Page 8 Quakers Host Emory and Henry Here Saturday The Guilford College foot ball Quakers remain at home this Saturday following last weeks win over Hampton Sydney as they entertain winless Emory and Henry. The Wasps have dropped games to Mars Hill 19-6 and Georgetown 20-0. Quaker coach Dennis Hag lan was generally pleased with the performance of his team against H-S. "Categorically, our offense was okay, and our defense was exceptional except when we bogged down and let them get into scoring position," he stated in an interview Tuesday. Guilford will enter the game without the services of tightend Charlie Groves. Groves was injured after he caught an important pass on the H-S 24-yard line. When asked how much Groves' injury will hurt the Quakers, Haglan replied, "It will cause us to start our resuffling process earlier than we thought." Other than that injury, Guilford is in good shape for Saturday's game. Butch Foley's two field goals were a pleasant surprise CC Standings Conf. Overall -L-T W-L-T Elon 1-0-0 1-0-0 Guilford 0-0-0 2-0-0 Catawba 0-6-0 1-0-0 Len. Rhyne 0-0-0 0-0-1 Mars Hill 0-1-0 1-1-0 Quakers, Cont. from P. 7 penal;ies after pass receptions Guilford needed to control the ball now more than any point of the game and Whitley responded with a first down on runs of 12 and seven yards. However, the offense stalked and was forced to punt. Tony Su ainey then backed H-S to their on 12 yard line, a 53 yard purt. C equien then failed on two passing attempts, while a draw play lost four yards. Having no choice but to gamble on a fourth and 14 from the eight, Cequien dropped back into his own end/one, but was rushed hard bv the entire defensive line. Forced to run, Cequien was dropped by Richard Kalin in the endzone who put the finishing touches on win number two. to Haglan. "I was surprised that he kicked the ball that well, but I don't think Butch was surprised, he said. He knows he can kick." Although not a surprise to Haglan, the punting of Tony Swainey was also a big asset in the H-S win. "After Tony punted short (to the Bulldog 19-yard line) he came to the sidelines and apologized. But this year Tony is thinking about the team first, and individual stats second," he related. Like Hampton Sydney, E&H will bring a strong defensive team but an inexperienced offense to Armfield Saturday. Heading up the Wasp defense will be backs Reggie Palmer (5' 11" 187) and Ron Maybry (5' 11" 170). Mike Austin heads the defensive line. On offense, look for fullback Jeff Stanley (s'll 192) and wide receiver Ben Tolley (6'l 177). "Emory and Henry went into the first two games thinking they could win," said Haglan, "they will now have to decide if they want to settle down and have a good season, "They wiJJ be up for the game," he concluded. , | STATS | Total Offense R P Tot Avg. Watson -11 Ikk 133 6675 Whitley 89 0 89 4^.5 Kenan 109 0 109 5^.5 Pass i ng A C l_ Yds Avg. Watson 23 09 01 72.0 Foley 10 0 0 0.0 Rush i ng Rushes Yds Avg. Kenan 2b 123 s^-5 Whitley 27 89 Taylor b 25 12.5 Barnes b 22 11.0 Oats k 15 7-5 Pass Receiving Caught Yds. Avg. Paphites 3 70 35-0 Groves 2 30 15-0 Whitley 2 17 8.5 Scor i ng TP XP FG TP Foley 0 3 2 9 Wh i 11ey 1 0 0 6 Watson 10 0 6 Paphities 1 0 0 6 Smith 10 0 6 Kali n (safety) 2 The Guilfordian 595381 a a T - Pi ■k F Eugene Pigeon, number one Quaker sports fan, in action. photo by Gearhart Garrett, Cont. from P. 7 FT: Who do you feel is the most improved player on the team this season? GW: Like I said before, the whole front line has improved to the point where their playing together as a unit and getting the ball in the net. But if your asking which individual has improved the most, I'd guess I would say Steve Skinner. He controls the mid-field area and the course of the ball game. He is the one who gets the team headed for a score. FT: Well, one difference in this year's team is that you're playing under a different coach. What are your impressions and those of the other team members about Scott Hutchinson? GW: 1 feel like Scott Hutchinson is doing a pretty good job. He came in the first day with alot of enthusiasm and spirit that has carried over to most of the players we were more a kick and run team but this season Scott has settled us down. He is very methodical about our play, stressing the short pass and ball control. I think that most of the team is behind him and want to win for