lovember 2,1976 Visit by Dr. Jay H. Smith BY D.L. GIBBON Next week, between November 2 and 5, the campus will be host to a Quaker visitor of a different stripe than those greeted with such fanfare during recent years. Unlike Jessamyn West and Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Steere, our visitor seems to be "fighting in the front lines of non violence"! That's not to detract from the wisdom, intel lectual contribution, or public spritedness of previous Quaker visitors, but Dr. Jay H. Smith has been acting as a witness for the Quaker way in a very special sense. In early September, while visiting Washington and staying at the William Penn House, we had the good fortune to share breakfast with Dr. Smith on Saturday morning. His background quickly came out as we jumped into heady subjects for breakfast conver sation. Before the Second World War, he had gone to India as a Methodist missionary, but had effectively been exiled when he objected to the British Viceroy's declaring India to be at war with Japan with out consulting the Indian government. In 1947, Dr. Smith and his wife joined the Religious Society of Friends, and in 1952 they returned to India. During these years he had become more and more involved in efforts to promote world peace on a full-time Guilford Rates Nationally Guilford College has been recognized by Changing Times magazine as the only small, private college in North Carolina with "below-average costs but above-average academic credentials." Guilford was one of 64 colleges and universities in the nation named by the Kiplinger publication as being "good colleges at bargain prices." None of the institutions listed charges more than $5,000 tuition per year. Experienced Waitress; Wanted - Fart Time in new Chinese restaurant at the Man darln on Battleground Ave. Call any time t 288-9213. Ask for Mrs. Tong. basis. On returning to India he taught International Rel ations in Pondicherrry at the Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education, and eventually became an Indian citizen. For the past eight years, Jay Smith has been studying the significance of the phen omenal progress of the "new China," based, in his phrase, upon "moral regeneration;" he has been writing extensively on the subject. Our breakfast conversation quickly skipped around from subjects such as freedom of choice to people under Mao's regime to the possibilities of war between Russia and China. Jay Smith is a fascinating man, with 77 years of experience behind him. He speaks freely and articul ately, reflecting great depth of thought and concern for humanity. He will be sharing these concerns with classes in Southeast Asian Government, Politics and Social Change, Being Human in the 20th Century, and several others. Several evening meals will be open for sharing your personal concerns with Dr. Smith during his stay, as will lunch periods. If you (students, faculty or staff) are particularly interested in visiting with this fascinating human being, please let Bill Beidler or Don Gibbon know of your interest. We would be glad to try to schedule him into other classes as well, if you can see a good fit with your subject matter. The two other North Carolina schools selected are large universities UNC-Chapel Hill and Wake Forest. The article in the October issue of Changing Times explained that schools selected had entering freshmen who have scored "well above the national averages" on their college entrance tests, have selective admissions policies and a good proportion of graduates going on to graduate school. The Guilfordian K^ Le 2 Milner Picnic! BY MIKE KINNAIRD Starting at 4:00 on Novem ber 7, there will be a picnic for Milner residents in the field between Milner and Bryan. Hotdogs, hamburgers, port 'n beans, potato chips, potato salad, and hot and cold bever ages will be served. The rain date is still November 7, but in case of bad weather, the picnic will be held in the Milner lobby. In addition to the residents, faculty are going to be invited. Each hall can vote on whom to invite. Each hall gets to invite one faculty member. Every one interestd in having their favorite faculty member attend should tell their House Council member their choice. Also, the intern and House Council member on each hall gets to pick one faculty member apiece. Because of the cost of the preparations, Milner residents will not be able to eat in the cafeteria that evening. To prevent other people from eating at our picnic, we will stamp the hands of those Milner residents attending. We would appreciate every one's help and cooperation in this. This picnic is to get Milner residents together with faculty members. We hope that this will bring dorm members closer together and give them a chance to know faculty members outside of the class room. Quite often, a professor never gets to see his students except in the classroom, and never gets to talk to them personally. We feel that, given a chance to talk with students, the faculty will be glad to do so. An added incentive for them to come would be that they were voted a favorite faculty member. We would like to see every one attend the picnic, we know that you all will have a great time. We'll see you then! Favorite TV BY MARK SIEBER In recent months, a survey was conducted among the television industry's leading executives, celebrities, and writers. The question? "What is your all-time favorite tele vision series?" The results may or may not be surprising, but they do cover the entire range of the TV spectrum from quiz shows to dramas to comedies to talk shows. The top thirty vote-getters were: 1. "Perry Mason" 2. "Your Show of Shows" 3. "Star Trek" ** 4. "Playhouse 90" 5. "Mary Tyler Moore Show" 6. "The Defenders" 7. "Milton Berle Show" 8. "Omnibus" 9. "Monty Python's Flying Circus" ** 10. "The $64,000 Question" 11. "Upstairs, Downstairs" 12. "Our Miss Brooks" 13. "Get Smart" ** 14. "Studio One" 15. "The Forsyte Saga" 16. "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" 17. "Twilight Zone" 18. "Armstrong Circle Theatre" 19. "Maverick" 20. "Philco Playhouse" 21. "The Rogues" 22. "I Love Lucy" ** 23. "The Goldbergs" 24. "The Name of the Game" 25. "Kraft Theatre" 26. "Play of the Week" 27. "Laugh-In" 28. "Tonight Show" 29. "Captain Video" 30. "Dick Van Dyke Show'V (I f— a //vv pi Page 7 Shows that can be seen in the Greensboro area cur rently through regular programming or syndication.) The interviewees were asked to consider quality as well as entertainment value. Oddly enough, many of the shows cited were not block busters in the Neilson Ratings. Shows like "Monty Python's Flying Circus" have been watched, primarily, by a rela tively small group of dedicated gag-comedy fanatics. Another series, "Perry Mason," volleyed from a fifth place rating to forty-third over a nine year tenure on CBS; ironically, though, one of history's most popular television shows, it never was the most watched series of the week. What about yourself? Got a favorite? "Howdy Doody" or "Mickey Mouse Club" or "Gomer Pyle" or "Partridge Family"??? Walk For Hunger! Over half the world is starv ing everyday! Over a billion people suffer from severe malnutrition! Thirty percent of all children that live beyond in fancy grow up with physical or mental handicaps due to diet-related deprivation! What can you do? You can walk in "A Walk for Hunger" that's what you can do! This will show how much you really care. CROP an organi zation of Church World Ser vice (which most Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Mehtodists are members of) appeals to the community of Greensboro for help. The Walk will take place on November 14, and starts at 2:00 p.m. Please walk or spon sor a walker to help fight this ongoing crisis. Sponsor sheets can be picked up at St. Paul the Apostle Church on Horse pen Creek Rd., just off of New Garden Rd. Each participant can desig nate which hunger-fighting or ganization his/her money shall be directed towards, (e.g., CARE, Catholic Relief Ser vices, etc.). Twenty-five per cent of all monies earned in the event will remain in Greensboro to help the Urban Ministry fight poverty. More information concern ing the Walk for Hunger can be gotten by telephoning 292- 3697. Somebody has to care. Let it be you! Please walk or sponsor a walker on Nov. 14 to fight this terrible crisis.