December 5, 1974 What is your opinion of The Guilfordian this semester? Excellent () Good 0 Comments: F a ' r Poor () What kind of news would voir like to see The Guilfordian emphasize? National () Campus () Features () Sports () Other () Which day would you prefer to| have The Guilfordian published? Tuesday () Wednesday () Thursday () Friday 0 Do you feel that any areas are'lacking in coverage? I Would vou like to see more interviews? I Is there anyone you would like to see interviewed? What is your opinion of the campus news coverage? Excellent () Good () Comments: Fair 0 Poor () What is your opinion of the editorials? Excellent () Good () Comments: a ' r Poof () What is your opinion of the Sports coverage? Excellent () Good () nt Fair () Comments: _ Poor () What is your opinion of the features? Excellent () Good () Comments: _ Fair () Poor () Please put this survey in the indicated box in the cafeteria or the If you are interested in working for the Guilfordian in any Library. Thank you for taking the time to help out your capacity, please print your name, address, and telephone newspaper! number below [detach if you prefer] and put it in the box with the survey. Guilfordian Survey The Guilfordian Page 3