him. I have played four years at Guilford under four different coaches. I feel he has done the best job in organizing us into a team. FT: Any predictions about a successful season? GW: I definitely feel we'll have a winning season and I think there is a good chance of us winning the district and area playoffs. Besides Duke, I feci our toughest district game will be against Belmont Abbey. Last year they beat us in both the regular season and the District championship by one goal. 1 think that the Duke game, win or lose, will be a good indicator about how good of a team we are. If we can give them a good name. I will be happv. Nevets, Cont. from P. 7 ranch near the town. Pope was beaten to death by one of his farm helpers with a nylon stocking after Pope refused the helper a day off to walk his pet fish. After each thrashing the stocking, the farm hand repeatedly screamed, whynot, whynot?" Fortunately, law enforce ment officials arrived and stopped the farm hand from delivering further punish ment. Pope was nearly dead by the time first aid could be applied, efforts were futile. It is said that his last words were, "I place a curse on everybody in this town, their children, their children's children, etc., who says 'whynot' to anyone!" The person who asks whynot will be sentenced to argue with the townspeople for the rest of his life. I really could not believe I sat and listened to all of this from the service station man as he filled my tank, in fact he wouldn't shut up. One slip had lead to another until everyone except him, in town had asked "whynot". They argued around the clock. He just wanted to talk, not argue. Perhaps the meanness came out in me then he said, "That will be 15 dollars for 3 1/4 gallons." "That's impossible! 1 said. "Whynot," he demanded, and then realized what he had said. "Because I only have ten dollars," I said smugly. Then I rode off into the sunset toward Pinehurst, satisfied again that I had ruined someone else's day,or life in this case. Oh yeah, here are this weeks losers. EMORY and HENRY at GUILFORD Inches kept Guilford from beating the Wasps', last year, Revenge will be on the minds of the Quakers this and don't be surprised when E and H is the loser, UNC at WAKE FOREST This should be an easy one for the Heels as the poor Decs are slumping again. Carolina has too much manpower no matter how well WF plays. The Decs are the losers 35-o. SAVANNA STATE at ELON Little is known about Savanna except they tied N.C. Central, which is nothing to be proud of. Elon will flex its muscles as Savanna loses 42-0. September 20,1974 CLEMSON at STATE Clemson was the only team that failed the Great One last week. Alright you guys, stand me up will you. I'm going to enjoy this one as the Tigers lose. let's say 35 to zip. LENOIR RHYNE at WOF FORD LR tied in their opener last week and Wofford does not start until this weekend. The one game experience will all the Bears will have going for them as Wofford is the loser 14-12. MARYLAND at FLORIDA Perhaps I was a bit too rough on the Terps last week. Either Bama isn't as good as predicted or the game was fixed, Your loser? Florida 35-14. CATAWBA at MARS HILL MHC did not show much in last weeks loss to Elon. Catawba should be high after last weeks win, high enough to passout when they lose 21-7. DUKE at SOUTH CAROLINA The Dukes were disappoint ing last week against Moo U, and 'Cock fans are asking for either for a win, or the team's blood. Hope they like type A as the Gamecocks blow another 20-14. WILLIAM and MARY at VIRGINIA Navy stopped UVA last week while W and M were whipping Wake. Yes, we have another loser, UVA 28-7. S.C. STATE at N.C. A&T The Aggie appear to be tougher this year, but then they had to be. S.C. is the lose in a 35-3 smear. Others picks include: Geor gia over Mississippi State. Appalachian over Davidson, Arkansas over Oklahoma State, Air Force over Oregon, and the Waltons over the next disaster in the closing minutes. Duke, Cont. from P. 7 The two collided and Boykin got up to kick the ball into the unattended net. Duke then came back to score an unimportant goal in the latter stages of the game, giving the Blue Devils the 7-2 final. The loss dropped the Quaker's record to 1-1 on the season while the win for Duke came in their season opener. The Guilford booters are idle until the entertain Virginia Central one week from today.