The Burden See page 2 VOLUME LI Christmas Eve 12:00 P. M. P{|| ■ jklh Jmk. Mm %"%■ -. -Lj- w..fc ''V i r .g Wm#. .jaf&SM^ifey'' '■ ;*il^r'' .. " . ■ . ',. a>' %A • ;4: **H v '., i ■ .. ' ,# -/ '• ' ; Wr- .' ' *y., ' •" '' •£/,. % ~ • 1 ,?■ •, k 4 ' i 1 - '•♦'" i' i •'* * 'A K It s a mistv December night: 12:00 p.m. Mrs. Hiehardson bought her husband a tic and coat to match tonight. Jane bought lu r boyfriend a book ol whispering love poems. Mr. Simpson walked through the rain lor party'-mixers. Private Joe Cassidy got a letter from Mom, and killed four men lie never knew r)€ Qui (for (Sew Published by the Students of the Soutlis Only Quaker College CREEXSBORO \. C., DECEMBER Id 1966 —)>ln)t(> In/ Stephen Ihmles I' rank Jackson made a break Irom C Jucst Hoad Prison and \\ .is cut down In II Mason s double barrel. Jonathan Jones picked cement out ol the bricks in a Birmingham jail-cell marl the days. Hows of Christmas lights burn all night on a brown stone building, and light the alley. It s a 111 i s • \ December night: 12:00 p.m. (.uillord Downs L. R. See page 2 NUMBER 1(