Page 8 2^HH i Ghosts of security systems By Paige Hogan On Wednesday, November 28, Bob White, Director of Housing and Security, spoke to the Community Senate concerning what has become a controversial topic at Guilford this semester: the security system. His discussion touched on the history of the security system at Guilford, the training program which guards must go through and the measures taken in response to the recent rash of attacks. College Notebook Volunteers needed to work with the handicapped Tuesday evenings starting November 17. Work one on one with varying types of handicaps. Both male and female volunteers are needed. If interested, please call Mike Oranch at 855-6377, ext. 310 or stop by the pool at the Ragan Brown P.E. Center. *** FREE CONCERT!! On Saturday, November 14, at 9:00 p.m. in Sternberger Auditorium, the College Union Concert Committee presents "No Vacancy" playing original songs and everything from Pink Floyd to the Pretenders. *** Adele Wayman, Watercolors 1981 is an exhibit of work done this past year at Arro Farm and during the three weeks spent at Yaddo this summer. It is currently on display from 1-5 p.m. daily through November 29 Because of the problems the college has been having this year, including such incidents as the assault of a Binford intern and the October 5 late-night attack on a Guilford co-ed, various actions have been taken in hopes of preventing similar incidents in the future. An extra, overlapping shift has been added: lighting has been improved; and maintenance has secured the stairwells, windows and laundry room within Binford in the Gallery. *** The Annual Fall Bazaar at New Garden Friends Meeting will be held November 14, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the basement. Stop by on Saturday for arts, crafts, Christmas Booths, homemade goodies, canned goods, white elephant gifts, snack bar and hand sewn items. *** TALENT SEARCH: The Guilford College Coffeehouse Committee is looking for talented members of the Guilford College Community (students, faculty, staff, administrators) to par ticipate in a "Guilford College Coffeehouse" to be held December 2 in Ragsdale House. For more information, call Ellen Glassman at 854-2253 or Dan Carpenter at 854-2262. *** The YMCA is offering a course in Advanced Lifesaving. The course provides personal in- The defunct Guilford College post office at Quaker Village Shopping Center is an extinct vestige of rural life in Guilford County. The spanky new branch situated on ever-expanding West Market St. is another step in the increasing urbanization of the Greensboro area. which has been the only dorm to have problems. Also because an intruder entered one of Binford's second floor rooms by climbing on the bike rack and coming in through a window, the rack has been moved. White feels that Binford has been the target of all the problems which have occurred within a dorm because of its location. "It's the most ac cessible dorm from the parking lot." Because of the con- struction in lifesaving skills. This program concludes with a separate certification examination YMCA and Red Cross. If the participant passes, it will fulfill a basic requirement for any lifeguarding position. Non-member pool use fee: $10.00; Red Cross manual: $2.95; Member pool use fee: $15.00. The course begins November 16 and is scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-9:45 p.m. *** Four year reviews are under way for Lee Johnson, Roy Nydorf, and Robert Williams. If you are asked for your comments on a professor, please respond! Student opinion (positive and negative) is a very important factor when faculty members are being evaluated. *** Yearbook: "Pictures of a lifetime." Attention all seniors and underclassmen! Sign up in Founders Hall for yearbook portraits. I £i*t pw^^pp^pp ~*= centration of problems Binford has experienced, a stake-out of three security guards was held Saturday night from 1-6. There were, however, no problems encountered. In reference to the com munication system, White stated that he would like to see it im proved but that the tremendous expense is definitely a problem. For instance, to have a com bination walkie-talkie telephone system installed would be ap proximately SSOOO. The present communication system consists of a pager system and a mobile telephone circuit. However, the pager presents the problem of only being able to communicate one way. In spite of the additional security measures which have been taken, White is concerned because no further funds have been allotted. Thus the security system will definitely go over budget and because of this financial situation both White and and Ken Schwab have had to work security shifts themselves. When the Security system began in 1972, it was composed of four security guards hired from the Burn Security Agency which White, referred to as "rent a cop". However, this system was not successful as the guards were usually older, retired police of ficers who knew neither the campus nor the students. This system was then replaced by what was at that time one of only three, entirely student run, Guilfordian, November 12, 1981 college security systems in the country. Since then White has worked with several other colleges such as Glon and Wake Forest in establishing systems similar to Guilford's. White feels that the all-student system is more reliable for several reasons: Peer pressure is more effective, student security guards recognize strangers on campus more easily and because student guards are younger than those from an agency such as Burn they can respond to emergencies quicker. White also spoke about the training which the guards receive. Each guard is initially trained by an experienced guard who is currently working and then each semester is fully retrained and must pass a written test. The guards must also meet each week in order to exchange policies and ex periences. Among their duties are locking buildings, checking rooms and lights, boiler checks, patrolling dorms, etc. They are also trained in first aid, and handling emergency situations such as suicide, etc. V \. all about