October 12,1976 Fall Break Announcement CONTRIBUTION Fall Break begins at close of day on Friday, October 15. The residence halls will close at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 15, and will not reopen until 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 24. All students will have to vacate the residence halls by 4:00 p.m. However, those students who have classes, lab, etc., will be allowed to remain until after their classes are over and will be given sufficient time to pack. These students should report this situation to the coordinator. Before leaving for break each student is to make sure that the following items have been done: • Room clean and in good order. • Waste baskets are empty. • No perishable food left in room. • All electrical appliances disconnected. • Windows and doors are locked. Anyone failing to comply with the above will be subject to a fine of up to $15.00. Members of the Housing Staff will be checking each room to insure compliance. While the college will provide security coverage during break, the college cannot assume liab ility for any losses. Therefore it is recommended that you take your valuables with you when you leave. Take care and have a good break! Tuesday's Film The film, Johnny Got His Gun will again be shown tonight at 8:15 in Sternberger Auditorium. Based on Dalton New Pottery _%jf Class A Handbuilding Pottery class is being offered through the Craft Center. The class will be on Fridays, 1:30 - 4:30, October 29 to December 12. The cost is SIO.OO plus mater ials. If you are interested, please contact Barbara Mac- Innes, 855 - 0771. If the response is such that a second class is needed, please indicate a good time for you. Planetarium Performance CONTRIBUTION The Morehead Planetarium's fall double feature Technicolor Sky and What Do You Think Pythagoras, is a rich combin ation of the beauties and the mathematics of the universe. Auroras, fireballs, and eclipses which appear in program "A" are some of the visual elements juxtaposed to the magic numbers, musical intervals, and rythmic x-ray bursts from unknown stars that support the theme of program "B". Technicolor Sky invites us to look more closely at the sky and it awakens our sensibilities to a variety of spectacular events from familiar phenom ena like sunsets, comets and shooting stars, to more infre quent sights like sundogs, zodiacal light and the gegen schein or counterglow. "Really, most people think of the skies in black and white Trumbo's book of the same name, the movie is a shocking statement against war and man's inhumanity to other men. The Guilfordian Young Democrats on Campus BY FRAN HENDERSON Have college students lost their vim and verve? Can college students still have size able political clout in an election year? The Guilford College Young Democrats Club is working to expel the myth that political apathy is rampant on college campuses. Boasting an enthusiastic membership of over twenty-five and growing, the club has already sponsored a successful voter registration drive. The club, led by President John Richardson, has exciting terms, which is only natural," said Jim Manning, Senior Planetarium Intern and produc tion supervisor of the show. "But as we look deeper into space, our telescope photog raphy reveals intense color we just can't see with the naked eye. One might also be surprised to learn that rainbows are round and that thunder storms might be caused by sunspots." In contrast to the visual rich ness of Technicolor Sky is the effect of stark mathematical reality in What Do You Think, Pythagoras? As it explores the quest for order central to the develop ment of western civilization, "Pythagoras" relates the clarity, precision, and fascination for opposites, like hot and cold, light and dark, that characterize the world vision of early Greek philosophers. The show is haunted by the fleeting image of Pythagoras, the forerunner of giants like Plato, Copernicus, and Kepler. Father of a mathematical view of the universe, Pythagoras epitomized the Greek virtues of order and tranquility. His discovery of the mathematital foundations of music opened From the Typesetter Have a Happy Break!! p" plans for this year. The group will be actively campaigning for Democratic candidates on the national, state, and local levels in the November elect ions. Members of the club will work as volunteers at the downtown Democratic Head quarters. There are tentative plans to bring politicians to the Guilford campus for speeches and seminars. After the fervor of the November elections dies down, the Young Democrats will continue to work for increased political awareness on campus. President Richardson hopes to assemble a political internship a world of exploration into what the Greeks considered their highest art form. What Do You Think Pythagoras illustrates the Greeks' mental construction of the idea that the planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies move in perfect harmonic relationships, and this "music of the spheres," although never heard was a solid but incorrect belief which lasted for 2,000 years. And yet, Pythagoras' belief in a fire at the center of the universe is something only recently dis covered to be basically correct. The double feature can be seen without reservation for single admission rates Mondays through Fridays at 8:00 p.m.; Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., 1:00, 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. (11:00 a.m., 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. on Home Football Saturdays); and Sundays at 2:00, 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. Admission rates are SI.OO for children through age 11, $1.25 for students through college and senior citizens, and $1.50 for other adults. Free scientific and art exhibits may be seen before and after each Planetarium performance. Page 7 resource library for those inter ested in internships with organ izations or senators. Another voter registration drive will be held in the spring. On October 6th, the Young Democrats met to elect officers. They are John Richardson, President; Sandeil Froelicher, Vice-President; Frances Henderson, Secretary; and Doug Hasty, Treasurer. Anyone intereted in joining the club should watch for announcements of the meetins or contact one of the officers. SHOCK shoc^ SHOCKING! /%$) Provisional grades of second semester 1976-77 and provis ional grades of 1976 summer school become final unless they are updated by Oct. 13, 1976, according to the Registrars Office. Faculty Photos Faculty who wish to pose for their pictures for this years Quaker may come to the office on the second floor of Founders Hall, weekdays during October between the hours of 11:30 and 5:00 p.m. Faculty not photographed during this time will be subject to the usual unannounced intrusions of photographers during the rest of the year. Personals The shipment has arrived. V. Jones. Do you know who who you are: I love you, I need you, I want you! Sincerely love and kisses, Wally. People who send anonymous notes ought to reveal them selves. Happy Birthday (late), Blair! RB How about Atlanta?!