Page four Guilfordian, April 11, 1984 tj | I t / ,1 JH B Steve "Billie-Jean" Spaulding funks-out Thursday at Open Mike Night. Richie Zweigenhalft psyches out his opponents in the Faculty-Student Softball Game Sunday afternoon. (The faculty got lucky and won.) M |kj :: ' r .., Ken Schwab prepares to recieve a mouthful of sponge. H' n s i p * T Photos by Tom Risser JKM - hh "Tom-Tim blast it out for the Mr. Guilford contest Fri day night. "Has anyone seen my smoke?** in quires Hugh Stohler of passers-by at Serendipity festivities Saturday. n i mm ■MHHk %- S I|HH[Hp ?* j : ,''■w'rV'V/' v ^''' -V'A- />J||P "These contest just aren't my racquet."