October 7, 1975 Big Entertainment Around Town by Pat Townsend This past week-end was a week-end to end all week-ends in Greensboro, and if you didn't find anything to entertain you, then you weren't looking. Thursday evening was the opening of our college's bright new musical "Praise!" The pro duction ran through until Sunday evening. Friday night was the performance of the Chinese acrobats of Taiwan, an amazing show of grace, daring and agility that is seen only in the talented and well trained professionals of the orient. Friday evening also marked the closing night of the Greensboro College Play ers' O'Neill play "The Emporer Jones". On Saturday the vibrant performers of "Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope" came to the War "Don't Bother Mc, I Can't Cope" Memorial Auditorium and put good vibrations into the audience. These last two fine productions are what this article's all about. The G.C. players did an outstanding job in their staging of "The Emporer Jones". Charles Arrington in the starring role deserves special applause because his portrayal of the escaped slave turned African would-be emperor was so powerfully and realistically done. The play traces the man's journey through the jungle after his servants revolt, the body of the play being all the "ghosts and nameless, faceless fears" that rise up around him in his imagination while in solitude. Last year Mr. Arrington starred in the Senior Thesis play "Call Me By My Rightful Name", and through these two performances he has shown the versitality of a fine actor. Don't miss the next G.C. Production! More on that to come... It's not difficult to see why "Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope" has. been such a smash hit on Broadway these past years! The show was fun! The I interaction between the black performers and the audience was very real tangible, and their enjoyment of the music and the idea behind the show was transmitted across the footlights. The basic message was of love and harmony among all men, and this philosophy came across through such musical num bers as "Lookin' Over from Your Side", "Time Brings About a Change" and "My Name is Man". The talents of the performers were many as they danced freely and lithely or in syncopated steps, as they made some very pertinent jokes on current subjects, including the women's move ment and, of course, the presidency, and as they made the transition between the "fun" songs like the title song, and the pieces of a more serious nature, such as "Love Mississippi" which tells of a woman's love for her homeland. This jazz musical is certainly a show that shouldn't have been missed. So, if you're ever in New York... Meanwhile, Greensboro is having plenty of entertain ment again this week. Check it out under the heading of "GOINGS ON IN GREENS BORO" on Page 2 . *33,500,000 Unclaimed Scholarships Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and fellowships ranging from SSO to SIO,OOO. Current list of these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975. UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS 11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 □ I am enclosing $9.95 plus SI.OO for postage and handling. PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHPS SOURCES TO: Name Address City State Zip The Guilfordian ft Le Boucher - elements for a thriller. This ' fluid, beautifully controlled was -- .'" village in the Perigord and features the elegant Stephane ,-V*l Audran, Jean Yanne fM Chinese Acrobats "J by Jeanne Ye A group of Chinese acrobats frbm Taiwan performed at the coliseum last weekend and they were fantastic. They started with a dance that recreated the highlights of a typical Chinese festival that was loaded with color and action. Many performers dressed in elaborate uniforms dancing to the tune of the music that was being played by official musicians in the pit which slowly lowered in the beginning of the show. The acrobats were indeed acrobats and some of their stunts seemed super natural. One girl climbed up a ladder with another girl standing on her head, on her head, if you get what I mean. Our heads hurt after watching that. Another thing that stopped our breath was when a chair was placed on four coke bottles and a mah stood on it. Another chair was passed to him and he placed it upside down on the chair that was already there. This was continued until he was on top of a pile of six shakey looking chairs. By then I had grabbed my companion's arm because of the tension. The man on top started standing on his hands on top of the pile and putting the top chair in various different positions, standing on his hands doing acrobats. When he did a particularly risky movement and the pile started wobbling, I nearly severed my friend's arm. The acrobats showed their accuracy in an act called the circle of knives. Besides diving through circles of knives, they dove through rings of fire. Two particularly daring men went through two loops of fire and two loops of Continued from Page 6 among the possibilities for these two days. The tentative schedule also includes one day to be spent as an entire group, perhaps working with a Philadelphia educator on skills of video-ta ping and something called "Gymcraftics". On still ano ther day the group will split up to explore the city in light of its architecture, dormitory life or whatever else may be of interest. For the last day of the excursion an appointment has been set up for the group to meet Jessie Freeman, Phila delphia's dynamic Director of Information for Public Schools. David Kingsley hopes the experience will prove to be an opportunity for students interested in the field of Education to "zero in on something and really go into it in depth." He stresses the importance of "making a commitment" to the educa tional programs involved. He feels that such commitments will be encouraged by spending less time traveling knives blindfolded and did stunts in the end as well...still blindfolded, of course. The performance ended with a large human pyramid. Not the conventional type but always changing into different positions. Sometimes their positions would look like a lace design and their ability made it look all so easy and graceful. Hey Binford, try to top thatl Anyway, it was well worth eveyr penny. and having fewer superficial contacts. The Guilford group will again stay in the Chamounix Mansion Hotel in the Fairmount Park section of the city. The nights are being left unplanned so that the group members may do as they please. A trip to the Pennsylvania Ballet is one possibility. The seminar is being planned in conjunction with Myron Arms, a consultant provided by the Friends Council on Education. Guil ford's Office for Off Campus Education will pay the hotel costs. Seminar participants will pay S2O for transportation to and around Philadelphia. Students furnishing cars will receive S7O and pay no transportation fee. Food costs will be arranged among the group. Attending the semnar provides Guilford students with one hour of academic credit. For more information, contact David Kingsley in the Education Department, Cox 323. Page 7