Page 4 Guilfradulent April 1, 1981 SP® s -ijt' - * .■ 4'. A ~ m ."**y - ■ - ■ Siflft*..- ■• •*'■>'' J£"; Dr. C. Scully, a former colleague of President Rogers at Harvard, checking out a possible practice site for next year's crew team. Guilford Crew? Stump Madison That most ivy of Ivy League sports, crew, may grace the Guilford athletic program with its presence next fall. That's if school president Bill Rogers has his way. "Right now I'm think ing more along the lines of a club rather than a competitive team. Perhaps in a few years we'll be strong enough to take a northern trip and compete with some of the Ivy League schools. While at Harvard, I had the pleasure of working out with the crew team on several occasions. The experience was a great one Film Series The College Union Film Com mittee has announced the film schedule for fall 1981. Included are: "The Creen Borei" - Inter cultural Studies professor makes memorable trip to the cafeteria. Laffs ensue. "Honeysuckle Sheridan" - Nepotism strikes the movie industry in this sequel to "Honeysuckle Rose." "Dirty Harvey" - Geology professor returns from Semi nars West. . . "Prisoner of Dana" - Peter Sellers and Joe Groves romp in this musical adaption of the Book of Job Grimsley Hobbs makes a walk-on appearance as God. Father of the student body continued from page 1 Martin: Well, I think we got a pretty clear mandate from the students for the go-ahead on my projects. I mean there was a lot of competition this year. Cuilfordian: Were you worried about that? Martin: No, not really, the only other candidate who made any sense was that guy who thought he was a bottle of soda, I forget his name. But everyone just thought he was a radio dial anyway, so he turned out to be the least of my troubles. Cuilfordian: Could you telll us a little more about these projects you mentioned? Martin: Well, I haven't really had any time to think about that. The paperwork involved in this job is tremendous, you wouldn't believe it. Anyway there isn't much that the Stu dent Senate can do. . not till we get some of this paper cleared out anyway. Cuilfordian: Would you like to and I'd like to expose people here at Guilford to the sport." Other than travelling ex penses, the only costs involved would be for oars. A scull was provided as a gift to Guilford from Harvard in honor of Ro ger's inauguration. Although Guilford has no Charles nearby, Rogers isn't worried, "Of course the college lake is* too small for any serious crewing but there are some larger lakes and a couple of rivers that aren't more than an hour away." 'Bl "The Longest Yarn" - Henry Hood recollects all of civila tion's dynasties with whose ancestors he had a drink. All are sure to remember the piping with Mao-tes-tung. "Forever Jung, Forever Free" - Musical review of the collective unconscience. Di rected by Bob "All that Jazz" Fosse. "Gigantic" - Starring Huge Stohler. Intimate story of lust and love. "Start the Resolution without me" - Jan, Martin and Stan review a year of senate activi ties. Laffs ensue. "Raging Bullshit" - Guilford slugger To Matto brawls his way through IDS 101 and IDS 401 leave our readers with some final thoughts? Martin: I want the students to come to me with their problems I really want them to think of me as their father. I'd like it if the students would call me Dad. If anyone has a problem, anything personal, professional, or if they just need a shoulder to cry on, I hope they'll come to me. I'm ususally in my room listen ing to the Opera on Saturday afternoons; I'd like to encou rage students to drop by. Frank ly, it gets a little lonely down here Visiting with Martin helped me to better understand what a thoughtful, provocative man Martin Jones is. Rather than taking our word for it, why not take the opportunity to talk to Martin yourself instead of just following him around Wehn you do, we're sure that you'll join us in saying, "Martin don't change, we just the way you are." "Go east, young person" "Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst, Where there aren't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst. . , " -Rudyard Kipling "Let's put an end to molly coddling on our Summer School Abroad programs," Bill Sch mickle said in a recent an nouncement to the press. Re sponding to a concern on the part of the Guilford Administra tion that we do too much for our students abroad in a way that costs too much, the Center for Off Campus Education has an nounced a new program, "Mer cenaries East," for the summer of 1982. The program will initially join well-established programs in Angola and Eritrea. After two weeks of orientation in one of those locations, students will be expected to find their own programs in such exotic settings as Afghanistan, El Salvador, and, if we are indeed fortunate, perhaps even Poland, for those for whom the culture shock of non-European societies may prove too much. Located mainly in the coun tryside, there will be opportuni ties to experience the night life of some of the world's hottest cities. The total length of the program will be six weeks of formal hit-and-run manoeuvers, followed by approximately three weeks for independent pillag ing. Thus we will, in our own way, carry out the wish implied by Prussian Field Marshal von Blucher when he first saw London in 1814, "What a place to plunder!" THE COURSES: Eight (8) hours of course credit will be given by both Guilford College and UNC-Guerrilla. "Survival in the