StptemkerSiitig Travels with Bill Summer Experiences in Greece and Crete... (This is the first in a series of articles dealing with this past summer's experiences of Guilford students, faculty and administrators. By BILL DAM One of the four Summer Schools Abroad took place in Greece. Seven Guilford students Jody Markoff, Susan Aubuchon, Anthony DeMarco, Jennifer Reek, Vickie Welch, and Becky MacKenzie along with seven area students took part in this exciting program. Their trip began May 24 in Paris where they spent two days touring the French city. Four days in Flor ence were well spent, visiting cathedrals, museums, and many evening spots, and walking down the cobblestone streets through the piazzas filled with ancient statues. An hour's train ride to Pisa showed the group the famous Leaning Tower and the Cathedral. The group arrived in Rome on May 30, finding the large city to be a different cultural experience. The noise and dif ficulty in transportation was evident, as in many major cities, yet the variety of activities and the sites made the visit very worth while. Famous places such as the Coliseum, Forum, Arch of Constantine, the Vatican Museums and St. Peters Basilica were just a few of those sites seen. The Museum of Roman Civ ilization revealed a huge model of ancient Rome with the ancient buildings reconstruct ed. The authenticity and work manship of these models were of great interest to the stu HBPIwm ** * "\ ■il ; 2^BmW HIIJ. j /*%-- tU' IJSJbI View of Ruins in Levadia Springs near Athens. dents. Many of the students expressed how Rome gave them the feeling of living in an ancient land as they saw the city and its ruins of an ancient culture. After a scenic ferry trip over the Mediterranean, the group arrived in Athens. During their two and one half week stay in Athens, the group visited many popular attractions such as Cape Sounion, the Temple of Poseidon, and the Plaka, which as numerous restaurants, shops, discoteques and places to listen to Greek music and dance. The group took four days to visit the is land of Crete, well noted for the Minoan civilization. The group was warmly received in Athens by the Hel lenic American Union Center's for the Creative Arts which provided small group apart ments. The students attend class in the morning and were able to travel both independ ently and together depending on their preference. The stu dents left on June 20 going their separate ways throughout Europe. In future articles I will be talking more with these students about their individual travels and their Grecian ex periences as well as with many Guilford people about their travels. The Guilfordicin Share Summer Jobs on Wednesdays By RICHARD FULTON Ever since my first camping trip I have wished that my primary occupation be in the out-of-doors. I can imagine that I share this view with quite a few folks here at Guil ford. The only problem seems to be finding outdoor work you enjoy. Mowing lawns is out side, but can be a drag when the humidity settles in around 90% and even your dog can't handle it and resorts to the nearest mud puddle. Don Gibbon is planning a series of Environmental Studies Meetings starting this Wednes day at 12 noon in the back room of the cafeteria, for peo- gasu* mM # i > " iBnH ~j> *" T i nil HO wi OiH rl " :? l! : 11 f lIN ' ' * '*wm Ponte Veccio in Florence. Quaker Peace-Making Team to Visit Guilford Duncan and Katharine Wood, who have served for 25 years as a Quaker peace making team on the inter national scene, principally in Geneva, will be guests of Guilford College Sept. 11-13. They will address a public meeting in Founders Hall at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, on "The New Interest in Human Rights Around the World." Duncan and Katharine Wood, English and Scottish, respectively, were Quaker rep resentatives from 1952 to 1977 in Geneva, where they met with government leaders from all parts of the world. ple interested in sharing and finding out about various kinds of wild, fun, and different sum mer jobs. Ted Forbes and Bob Wall worked as canoe guides for a camp in Canada all summer taking 14-15 year olds on trips ranging from 3 days to 3 weeks. Bill Dam worked in Tenn essee as a soil inspector, test ing firmness and consis tency at construction sites. Mark Durway also worked for the same company as Bill, but Mark was a driller's helper on a core drilling rig which basically determined the dif ferent rock types in his specific area.* They have collaborated with numerous other religions, humanitarian and political organizations. The Religious Society of Friends (Quaker) maintains offices with permanent rep resentatives at both New York and Geneva and is one of the groups accredited to the United Nations as a Non-Governmen tal Organization. The Woods will be meeting with students and faculty, in terpreting their experiences of working for the aid of refugees, the promotion of human rights, disarmament and economic and social de velopment. page 7 Greg Brown taught 13-15 year olds sailing at a camp in Northern Georgia, that off ered everything from Kayacking to woodworking. I took a Biology Expedition course from the National Outdoor Leadership School, which taught us Biology, wil derness skills and leadership qualities through real exper iences in Yellowstone and the Teton Wilderness. These people and more will be sharing their experiences in the coming weeks. They will share ideas, how they found out about it, leads, and what it was really like. We'll try to get slides or pic tures too. These meetings will be held every Wednesday at 12 noon for lunch as long as there are speakers. Come and share your summer with others and meet some real neat people. NOTE: The local Sierra Club chapter meets in Founders Gallery, the 2nd Monday even ing (7:30-8 maybe) of every month. Don Gibbon is starting a fall vegetable garden behind the Frazier Apts. Help support good clean food. Possibly a simple greenhouse could be rigged up. IS THIS WHAT YOUR KISSES TASTE LIKE? If you smoke cigarettes, you taste like one. Your clothes and hair can smell stale and unpleasant, too. You don't notice it. but people close to you do. Especially if they doq't smoke. And non-smokers are the best people to love. They live longer. AMERICAN W CANCER SOCIETYT This space contributed by.the puhlishci us a public service.