page eight Announcements James C. McMillan, a faculty member of the Art Department at Guilford, will be presenting an exhibition of paintings and drawings: retrospective and recent sabbatical studies. The exhibi tion will be held in Hege-Cox Gallery from April 6 to 15, 1978. The opening will be held Thursday, April 6, 1978 from 4-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, 8:13 p.m., passion pit - Open Forum on Semester "adven tures" of the Society for the Advancement of International Order reason: Model Security Council work and Model United Nations activities. This may be your best time to go to Europe. Flight costs are the lowest ever. The dollar is showing no signs of improving, in the short run or the long run. The Guilford-UNC-G charter departing May 23, will have seats available on the flight from New York to Paris at $330.00. This is the best price available if you are going to the Continent, even better than Laker which takes you to London where you take flight or boat-train to any point on the Continent. You can return on any one of several flights, staying from three weeks to three months. Information at: Center for Off Campus Education, Frazier Apt. No. 21 BiiiiiiiiimiiiaiiiHniiiiHiaiiiiiHHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiNiMiiifliMiaMiMiMiHiuiiiiiMMiiiiiiiHniiHama,,,,,,,,,, | LOW COST FLI6HT | Round "Trp Cost srcr\ }iew OJVLY $330.00 Available jv £U?cJ -pA-Cut-fy of' (fUi/ti/J C*/Uje artJ l/fIICC. MIJ other colleges hive -\ rtysitred m Sihook I jL For Into*mvdton (xmiaA I ] y rZf CltkvJe Sliitlj 1 \~7 / Cenfer W df 6unpKi | / / eJutaho* I (y Tel. S 111-212-5511 ail^e *2 3f I 3MNCE CLUB is fnettr^ SAIURWV| OA-5'60 WI SuMPAy t B'-0O Roy Nydorf, a new faculty member of the art Department at Guilford, will be presenting an exhibition of his paintings, drawings and prints. The exhibition will be held from April 8-30, 1978 in Founders Hall Gallery. The opening will be held on Sunday, April 9, 1978, from 3 to 5 p.m. The General Greene Council, B.S.A. is starting a new Scout Troop at New Garden Friends meeting across the street from the College with the help of the Guilford College American Legion. We need Scout Leaders who must be 21 and Assis tant Scoutmasters who must be at least 18. Anyone inter ested in volunteering should call J.P. Hodgin at 292-3250, after 4:30 p.m. Missing/stolen: green Fuji bicycle, white taped handle bars, black seat with "FUJI" written in white. Please contact Susan Franklin, 852- 1763, Shore 206 or Security if seen. Need money for school next year? Can I qualify for financial aid? What can I receive? Must I apply every year? Is it too late to apply? Drop by Boren Lounge in Founders on April 5 and 6 between 5:30 and 7:00 to talk about these questions and many more that you might have. The Guilfordian Going to Europe? See Guilford Center Last week's Guilfordian story on the Council on Internation al Educational Exchange (C.1.E.E.) told about many services available for students going to Europe. All these services and more are found here at Guilford- Frazier Apt. 21, The Center for Off Campus Education. • 1978 C.I.E.E. Flight Catalog • Charter Flights to Europe at lowest cost, roundtrip $330. return from 3 weeks to 3 months. • International Student I.D. Cards • Information on all C.I.E.E. tours, charters and services The Student Travel Catalog, which we have in abundance, gives much valuable informa tion for anyone who is thinking of going to Europe. If you are going this summer, we call your special attention to the Guilford-UNC-G Charter Flight which departs May 23. You may stay any length of time from three weeks to three months. For information, go to Frazier #2l or telephone 919-292-5511, Ext. 125. The third annual Harvey Ljung Chemistry Lecture will be given this Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. in King 122. Dr. Thomas Meyer of the UNC-CH Chemistry Depart ment will speak on Solar Energy Utilization by Inorganic Complexes. All are welcome to attend. *' *** 5 * *? W , U V \ \ , t I amw 111'' ' -* fcrnsgmx^y jmgm VjWBBy * \ I Rich Wail, number 24, escapes a VMI opponent in last week's lacrosse victory over VMI, 14-7. Neutron Bomb Abandonment? By JOOST de WIT Amsterdam, March 18. An estimated forty to fifty thousand people took part in a demonstration against the neutron bomb in Amsterdam. The demonstrators marched up to the Jaap Endenhall, where only a small number could fit inside. Many thous ands stood outside and listened to the speeches through loudspeakers. One of the speakers was the Russian cosmonaut Oleg Markarov. He declared that introduction to the neutron bomb would speed up the armament contest, while results are showing in the process of disarmament. In his opinion the Americans are trying to make believe that atomic weapons are not more harmful than a rifle. The manifestation followed Quartet to Sing at Guilford The Toscana String Quartet will present an informal concert at 6 p.m. in the Boren Lounge, Monday, April 10. Their hour long program will include music by Mozart, Verdi, Brahms, Puccini, Rossini, and Purcell. The members of the quartet Estelle Gibbs, Judy Cloud, Louis Turner, and Willie Drake come from different parts of the country but all have done graduate or post graduate work at the North Carolina School of the Arts. April 4,1978 an international forum against the bomb in the RAI hall, with about 1500 participants from thirty different countries. The American Daniel Ellsberg, formerly working with the Pentagon, said that in his opinion the neutron bomb would have been used in Korea and Vietnam if the United States had had one at that time. According to Ellsberg, his country had been ready to use atomic bombs. It decide not to, considering the extent of radiation and the political repercussions this would have had. In a collective statement, the participants of the forum call on all governments to abandon the bomb, and to take notice of the wide protest movement. (From: NRC Handselsblad) The concert will be informal, so that you can drop in for a while even if you can't stay for the entire program. Light refreshments will be served. This concert and the mime performance last week are part of an effort by a group here at Guilford to bring more fine arts events to the school and to make them more acces sible to students. As part of the same series, on the following Monday at 6 p.m. a classical guitar student will play in Boren Lounge.