Eighties," under the Auspices of the Administration of Injustice De partment of Guilford College, to be led by Mr. "X". This course is designed to respond to the felt need among certain sections of our community who believe we ought to be teaching survival techniques for the future. The countries themselves will be treated as unparalleled resource centers as we examine through Guilford Women who wish to be escorted home from the library late at night for as long as the Squirrel Crisis lasts can call ROD-ENTS for a safeguarded escort home, or wherever. Call us, its nutsto take foolish risks. Needed: Responsible Person to care for children ages 2 and 4 in my home. Bullwhip useful but not necessary. Contact Paula Swonguer, 273-7504. The Guilford College Chapter of Blotto Blotto Blotto, the National Drinking Honor So ciety, is sponsoring the sale of "Big Boy" type tomato plants. Both plants and members will be potted during the first or second week of April. *** Interested in a trip to Ber muda this Fall Break? Then why not participate in the Sociology participation the forces shaping our contemporary world. The students will be placed, as it were, on the "front line" of change "The Mercenary as Meta phor: An Illiterate View of Violence (or Tanks for the Memories)", offered out from under the English Department of UNC-Guerrilla. Using recent ly declassified texts as re sources, we will attempt to get close to the Mercenary ex perience. Other required read ings will include Forseyth's The Dogs of War, Nixon's The Real War, Castro's El Salvador: What War? Following Marx's (Groucho, not Karl) guidelines, we will stage guerrilla theatre, defined by the Merriam-WebS ter dictionary as "drama deal ing with controversial social issues that is usually performed outdoors." (For those opting for the Latin American program for their final four weeks, a distin guished Guilford professor will again offer his 1981 Summer School course, "The Economies of Mexico and Cuba: An Ap proach to Institutions." This will be a study of the economic life of the country there will be (For those opting for the Latin American program for their final four weeks, a distin guished Guilford Professor will again offer his 1981 Summer School course, "The Economies of Mexico and Cuba: An Ap proach to Institutions." This will be a study of the economic life of the two countries stres sing the current institutions through which they dysfunc tion. In each country there will be visits to a number of factor ies, farms, distribution centers and other aspects of the eco nomic operations. Because of climatic conditions, students are encouraged to pack several changes of black pajamas. These courses are designed to fulfill the objective of liberal education: learning as prepara tion for practical living COSTS: Our overseas subsi diaries will pay you -- in Krugerrands, through your own numbered Swiss bank accounts! In addition, participants wil be issued a stipend to cover the College Notebook of the Rich Seminar to the Carribbean. Plantostudy expen sive hotels, gourmet restau rants, and enticing natives. All the free time you can handle. Says advisor Claude Schotts, "Take my work for it, it's a lot more fun than visiting Har lem." *** The Men's Center is looking for poems, articles, or stories for its literary magazine, Men sprouts. Seminal work is pre ferred *** Roads Scholarships - Stu dents interested in a Fellowship for Highway Maintenance who have crossed many streets and developed concrete thinking may now apply at the nearest toll booth PURGE announces a Domi nant Solar Energy Home Tour for this weekend. Homes are The first reci^ "Mescenaries East" seminar. ty leaders, if you can identify them. Those wishing the optio nal insurance should complete the bottom half of the applica tion, including the information regarding bloodtype and next of kin. following items: travel in the countries selected, hardware, fatigues, admission fees, guides, faculty leadership, breakfast and one other meal per day. Optional insurance is available through Mercenary Mutual, a fine firm well estab lished in .this field, with the home office in Lisbon and branches in Havana, Johannes burg and Macao. Applications are available through the Center for Off Campus Education or the facul- Less is More In response to complaints from the YMCA that "kids today have it too easy already," student hours for gym use have been drastically reduced. 1. Reservations for a court must be made 48 weeks in advance, won by sweepstakes, and approved by the Ouija board. 2. Only one reservation to be made per lifetime. 3. Students awarded a court will be put into a pit, armed with straight razors, and forced to fight to the death. The swimming pool hours are also being reduced. The new hours are: Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 (Baptismal services will be held) Monday 5:00 a.m. - 5:03 a.m. located on top of conventional Duke Power officials, beside the unique "Whip Mill" in lovely Climax, N.C. A good time is promised to all; you will enjoy it. #** Prophecy House announces its Annual Fast Fest. Visions are expected; sackcloth and ashes will be provided, but bring your own tutelary spirit. Contact the small still voice. *** There will be auditions for the Play, O Calcutta! on Friday, April 3, 11:30 p m. at the home of Ann Deagon. All those interested in auditioning or just exposing the naked truth are advised to come in costume. Save energy - bicycle over!