PAGE EIGHT r GUILFORDIAN. September 16. 1980 Quakers' Second Win The Quakers won their second game in a row Sunday, holding off a last minute Ran dolph-Macon surge to preserve a 21-13 victory over the Yellow Jackets in Richmond With just over a minute remaining in the fourth and final quarter, the host team had the ball on the Guilford twenty five and were threatening to score, with the possibility of tying the game with a two-point conversion. On a second down and short yardage situation, safety Steve Wilmot came through with a big play, sacking the R-M quarter and creating a third and fourteen situation. After throwing incompletely on Pick the winners The rules are simple Just select a winner for each of the games listed below and circle that team The individual who picks the most games correct is the winner. The prize -- a gift certificate for one PIZZA HUT pizza In the event of a tie, the last game listed, Philadelphia -- New York Giants, serves as the tie-breaker. It works this way; just enter in the space next to the game the total number of points you think will be scored by the two teams. For example, if you think the Philadelphia -- New York game will be high scoring, say 34-30, your entry should look like this: PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK 64 Whoever is closest to the actual point total, over or under, will win the tiebreaker and the pizza. So, after you've picked all the winners, filled in the tie-breaker, and have entered your name and box number in the spaces provided, cut this out and place it in the PICK THE WINNERS envelope at the Information Desk. HOME VISITOR HOUSTON BALTIMORE NEW ORLEANS BUFFALO LOS ANGELES CREEN BAY CLEVELAND KANSAS CITY ATLANTA MIAMI CHICAGO MINNESOTA SEATTLE NEW ENGLAND CINCINNATI PITTSBURGH DETROIT ST. LOUIS DENVER SAN DIEGO NEW YORK J ETS SAN FRANCISCO DALLAS TAMPA BAY OAKLAND WASHINGTON Monday Night TIEBREAKER PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK CIANTS Name Box Number ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME Tuesday, September 16 The producer and director responsible for King Kong joined again to produce The Most Dangerous Game, shot on the same set as their earlier film. This film is the original version of the story of Bob Rainsford, big game hunter, and Count Zaroff, the eccentric Russian who turns his hunting skills to new game. Rhetor 'BO, a national gather ing of students interested in exchanging ideas and discus sing issues will be held on October 10th and 11th on the campus ot the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill It is sponsored by the Association of American Collegiate Literary Societies, a relatively new inter collegiate organization The AACLS is committed to encouraging students to learn not to limit themselves, but to third down, the Yellow Jackets came within inches of gaining the crucial first down on a pass play, but Lady Luck must have been smiling on the Quakers. The R-M receiver should have made the first down but he tripped and fell out of bounds, sealing the win for the visiting Quakers. Chris Scissom put the Qua kers on the board first with a one-yard plunge late in the first quarter. After a scoreless second period, Guilford QB Keith Millner hit Steve Hunter for a twenty-four yard touch down pass, increasing the Qua ker lead to 13-0. Yellow Jacket QB John Lysher answered Guilford College Notebook cultivate wide-ranging interests and an appetite for all useful knowledge Rhetor 'BO will serve this purpose by providing a forum for students from across the country. Major activi ties will include the reading of original poetry, audience participation debates, and the reading and defense of student papers. A pamphlet on logistics is available on the Guilfordian reserve. Congratulations to Bruce and Susan (Troemner) Herard, 1980 Cuilford Graduates, who both passed the entire C P A exam in May. It is unusual for can didates to pass the entire exam on their first attempt Bruce and Susan who were married on May 27, now reside at 3139 Heathclead Place, Charlotte, N.C. 28210. quickly though, connecting with receiver Chuck Cupton on a forty-six yard touchdown pass. But before the period ended Millner struck again, this time hooking up with Jerry Bryant who sprinted forty yards to put the Quakers solidly on top, 18-7. In the final period, the host R-M team cut the Guilford lead to 18-13 on a quick fifteen yard TD pass. Five minutes later, Qua ker kicker Jim Ramicone closed out the scoring with a booming thirty-one yard field goal. Following a week off, the undefeated Quakers swing back into action Homecoming week end, hosting Hampden-Sydney at the Armfield Athletic Center. Quips from the sports desk by Michael Van Wagner Sports Editor Athletic Director Herb Ap perizellar will be seeing a lot more of his son, Tom these days. Having just received a degree in Sports Administration from the University of Mass achussettes at Amherst last year, Tom took over as