Page two Weinblatt's World What's Happening In The World Of Entertainment? by Rich Weinblatt This is the first of two ex perimental columns which focus on the national entertainment scene. I have tried to be infor mative on a number of different subjects within the industry. Over the next two weeks you will read items pertaining to justice, political science, social concerns, movies, network broadcast television, cable television net works, syndicated television, and sports. All of these topics will be Guilford J B° w l in 9 Night Brunswick Every Thursday Night From 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. Only $3. 25 Draft Beer $3. 00 A Pitcher | Fashion Sunglasses from | I Stamper Optical 1 f 209 Bellemeade 5725 W. Friendly Ave. § § Phone: 273-9286 Phone: 292-7329 § DOLLEY'S 613 Dolley Madison Rd. WLLL 1 u Phone:292-8833 Quaker Village Mall rVALUABLE MUPON 3-7 & 10-ciosing ; s2.°° off medium pizza Friday-Saturday 3-7 : OR •Live Entertainment | A Free Pitcher with a Friday ft Saturday : , arge pjzza •All ABC permits j G o.d thru mm* i Guilfordian, April 11,1984 touched upon as they pertain to the national entertainment scene. They are set up in capsule form. If you have any entertainment questions, get them to me, Rich Weinblatt, Box 17639. I'll try to get them answered for you. THE WORLD OF CABLE TELEVISION... The possibility that Warner Amex Satellite Entertainment Co. may be taken public is buzz- ing around in New York City and Hollywood. The company's parent companies, Warner Com munications, Inc. and American Express, have grown impatient with the joint venture's losses. WASEC runs MTV:Music Televi sion and Nickelodeon, the children's cable network. Ex ecutives at the two parent com panies point to problems caused by the popular but not-yet profitable MTV:Music Televi sion. MTV brought in 24 million dollars in advertising revenue last year, not nearly enough to of fset its losses. Going public is seen as a way to finally make money off the joint venture and move on to more profitable ven tures. ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS... The 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles will interrupt regular production of TV series and could delay the start of the fall season. Los Angeles authorities are refusing to grant filming permits to production companies for the two weeks before the Olympics and while the games are being played. MUSIC, ETC.... Michael Jackson is no longer being managed by his father, Joe Jackson. He has hired Epic/Por trait/Associated Records vice president of promotion Frank Dileo to be his new personal manager. Frank Dileo has been with the record company for the past five years. Among the up coming projects being planned are a new album, the forthcom ing Jacksons tour, and the starr ing role in Steven Spielberg's 'Peter Pan" film. MTV:Music Television and Showtime are both pleased with how the special "The Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller" did SENATE NOTES By Becky Gunn Last week's Senate meeting ran longer than usual due to the lengthy discussion on the propos ed changes to the Senate By laws. President Tom Jarrell, formed a committee to look into the Senate By-laws and the rules on annual elections at the March 28 meeting. The committee was also to propose changes in the number of representatives from the dorms to the Senate. The committee, chaired by freshman Pete Lauria, handed out copies of the proposed changes to the Senators on April 4. As they stand, the By-laws allow for a total of 27 student representatives to the Senate. The change would call for a total of 30; raising representatives from the big dorms (Bryan and Milner) from three to four and the number of academic Senators from four to five. Many election changes are pro posed. They include increasing the time period in which to elect Academic Senators from three to five weeks and allowing Ex "Presents All You Can Eat" LUNCH SPECIAL Monday—Friday Pizza, Soup and our Super Salad Bar Q 1 Q 11AM-2PM MONDAY NITE TUESDAY NITE Lasagna, French p izza Soup & Bread, Salad Bar Salad Bar SPM-9PM 2.95 SPM-9PM 3.69 WEDNESDAY SUNDAY LUNCH Pizza or Lasagna or Spaghetti Spaghetti, Plus soup & Q French Bread & Salad Bar O.O" Salad Bar Q£Q NOON TIL 3PM 5 PM " 9 PM 852-2020 4800 West Market Street on their networks. The hour long show gave a behind the scenes look at the making of Michael Jackson's million dollar 15 minute video which was directed by John Landis of "An American Werewolf in London" and "Twilight Zone Movie." The album "Thriller" has sold over 30 million copies. Jackson gets two dollars from every album sold. MTV:Music Television paid a quarter of a million dollars for the special and Showtime paid more than twice that amount. The program was shown ex clusively on MTV and Showtime. Remember to get your ques tions to me so they cn be in next weeks paper. ecutive council tickets to have four people on them as compared to the previous restriction to three. The proposal advises that instead of general rules the Senate Ad-hoc Elections Commit tee supervise and determine the rules of each particular election. Also in the proposal is a recom mendation that the tickets for the Executive Council be in no later than the fourth Wednesday before Spring break and that there be no exceptions to this rule. These proposed changes to the By-laws are still in the discussion stage and will be voted on at this week's meeting. Three-quarters of the Senate must approve for amendments to be made to the By-laws. Other topics covered at the Senate meeting included a report from Nathan Bohn and Jim Freeman on the amount made at the Community Senate Auction. The total $6,950.55 is $3,000 more than last year. There was also a report about the Senate's trip to Washington on March 25 for Student Lobbying Day.