From the back of the class By John Steely In the September 16th issue of the Guilfordian, Barbara Phillips wrote a very good editorial on academics here at Guilford; in this editorial, she brought out the point that the student has some of the re sponsibility for the quality of the work they do and the quality of the classes they attend. One of the types of classes where the student carries a very large portion of the responsibility for the success of the class is in the discussion class. Therefore, it is of interest how well the student carries this burden. I asked ten professors here about the suc cess of their discussion classes. Only one or two professors claim they have had to change the classes they would like to be discussion into lecture classes. Most of the professors claim discussion classes are as valu able as lecture classes but for Gym: Naturally heated and cooled by Roy Porter The new heating, cooling, and lighting system in the Ragan-Brown field house op erates on sun, air, earth, and water. According to Geoff Mil ler, director of the Guilford Field House, there are three devices which make the system both effective and unique. The first feature is known as "solar panels." The panels are located on the roof of the physical plant complex. This roof concept is known as the "Inverted Hyperbolic Parabo loids." It is through this process that water is circulated to the roof where it is heated, stored, and later used for showers, washers, and the pool. 1 X^xv^l " ~ ■'• :■ . ? Solar panels atop alumni gym different reasons; if the pur pose of the class is to provide the students with the basic understanding necessary for in telligent work in the subject, lecture classes are more produc tive. But, as one put it, "One of the most important things a student can learn here at Guil ford, and at any other school, is to learn how to think, and a good discussion class teaches students this skill." Thus, dis cussion classes are considered very valuable, especially in higher level courses. And, indeed, several teachers commented on the rise of the number of discussion classes over the years. When one professor first came here, the whole curriculum was basically lecture, and now he feels it is approximately 50% discussion. However, most of the teachers do not feel the students are The second feature of the system is a series of treated heating and refrigeration coils. Both types of coils reclaim waste energy. In the winter, the heat coils reclaim waste heat from all over the complex, such as from dryers or showers, and store this heat in what is kown as the earth sink. The earth sink is located beneath the playing floor of the Field House. A layer of rocks cover the earth sink and serves as a purification system for water that is reclaimed from the showers and the pool. This treated water is stored in the earth sink, which has a two hundred thousand gallon capa city. This water is heated nat- active enough in class. While almost every professor qualified his statement with the comment that students participate by listening, 90% of the teachers either say that a third or less participate in class across the board or they have at least one class in which less than a third participate. Repeat, one third or less. That does not say much for the quality of student work in those classes. Admittedly, this is not a statistical survey, but as an informal poll it does reveal a disturbing quality, namely the lack of student participation in discussion classes. One professor said that the students of the late sixties and early seventies were more vo cal, but that the present stu dents now are "much more inclined to not make themselves more vulnerable." "Students have a responsibility that they must be forced to recognize," said one professor. Another urally by the earth since the interior layer of the earth re tains a temperature ranging from 55 to 60 degrees F. This heated water serves to warm all rooms in the complex as well as being used for showers, washers, and the pool, according to Geoff Miller. A heat pump serves as chief backup unit for the systems when the earth's temperature drops below the temperature required to heat water in the earth sink. Hill states, "We can't afford to crank it down. A temperature of 55 degrees will always be maintained in the heat sink because the entire operation works through this process." Miller says that the offices of the complex will maintain a comfortable temperature of 65- 68 degrees F, they playing floor will maintain a temperature of 58-60 degrees F; the pool will maintain a temperature of 75-78 degrees F. During the summer season the earth sink system serves as an air conditioning unit by aid of condensing units and treated refrigeration coils. Again the earth sink reclaims waste en ergy to manufacture cool air. Another outstanding feature of the complex is the lighting system. Miller explains that the system operates by a techique known as "sensors." These sensors adjust to the intensity of the natural light. On cloudy days the lights will automati cally switch on. However, this is not a blinding flash of light which will blind players on the gymnasium floor, but a light which increases slowly. When the sun comes out, the lights will automatically shut off with the aid of an automatic dimmer. "This saves a great deal of electricity and money," states Miller. While the description you are reading may ,seem simple, the Page three establishes a very solid and formal basis for his classes and then goes on to discussions. A comment that I heard time and time again was that keeping a discussion going was often like "pulling teeth." Most profes sors, however, will pull teeth rather than convert to lectures. system is truly a complex technological advanced system of heating and cooling. A com plete description of the Guilford College System is availabe from Geoff Miller, written by William H. Grath. The description con tains such technical terms as "centrifugal fan AHU-1, X" "fan-coil unit AHU-2,' "air/wa ter heat pumps HP-1, HP-2, HP-3," and still other technical You Can Still Make A Difference While careers in public service may not be as fashionable as they were a decade ago, such careers can be very rewarding and personally satisfying. After just three months of intensive training at The Institute for Paralegal Training, you will be prepared to work in govern ment agencies, public service organizations and law firms as a Legal Assistant in the fields of Administrative and Public Law or Criminal Law. You will do work traditionally performed by attorneys. You will work in the dynamic field of govern ment legislation and regulation and be involved in such areas as: Environmental Law, Food Drug and Health Law, Criminal Justice, Equal Opportunity, Welfare, Energy, and Product Safety Law. Furthermore, you will earn graduate credit towards a Master of Arts in Legal Studies through Antioch School of Law for all course work completed at The Institute. We are the nation's first and most respected school for paralegal training, and since 1970, have trained more than 4,000 college graduates from across the country. If you are a senior of high academic standing and looking for a meaningful career, contact your Placement Office for an interview with our representative. We will visit your campus on: Wednesday, November 19 The A Institute 235South 17thStreet for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Paralegal g5 12,51 Training !■ ■■ (Operated by Para-Legal, Inc.) Approved by The American Bar Association Programs Earn Full Credit Toward M.A. in Legal Studies through Antioch School of Law. - GUILFORDIAN -- October 7, 1980 Maybe it's about time for their efforts to be rewarded. But how can that happen if the students will not carry their part of the bargain, namely contri buting to class? I don't know, and I don't see the professors being rewarded in the near future. terms. The Guilford College system is a first for the south eastern area. According to Larry Hill, an engineer who installed the sys tem, it is the first attempt of any institution to utilize all types of energy saving devices such as solar panels, earth sinks, heat ing and cooling coils, sensor lights and a reclaiming system in one complex.