Guilfordian, February 26 st 7 / Choir director, Edward Love, will lead the Guilford College Choir in concert at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, February 28 at New Garden Friends Meeting. The concert will preview music to be used on the choir's spr ing tour. Guilfordian Ride Board Rides Needed: Fort Lauderdale - Randy Rosen thal, Box 17434. Long Island - (Suffolk County) - Judy Hankins, Binford 332, 855-9561. Delaware - Missy Taylor, Binford 240, 854-2364. Boston - Sarah Brachman, Bin ford 338-854-2513. COMING ATTRACTIONS Friday February 26 Yusef Saleem "On Black and White-Living Together" 3:30 p.m. in Commons Room, Founders. "Diary of Anne Frank", 8:15 in Dana auditorium. Guilford Movie "Wizards" 8:15 in Sternberger Auditorium. Admission .75 for Guilford students, faculty, staff; SI.OO others. UNC-G Movie "California Suite" Jarrell Lecture Hall, 6:30 p.m. "American Werewolf in Lon don" and "Stir Crazy" start at Quaker Village cinema, shows are at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., daily. Admission SI.OO. > "Arhoolly" rhythm and blues band at Friday's, admission $3.00. Boston & Providence - Steve McKenzie, Box 17343, Mil 347, 855-9784. New York City - Deborah Deich, 292-0324. Boston - Bill Meade, Box 17349, 855-9786. Jacksonville, Fla. - Chris Davey, Box 17110, 299-8975. UNC-G Theatre "The Man Who Came to Dinner" 8:15 in Aycock auditorium. UNC-Chapel Hill Theatre "Bury the Dead". Free public performance 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Graham Memorial Hall. Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey circus, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Greensboro coliseum. Saturday February 27 "Diary of Anne Frank" 8:15 in Dana auditorium. "Treva Spontaine and the Graphics" at Friday's, admis sion $3.00. "New Riders of the Purple Sage" at Pappions. Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey circus" 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Greensboro coliseum. Choir concert A concert will be given by the Guilford College Choir at 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 28, at New Garden Friends Meeting to preview the choir's spring tour program for Virginia, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New York. Director Edward Lowe and his 59-member chorus will open with "Sing Unto God" and "Hallelujah, Amen" from Handel's Judas Maccabaeus. ~ Franz Schubert's "Mass in G" will follow, featuring Soprano, Deborah Phillips; Tenor, Donald Franklin Howie, and Baritone, Tracey Scott Welborn. The Choir Ensemble will per form two works of Hans Leo Hassier, "Dixit Maria" and "Cantate Domino Canticum." The concert will also include photo by Randy Rosenthal Harrisonburg, Va. - (Off 81 or 11 North, about Vfe hour south of Staunton), Box 17420, 854-1008, Chip Poirot. Riders Needed: Baltimore - Jo Johnson, 854-2482. Cleveland, Ohio - Bill Hallowell, 854-2259. UNC-G Movie "California Suite", Jarrell Lecture Hall, 2:30. p.m. UNC-G Theatre "The Man Who Came to Dinner" Aycock auditorium, 8:15. UNC-Chapel Hill Theatre "Bury the Dead" 8:00 p.m. UNC-Chapel Hill American Ballet Theatre 11, 8:00 p.m. in Graham Memorial Hall, call 962-1449 to reserve tickets. High Point Theatre Chamber Music Series performance by flutist Carol Wincence, 8:00 p.m. at High Point theatre. For more information, call 887-3001. Tuesday March 30 Watch for information concern ing Open-Mike-Night. Monday March 1 Men's Basketball-District 26 play-offs. "Open Our Eyes" by Will C. Mac- Farlane, "The Souls of the Righteous" by Ralph Vaughan Williams and "Glorification" by F. Melius Christiansen. Following a section of special performances by various members of the group, the choir will conclude with Harvey Enders' arrangement of Russian folk tunes entitled "Russian Pic nic," "The Turtle Dove" arrang ed by Williams and a selection of spirituals. The choir will begin its spring tour with a concert in Newport News, VA. In the Washington area the choir will perform at 8 p.m., March 6 at the Longworth Building, at 4 p.m., March 7 at St. Colomba's Episcopal Church, and at 8 p.m. at the Hunting , FCKMAL V\ If // j// Trte geortfe&S l ll nf KeeLe^'s 11 // *=*!>*, 2_c^ 1 11// 3:oo^ |1 y yaes o'troeoues ptoioei> ' * I''TICKETS OA/ /A; -FZO/VC>G£. s UNC-G University Jazz Ensemble, Aycock auditorium, 8:15 p.m. Tuesday March 2 Men's Basketball District 26 play-offs. Episcopal service 5:30 p.m. in Moon room of Dana auditorium. Wednesday March 3 Fiction Reading-Doris Betts, Alumni Distinguished Professor of English at UNC-Chapel Hill, 7:30-9:00 p.m. in Boren lounge. Chess club 6:00-9:00 p.m. in Dana lounge. Patrick History lecture, Dr. Richard Current "Lincoln the Southerner" 7:15 p.m. in Gallery, Founders. Ridge Presbyterian Church in Baltimore. On March 8 the choir will sing at 11:30 a.m. in the Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda. At 7:30 p.m. that day the group will perform again at the Retirement Center at Newton, PA. Following a performance at Westtown Friends School in Westtown, PA, at 2 p.m., March 9, the group will spend 2 days in New York City sightseeing and attending the theatre. The tour concludes with a con cert at 8 p.m., March 11 at Cam bridge Friends Meeting in Cam bridge, MA, and another at 8 p.m., March 12 at the First Presbyterian Church in Glen Cove, NY. The group will return to Guilford College March 13. Senate meeting 8:00 p.m. in Ragsdale House. "The Return" new wave band at Friday's, admission $2.00. Thursday March 4 Women's tennis against N.C. State, Home at 2:00 p.m. UNC-G concert: Smithsonian Chamber players, 8:15 in Aycock auditorium. SCHOOL'S page 16