APRIL 18, 1974 JOBS Bur Mill Country Club on Route 3 needs help in formal dining service, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Wednesday - Saturday (and for Sunday lunch) on call-in basis. sl2 per meal. Call Douglas Dobbins at 288-2818. TheJ.C. Penny Company at the Four Seasons Mall needs someone for bookkeeping and payroll. For further informa tion or to set up an appointment, call Earl Barbee at 292-5100. Anyone who is interested in doing some babysitting should call Mrs. Louise Swanson at 674-2490 (home) or 275-9111, ext. 217 (office.) The salary is open and Mrs. Swanson would like a sitter from April 22 - May 3, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. FOR SALE: Steel-string Ya maha Guitar. Good Condition $75. Call 294-5122 For Sale: A standard electric IBM typewriter for SIOO.OO. Contact Judy Morris at 299-9789, Mary Hobbs 13. PERSONALS The gentlemen and guests of English Hall extend their sincerest thanks to T.R. and Martha, Ron Wicker and Noreen, Mike Wagner and Harlan Strader for their generous work in preparing the Spring banquet of English Hall. Our grateful compli ments to the chef and his assistants. The Guilford Chapter of the Farley Mowat Society will meet Saturday, February 29. Clark Wheeler will lead a presentation of "Gracie's Unders." For further infor mation, contact S. Oliver at the Sewanee General Store, c/o English 19. To the only Crystaline Turkey 1 know- We have procrastinated to gether. We have goofed off right and left. But in leaving things to the last minute. 1 still think I am the best. To my god-mother and my dear friends who accepted me despite my race - thanks! Gremlin C and C: "Wanna Nertz?" S.H. to L.M.: What does being a mermaid entail? D: 105 for another year? Classified§ English Dorm would like to congratulate Harlan on con quering his enuresis. We are all proud to see him in such good form. Stoesen: Thanks for the concern. Sure enough, I was eating asphalt. -Estupid. Jan: What ever happened to the Good Guys Club? Ed, Rudy, Buck, Dean, et all: You've left your mark. Thanks. Karen Borreson, P.S. Sorry, Derick Brother Charles YoYo, Last summer a beard, this summer...YoYo's and friends. To the Rash! Hope things get better. The Hawk. Cyril Harvey - Did you know that Walvis Thermal Center is the hot spot of the south Atlantic? To: The Rocks-in-the-heads & Co. May all your: Beds be shortsheeted. Buckets of water be abounding. Your beds "springy", Your sleep ing "corny". Your "unmen tionables" in proper order. Rooms forever clean and May you all receive notes from Charles. Thanks for the memories, nightmares, and Execedrin headaches #25 and #27. 1001 balloons to you all! -The Guilford BioChem Dept. Blatant 8., The Lab won't be the same at night. flirts! Jill? put this in ? Mi/111 your purse f pf The earth shattering noise from this purse-fitting horn gives you the protection you've been looking for against muggers and rapists. Just snap two penlight batteries into this amazing new Vigilant Alarm and you're ready. No wires required. Complete package includes super simple instructions showing how the Alarm can also be easily installed on windows or doors. GET VIGILANT BEFORE THEY GET YOU. SUPPLY LIMITED . MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Send me of Vigilani Burglar Alarmi I enclo>tXOO (or each Vigilant Alarm. I undernJmd that if I am no lotally J***™ Ltd. unified, I will receive a complete refund 7?, *** *Tj? „. if returned within tO day Milwaukee. WiMonun 53209 NAME ADDRESS. CITY STATE ZIP ' GUILFORDIAN To Fat City: It's Been Great. -The Teenager To Milcy and Marton: Your Bicycles are beautiful. Your birds are just grand. And your trip to Canada To see the new land. It is all so big and beautiful All your hopes and dreams, I just hope that in reality It's as good as it seems. Ann: I hear the sound of the Voompa-Voompa Bird, and your name resounds through the trees. -The Scenic Wonder Waits for You To My Side-kick, I am going to miss you. -From Jan, or is it from Crystal, or Jan, or Crystal.... Oh Hell, I don't know. Leslie: Need a "Pick-me-up?" —U. Wyre Third eyc(s): Don't you? -Sig My Dearest Abbadoo: I love you Abbadoo. Oh yes I do. Because Your underwear is Blue. Oh Abbadoo we love you. —Janathon Phillip: You didn't think we'd print them, didja? Brother Harlan - you seem to have found your calling. Spread the Good Word, Amen, and Hallelujah. Andy, Lyn C.. Jan, Ron C., Ken. Dyer: You have given me some insight into the problems facing college ad ministrations these days. Maybe when 1 leave, some IMPORTANT problems will come up. -Luke Bruce: May the Lord keep you-but not too much! -an admirer Lips: "It is only the people with push who have a pull." -Sahara. V.L.: "Silence is the one great art of conversation." -Marmee Bob Au: You'll be able to be a "buzzard" again next year. Look out for full milk glasses. -Sahara Wayne-Here's hoping you won't ever have to resort to blue jeans. -2 Hobbits ROT: "The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef: love, like being enlivened with champagne." Champagne please! JM Congratulations Mike and John...Hope it's a boy! Get a pizza action. This coupon worth _ ' *i°°i And at Village InnV off your favorite | we don't stop with the V Fam, ' y w S ' ze P'" a | pizza. You can enjoy a a v, " a S e ,nn relaxing atmosphere with some of the friendliest OHar E p ,re = ■ people in town. Bring . # your family in today. April I 2919 Battleground 1 PAGE SEVEN Wendy B.: Hello from John W. Boz: Na ka pusana. -John To Ms. Anderson: Rumour hath it that a tall, blonde, moustachioed man is running in the Janathon. Jan: What's this about a kitten at Christmas? ("I bet they never tasted anything as good as that before!") Dr. Functional: How can we ever thank you enough? You've been great. -Biophiles Dear Turkey- Why don't you give up that Italian for a Californian? -The Belcher Cassandra Lynn- Happy Birthday and many more (more what?!?!) -Love. SWA Kris: What will we do with our Wednesday nights now? -Your staff. Crystal, Thanks for the new improved "playthings" you're a good baby.- Harry and Fred Marcy, remember, Latins are the best. After all, I'm one! - One from the Past, Binford Second, Parking Lot^l ( )70 Leslie, Time sure flies when you're having fun! - Lots of love, -The Corrupter. To the "Hard Core" Clique. Avon will never be the same! -The Crab