page two Dear Editor, I hope you will offer a public apology for publishing the cartoon portrayal of the faculty and students from the Department of the Administra tion of Justice. The cartoon was insulting, disgusting, and without redeeming social or artistic merit. Sincerely, Jerry Caris Godard COLLEGE OVE HOUR CIfWERS MH-OSSb "WE KEEP THE Quakers o_EfW" 6MLL ROOM I 0 PEN 7-IA SU.A/CHVJS IPlaner 10:00 £fV THE WHD • frlim - TGGM 10-00 RM. JOHN prime v, SKUiSED /-Stem JI- Letters To - And From - The Editor To All Readers, The editor and assistant editor of the Guilfordian wish to begin to explain the reasons for their resignations from those respective positions. We feel that a newspaper is needed at Guilford to connect differing fields of interest and opinion but do not feel this obligation strongly enough to devote much of each week working on a minute level of production that produces a publication appreciated by a mere few. Two, three or four people will never make a true newspaper. We cannot represent the ideas of Guilford students and faculty sufficiently, if they are not willing to volunteer real assistance rather than negative remonstrations of what is printed. First, we wish to thank those friends that have been with us for hours writing, reading and typing on nights such as last night. They know who they are. It is the others who fail to understand that when you have three, four and sometimes a single person doing those same jobs it is impossible not to err and later wonder if any of it was worthwhile. Perhaps for this reason, the source of most presure has been the faculty. We have given the organization of the Guilfordian much serious thought and believe that if anything less than a weekly eight page issue (such as either a bi-weekly or four page issue) were printed it would not be worth the time, money, and effort that must still be exuded. This is not an apology but a letter of resignation with hopes that other members of the college will seek a truly represent ative and controversial publication while being able to success fully implement that idea with co-operation from the majority. Caroline Coles and Joan Curcio SENIORSI SrAKXIAKr- Ws/SATUftmi, SEPTEMBER 30 fVNI> EVEM lUEEXEA/b ft/\>D wEDAiesDM T>fe RAFTER., SENIOR pOSLTVLAOS WILL B>E W. rHEfcE WILL. EE *0 SITTIMG- FEES FWD NOW rw PUFCOWSE "/DUP- PVCTUFT££ IF lO\K 50 PesvfcE . for. the whole, SCOOP , check. You ft KWLfco*ES A-MD /OfK TIVE COfAIAUAMTV AIEIOSLETTER. G-ET LOXIL Portrait DONF A . SODA/ fVS WolA CAM v HUCK'S DELI ~ specializing ia : A IE&BS J CHEESEJS f -sandwvcJaes A fl O IrrLportcjc/ oreicrS £yJ /n > Call: 853-07^/^ >5/ / H&fplj Uoxr -5 OO prri - £7 OPEN' uOO am- 100 AM Y)ONDAU~ SIIWRDNJ R TF.OOPM.- IXOOTRN, JSUNDDTJ J UMTED at •. K AI3O PAfXV K£6rS AVAtLABLg! f~7 RHE G-UILFOK P//W WILL GG' U " Pisccwr/A/Eb /a/J^EF/AJITEL^J— [F YOU EVE.& Vrt/vAT TO SEE /r rt£/A/, COME ro DW/VEA. TOA/IC-HT, SMFLLL D)AJI*/C- (LOOTA , s'*>C> "*4: OO Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C Dear Editor, The Consortium Bus Service here is for the stu dents' convenience, not only to get to classes at UNC-G and the other members of the Consortium, but I would hope in attending concerts, lectures, and maybe even a few enter tainment activities within Greensboro. (You know how the young people of today are.) As there are night classes that quite a few members of Guilford must attend, why not have one or two shifts both in and out of the city at night? We have talked with stu dents about this and all of the ones approached have cheered us on in agreement, while a few were even willing to drive that bus to and from the colleges (for, of course, a small fee.) I did not hire them! Although Guilford has a lot to offer right here, it seems to me there should always be some sort of night transpor tation between a school and its nearest town (or city, as the case may be), especially when there is a supposed Consortium between that school and the other four in the same city! We may have things scheduled that other Consortium students would like to come to, while certainly there are Guilford students that desparately need to make use of both the UNC- G Library and classes that could be vital to their selected majors. The Admissions Office in its [ anfon.u\ j S Joan Curcio, Editor y f Caroline Coles, Assistant Editor 4 y Leslie Clark and Mary Watkins, Business Managers L r ? Tamara Frank, Club Contact / S Steve Low, Photography j i Lauren Seller, Typing S3 1 L ) Susan Shulord, Pathi Digh, Editorial Board e \ Lyndy Wilson. Sports / Jody MarVoff. Art y ? Contributors Naomi Donovan. Tariara Frank, \ Richard Fulton [ and Friends § § Letters and contributions from students, faculty, and others ? are welcome and may be sent to: the GuHfordian, P.O. Box K ) 17717, Guilford College. Greensboro, N.C. 27410. The editorial \ staff, however, reserves the right to omit libellous, profane, or ? unsigned material Names may be withheld from publication § r upon request. September 26.1978 entirety does a fantastic job of showing Guilford to pros pective students and admitting them. Perhaps Guilford needs to be more aware of ways to facilitate those students presently enrolled. Caroline Coles Sharon Hiltner Virginia Wagner April Evans Pam Huie . . . and others Dear Friends; We at WQFS would like to hear from you! The Guil ford College Crier is ready to make your upcoming activities known to as many people as is possible. Announced three times daily, the G.C. Crier is the largest forum on campus for the advance notice of class information, trips, meetings, parties, or anything else relev ant to our wonderful College community. To have material broadcast simply send us the pertinent information (whafs happen ing; when; where; etc.) as soon as possible prior to the actual date. Our capable staff will then perform electronic marvels in order to have your event a rousing success. Our address is: Production Staff, WQFS, Founders Hall, Box 17714, Guilford College. The Crier is your voice, feel free to speak out often. Sincerely, Richard Ashley