my hands in my Make That Coke Date A Special One —at the — Greene Street Drug Store 124 South Greene Sf. John's Studio Third Floor Belk's Department Store Portraits of Quality 1'"" *i| i Stop at . . . MANUEL'S ; The Most Outstanding \ \ Restaurant in Greensboro \ SPECIALIZING IN Lobsters and i Western Steaks £#> 112 W. Market St. Below Jefferson Building S pockets and walks toward her. I try to make my voice firm, but looking at her, I know it's going to be an effort. Sane and calm, Gil's beau, tiful, but it can't compare to her when she gets riled up. Her eyes are like two flaming matches, newly lit. "Now you listen to me," I says. "I send you out scouting for dirt for my column, and when you return you come back with dripping eyes and the motherly look beaming out all over you. Forget about the fresh men, they can take care of them selves. Where's that dirt?" The matches in her eyes are burn ed down to a glow by now. She's crushed and I almost feel ashamed. "Sorry, boss, I'll go right out and dig you up some." "Oh, yeah! Well remind me when you get it deep enough to push you in. I got five minutes to meet the editor's deadline. How much rot do you think you could dig by then? I'll tell you. None!" I have her where I want her now. She's plumb wiltered. "Boss, I'm sorry," she says. "Forget it," I answer. "Come on, let's bite into a coke." We start out the door together, but at the head of the steps I stop her. "Wait here," I says, "Until I get to the bottom. I wanta watch you walk down." "What on earth for," she asks after me. I answer, "Every day, standing in line for meals over there at Founder's, I see girls come down the steps. Some bounce like balls, some sneak like mice, and SQme come knockkneed and some walk like cowhands. They're dressed up plumb pretty, but walk like the dickens." I turn around and look up. "0.K., start walking," I says. Can you Imagine a stream of gold pouring down a stairway? That's ICE CKIAM @) Dial 2-1125 Greensboro, N. C. Welcome, Students SANDWICHES SUNDRIES GROCERIES Hollowell's S. T. WYRICK AND COMPANY Office Supplies Office Furniture Wedding Announcements and Visiting Cards Engraved 119 N. Greene St. Greensboro, N. C. SUTTON'S for FLOWERS 2-4127 Market and Greene Streets Mackie Furniture Company Quality Furniture Lower Prices Phone 2382 Guilford College C. M. Mackie • I Jos. J. Stone & Company 1 PRINTERS AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS j Davie at Hughes Street Greensboro, N. C. | I . Page Three the way she walks, and it's beautiful to see. My heart climbs up in my throat, and I swallows it as fast as I can. She's standing on the last step, looking at me. "Well?" she says. I grabs her by the hand. "Baby," I says, "let's go get a milkshake." Registration Hits New AII - Time Record (Continued from Page One) wait, in reality it went very quickly. It did not take a long here as it does in larger schools, where the process of entering students for classes takes an entire day, both for the student and the faculty. The facutly and the registrar were well pleased with the new system and hope that the students are as satis fled. "Say It With Music" Phonograph Recordings Sheet Music Band and Orchestra Instruments Pianos and Radios ★ Greensboro Music Company, Inc -207 West Market Street Phone 2-0739 A II 7123 Phones 7124 sf!3S- Wilkerson-McFalls Drug Company 123 North Elm Street Greensboro, N. C. Greensboro*s Modern Drug Store