November 9,1976 Community Council Minutes To: Community Council To: Community Council From: Sara Bohn, John Janney, Richard Phillips, Peter Reichard, John Stoneburner, and Ken Schwab Re: Student Life in the Residence Halls This committee met and identified six main areas of concern that were discussed at the special Community Council meeting on September 29, 1976. The following is a brief summary of the committee's recommendations. 1. Balance of Social Climate in Residence Halls It should be made clear that on Sunday Thursday no noise should be allowed that emanates beyond the confines of one's individual room. On Friday and Saturday evenings parties will be allowed until 2 a.m. but must abide by college policy. Bryan Hall appears to be a major concern with regard to the noise level. It is felt that the college should develop the second floor lounge and the basement for social and study areas. 2. Alternative Party Space The committee agreed that there is a need for party space outside of residence halls. The Grill Room and other space in Founders was discussed as possible locations for this purpose. Peter Reichard agreed to review the efforts that were initiated last year and develop a proposal to be presented to the Community Senate. It was felt that such a proposal should include provisions for a contractual agreement for use of the space. 3. All Night Study Area The committee decided that a good interim step would be to make the second floor of Founders available for study until 2 a.m. This should be tried for a semester or two and then evaluated as to the demand for such a study space. 4. Communication of the Quaker Stance on Community It was agreed that this was a very difficult task but one that should be undertaken by the campus publications. Richard Phillips agreed that he would do a series of interviews and publish articles in the Guitfordian. 5. Judicial System The committee felt that this concern should be referred to the Student Affairs Committee. SAC should be asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the honor code and the whole judicial system. In carrying out this evaluation particular attention should be given to the role that the housing staff performs in this judicial structure and how to improve commun ication with the Judicial Board. It will also be important to examine how to encourage responsible participation by all members of our community in the judicial process. 6. Town Meeting The committee decided that there was not a need for a Town Meeting at this point, but such a meeting might be beneficial after some additional decisions are made. The committee also felt that smaller groups of faculty, students, and administrators might meet in the residence halls and discuss these concerns. After the next Community Council meeting it is recommended that the group of students who were involved in preparing information for the special Community Council meeting be called together and informed of what actions have been taken. Sunset Melted butter in the plate Smashed and oily from the sun's relentless rays; It is indeed a hot afternoon. The panting of a dog and the tapping of a wasp on the windowpane accent the insane sameness of each smothering second. DO NOT FREEZE it says on the lid of the cider jar. No danger of that, I exclaim silently. The power fails the sun falls and the cooling, quieting breezes take over our kingdom. Ruthanna Haines The Guilfordian Personals Home cooked food is uncanny. The more a thing changes the more it is the same thing. Increased Rigor in Guilford's Grading System? Ellen Pollock, student repre sentative to the Educational Policies Committee, reported its activities to Senate last week and is requesting student feedback. The com mittee is considering the question "Does Guilford's grading system need to be more rigorous?" The question arose as a result of the college's self-study last year. The Committee needs to know what students feel actually constitutes a "rigorous grading 1 system." Other facets of the issue are questions such as "Are Guilford's courses really challenging, or is it simply that a very large potion of the student body is satisfied with 'C's'?" and "Are too many 'A's' given out?" Should there be a more standardized grading system with more definite guidelines for grading student work? For example, is there a need for a campus-wide policy on what percentage of a grade is deter mined by various factors (such as effort, actual productivity, etc.)? Does a letter grade at Guilford really carry its Soccer '76 BY GIB FURGUSON Soccer intramurals have been a great success this year. Enthusiasm is high and the competition between the teams is very tough. For those who haven't yet been able to make one of the games, we urge you to come out and support your team. The team standings as Wednesday, November 3 are: Ist Place Milner 2 (2-0-2) 2nd place Milner 1 (1-0-3) 3rd place Day Hops (1-1-2) 3rd place Bryan (1-1-2) 4th place Milner 3 (1-2-1) sth place English (0-2-2) Wed., Nov. 10 Wed., Nov. 10 Wed., Nov. 10 Wed., Nov. 24 Wed., Nov. 24 Wed., Nov. 24 Wed., Dec. 1 Wed., Dec. 1 Wed., Dec. 1 On Wednesday, December 8 there will be a semi-final round with the Ist place team vs. the 4th place team and the 2nd place team vs. the 3rd place team. The two winners will play for the Soccer '76 9|ea|c9|C9|e9|C3|ea|e3|es|c9ie9ic3ie9|c3ie assigned value? Remember, an "A" is supposed to mean unusually outstanding, excellent work; a "B" superior, above average work; and a "C" average. Maybe the real question lurking at the bottom of all this is what does Guilford want its "avjr age" level to be? Has it been set high enough? . . . campus wide? How do you feel about it? Senators are now gathering student ideas on this issue to be discussed Wednesday in Senate. Tell your Senator what you think or come to Senate yourself. Ellen will also be glad to have any student opinions to take back to the committee (855-3886). The Educational Policies Committee has also asked whether or not the Senate should support any further recognition of scholastic achievement. In the past. Senate has funded keys and certificates for members of the Scholarship Society. Is any further recognition of this sort necessary, with the society and Dana scholarships? Student answers to this question are requested as well. Don't waste your repfesent atiorw Page 11 Due to the tremendous enthusiasm and competition amond the six teams, the regular season has been extended another two weeks. The schedule for the extra games was composed by pick ing the teams out of a hat in order to make everything as fair as possible. Thus, the schedule for the remaining three weeks of Soccer '76 is as follows: 2:00 Milner 3 vs. Day Hops 3:00 English Vs. Bryan 4:00 Milner 1 vs. Milner 2 2:00 Day Hops vs. Milner 3 3:00 Milner 1 vs. Bryan 4:00 English vs. Milner 2 2:00 Milner 1 vs. Milner 2 3:00 Milner 3 vs. English 4:00 Bryan vs. Day Hops championship on Sunday, December 12th. (Standings are determined by the point system 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.) Don't Miss Soccer '76! Intramural Volleyball BY FRANK BOYLES Intramural volleyball got underway last Monday with a present schedule consisting of 13 men's teams and 13 wo men's teams. Games are played from Monday through Thursday until the end of the semester. If you want to play volleyball come down to the gym when your floor is sched uled to play. You do not have to be signed up to play. Prudenttaj | INSURANCE?... Who Needs 1t?... . . Just about everybody! And if you can qualify you may be the one to sell it for the most progressive insurance company in America— Prudential. Complete and extensive I training in all Prudential product lines . . . Excellent , Benefits . . . Unlimited I Management Oppor tunities. For Confidential Interview Placement Office Mike Ketchum , An. Equal OppQitunily.fcmployer. M,\^