December 12, 1978 Guilfordian suggestions Each week, the Guilfordian will ask a question of students and others in the Gulford community. The participants will be selected at random and their answers recorded and transcribed. It is hoped that this column will inspire further dis cussion on issues erf concern to the community. By JEAN STEWART I think that the paper serves three roles. It should be an information giving document, a conscious raising publication and an entertaining publication. As far as the first role is concerned I would like to see it have factual information of upcoming event of interest to the entire community. That means meetings and perform ances on campus, as well as items that will take place in the com munity that would be of interest to the Guilford College constituency. I would also hope that it would be able to give a review of meetings, decisions, etc. that have happened on campus. As far as the consciousness raising responsibility I think the paper has the particular ability to stimulate thought among students and faculty and to stimulate ideas regarding concerns of the campus. It should be a catalyst for thought and for discussion. I would like to see it represent all sides of an issue, that is pro and con from student, faculty and administrators. It ought to be willing to have an opinion itself, that is from the editors of the news paper. It's third function as an entertain ing publicaiton ought to reflect a Claude Shotts .... will be 80 years young on December 17 th. Two days earlier, on Friday, December 15, every member of the Guilford College family is invited to help Claude celebrate by coming by the Boren Lounge in Fbunders Hall at 4:00 p.m. for conversation and refreshments. Christmas Banquet: The Christmas Banquet for boarding students will be held Mon.-Thurs. Dec. 11-14, at 5:15 p.m. in the Walnut Dining Room. Dress to impress. Dinner by reservation only. Student art exhibit: An exhibit of art work by Guilford students will be presented at Guilford College. The exhibit will be" shown in Founders Gallery, Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C. The show will run until December 14. humorous outlook. There are different ways to look at issues and one way is to balance the serious with a humorous aspect to represent some levity in situations I think that humor tends to equalize ones prospective on an issue. As far as suggestions, perhaps my suggestions reflect hope. I hope there will be as many students as possible to contribute if not in active positions, at least through letters to the editor. I think it is important to have a campus newspaper and that students, faculty and administrators should feel free to contribute to it. By ALEX STOESEN First I would like to congratulate the people who are working on the paper. I looked at the first edition and read through most of it and it looks like a good job to me. I'm mighty glad to see it going again. I was asked to make some comments on what I thought the paper could or should do here on the campus. First thing that comes to mind is that it could enable the people here on campus to know each other better. It would serve as a medium for giving us a chance to know what other people are doing, what they're like, what they're thinking about, what their plans are, what their disappointments are and what kind of life they're leading. That would include everybody: students, faculty and staff. I think some of the things done in the past and even earlier in the year, I found very useful. Secondly, it can let us know what is going on around campus. That Guilford Coll Reminder: Applications for the London Semester Abroad 1979 may be picked up from Bill Fulcher, King 106 or Dick Coe, Student Services, Bryan Hall. Photographers/8: Photographs by Judy Mutunhu are being exhibited in a group show at H.C. Taylor Gallery, N.C. A & T State Uni versity, Greensboro, N.C. from Nov. 26 to Dec. 15. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, from 2-5 p.m. "Art on Paper 1978" will continue at the Weatherspoon Art Gallery, UNC-G, through December 17. The exhibit focuses on unique art works done on or composed paper. The Gallery will close for the semester break December 20 and reopen January 9. Guilfordian seems like a fairly trite statement but we have the campus calendar. That tells you what's going on but that's just the bare bones of the story. What'we need is the meat and flesh on the bones to tell us the things that are going on in detail. That would include the things that are going on in detail. That would include the things that are going to hapen and also some sort of critique, review or analysis of things that have happened. That is my second point. I think another thing that could be done is to analyze the docu ments that the college produces. What about the catalogue, what do you think about it? What about the president's annual report, is it fact or fiction? And what about other things that are going on? All of this could be looked into in a positive constructive way to make the paper something people would look forward to reading. I think it could constandy test opinion to see what is going on and what people are thinking about on campus. I think the paper should offer some training to students inter ested in journalism because anything you can pick up and find out about to see if you like it would be of help to the future of the students on campus. Some people in other places have gone on to careers in journalism. I think the Guilfordian could at least offer an understanding of what it's all about, deadlines, lay out, that sort of thing. These aren't lengthy things but this is what I think is important as far as the Guilfordian goes. All interested instrumentalists are urged to participate in an ensemble being formed for next semester. Any student or faculty member who would like to join as an instru mentalist or submit suggestions should contact Ed Lowe in Dana 101 or Susan Ide, Box 17287. Wanting to buy ... 35 mm camera. ChristelLee. Ext. 181. Summer Jobs: The National Park services is accepting applications for a Folk Singer/Musicians at Cape Lookout National Seashore in Beaufort, North Carolina. Infor mation on the U.S. Government Summer Job Program is available in the Placement Office. First dead line for registering for the written test for clerical jobs is Dec. 15. A file of notices on summer camp positions is now available in the Placement Office. By LYNN BRYANT I think the Guilfordian should let people know what students are involved with off campus as well as on campus. This should definitely include more than just academic matters. By JOHN BAILEY The Guilfordian should serve as a connection between the adminis tration and the students. It should aid in the communication of the entire school. I don't know if it's possible, but I think each depart ment of the school should run an article to enable the entire student body to be aware of activities in the school. Also advertisements may help with financing the publication of the paper. I would also like to see more indepth sports coverage. By DON BASNIGHT I would suggest that the Guilford ian provide more information about events and things that are going on with the people in the school. For example I know some people who have won dance contests. Maybe they should go around and ask people about different topics and see how they feel about things. There should be more coverage of intermural sports and activities. They should pick up on spontaneous things like the food fight in the cafeteria. They should check out issues like the food in the cafeteria besides what work committees are doing and make students aware of what the student government is and isn't doing. Newspaper Internships: The Place ment Office has received notification on the 1979 Summer Internship Program for the Winston-Salem Journal and the Sentinel. There is also a new booklet on the Place ment Office entided Newspaper Internships for College Students. See Ellen Parker or Dick Coe. Deep Roots Food Co-op will hold a Nutrition Workshop on December 12 at 7:30. Topics will include: food combining, food complement ing (alternative proteins), selecting and preparing food, and alternatives to junk food. Quesiton and answer period will follow the presentation. The workshop is open to the public. Additional workshops will be held the second Tuesday erf every month by the Deep Roots Educa tion Committee. The Co-op is located at 1837 Spring Garden Road. For more information, call 273-9216. Page seven $ By JOHN ANDERSON I think the main point th Guilfordian should get across is tha it should keep everyone informet of current events in the Guilfori community. I think there shouk be an entertainment sectior with events in the college area: Greensboro, High Point, Winstor Salem. They should keep up tht sports section because I really like sports. And maybe there should bt individual sections for all the depart ments so that students can know what is going on in History or Economics departments. I think the paper should just keep up with current events and let people know what is going on around campus. LONGR PLFRJZ P/vJ TUESDAY A v/ [h / J v FRIDAV oec-IS: $ AT iopn ON