the head football coach at East Mont gomery High School this Fall. East Montgomery is only about an hour's drive from Cuilford. Prior to attending Amherst, the younger Appenzellar earned a Bachelors degree at Presby terian College and a Masters degree in Social Studies at UNC-C. Former soccer standouts, Bob Sanguinetti and Bob Lloyd, both 'BO graduates, are wasting no time out in the "real world." "B" Lloyd is presently em ployed by the New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Co. up in Trenton, while Sand is back at Guilford this fall working with coach Tim Morse as a goalie trainer. In addition to his position here, Sand will be coaching the Kiser Junior High soccer team and in November The Biophile Club will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 6 in the Passion PiL Plans will be made for the annual trip to Cape Hatteras National Sea shore on the weekend of Oct. 3, 4 and 5. The cost of this trip will be sl2 (which includes gas, camping fees, and all meals except for Friday and Sunday nights) You will need to bring the sl2 to the meeting as a reservation for the trip. Accounting Club Meeting -- There will be an organizational meeting and picnic on Sunday, September 21 at 4:30 at the home of Frank and Mary Mer ritt, Frazier Apt 31. All interes ted persons are encouraged to attend. There will be plenty of food and drink for everyone and all we ask is a small donation to help cover the costs. If you plan to come, sign up on one of the sign up sheets, or in the accounting labs. Fighting Quakers he plans to tryout for a pro fessional (American Soccer League) team forming in Char lotte. Interestingly enough, this will be the first time in seven years that Sang and Lloyd won't be playing together. Before coming to Guilford the talented duo played for Hamilton High School, a New Jersey soccer powerhouse located just outside of Trenton. Two other ex-Quaker booters, Mark Cubberly ('79) and Don Hemrick ('80), are both begin ning graduate work at Wake Forest this fall. Cubberly, after a year with the Jefferson Stan dard Insurance Co., is enrolled in Wake's law school, while Hemrick will be studying at the business school. Gary Devlin, former basket ball All-American, was playing ball this summer in Philadel phia's famed Baker league. I happened to catch one of his games on a Philly FM station and he did quite well, hitting for twenty-eight points. That's not bad considering that he was Franklin Parker, professor of history at UNC-G, will speak on 'Central America-Historial Overview" at 3:30 in the Gal lery. He will be followed at 7:30 by Jose Siman, professor of Ethics, Universidad Centro americana-S.S., E.S. with "Open Forum on El Salvador." The speakers are presented as a part of the Intercultural Stu dies Program. Michael Lorimer, one of the world's leading interpreters of baroque and classical guitar music will perform on Tuesday, Sept. 16 at Aycock Auditorium. The concert will begin at 8:15 on the UNC-C campus. Guilford's own Mark Lewis and company will provide an evening of Jazz September 18, beginning at 9:00 p.m. in Boren Lounge. Come out for an evening of informal entertain ment and socializing Refresh ments will be provided. picture by Mike Gatton playing alongside of Joe Bryant and Lloyd Free. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Baker League, it is one of the premier summer basketball leagues in the country, attract ing many professional and col lege stars. Freshman Dan Pleasant is Guilford's new Sports Infor mation Director, Dan, who hails from Apex, North Carolina, will have his work cut out for him. In a nutshell, he's the publicity man for the sports program and is responsible for providing the media, and other schools with rosters, schedules, results, sta tistics, etc. Finally, I'm going to try my hand at some baseball predic tions, some advice to all of you Baltimore fans who have been excited by the Orioles second half surge; save your energy, the Yankees are going to win the pennant! In the AL West, Kansas City has things pretty much wrapped up. Over in the National League, Montreal will edge out Philadelphia in the East, and Houston will take the West. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Friday, Sept. 19. The film version of the in comparable rock opera This is the story of the last week of Christ's life, his betrayal and crucifixion, which builds to an emotional crescendo that cap tures all the power and passion of Christ's story. Three new exhibits are or will shortly be on view in the Library. "Medicine in North Carolina, 1840-1860," describ ing the education and practice of Drs Nereus Mendenhall and John N. Newlin, is the case opposite the entrance to the Quaker Collection. "The Jewish New Year" describing Rosh Hashanah, and "The Wilder ness Tabernacle of Moses" are displayed in cases outside the reading room An exhibit on antique children's books will also be presented soon in the case inside the Quaker Collec tion.