Imaging Workshops Examine Men's and Women's Gender Roles, page 6 GThe UILFORDIAN Increase in Enrollment Prompts Budget Re-evaluation Peter Smith Managing Editor Guilford College has managed to sig nificantly increase its student enrollment this year according to initial reports from the Enrollment Management Committee. The enrollment increase comes at a time when both regional and national trends point toward significantly lower enroll ments for both state and private higher learning institutions. 'The improved enrollment at Guilford is good news for the college," said Jim Newlin, vice president for finance and development. According to reports by the Enrollment Management Committee, 1173 students, excluding CCE, were enrolled in the col lege as of September 19,1990. Out of the 1173 students, 1150 were paying full tui tion. The new enrollmentfigures farexceedcd the goals set by the Enrollment Manage ment Committee during the 1989 - 90 aca demic year, indicating a successful re cruitment policy by the college and ena bling Guilford to re-evaluate its budget for the 1990-91 year. Condom Sales Suggest Students' Responsibility Courtney Roberts News Editor AIDS, safe sex and condom use have been issues riveting the attention of both this campus and the whole nation for the past several years. Last year, Katharine Schnorrenberg, now a Guilford junior, championed a campaign for the installation of condom machines in residence halls across campus. Her ambi tion paid off. Condom machines were placed in every residence hall. Sales of the condoms suggest that a large percent of Guilford's student population is practicing safe sex. Since installed last March, the tallies for the last two monthsoflast spring are (reve nue, condoms sold, condoms per capita): Shore, $12,24,1/2.08; English, $7,14,1/ 3.6; Milner, $33, 66, 1/3.8; Mary Hobbs, $6, 12, 1/4.1; Bryan, sl7, 34, 1-/6.05; Binford, $3,6, 2/27.3. Vol. 75, No. 5 Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C. Oct. 8, 1990 Before the new figures were released, the Guilford Board of Trustees had based the 1990-91 budget on the expectation of an enrollment of 1090 students, 1062 of which would be expected to pay full tui tion. The new figures will allow for a re evaluation of the budget, with most of the new money being allocated to a 6 percent salary increase pool for faculty, staff and administration. "It was a collective judgement by the Board that salaries institutionally wide should be improved," said Newlin. "The salaries received first priority because we felt that morale would be affected if we could not meet our projections from last spring." The Board of Trustees decided last spring that salaries would receive first priority if the enrollment picture of the college im proved this fall. Newlin emphasized, however, that the college will continue to remain "conserva tive" with its operating budget because of the increased demands in financial aid as a result of the improved student enrollment. Said Newlin, "It's important to realize that the increase in the need for financial aid due to more students has allowed us to When asked about use of the condom machines in their halls, R As and hall direc tors felt that students were taking steps to protect themselves. "I think a lot of students who are sexu ally active, are practicing safe sex and being more aware," said Wendy Gates, Hall Director of Binford. Today's society is demanding caution when it comes to sex. Richard Ford of Residential Life said, "Students are using condoms; we should encourage them and encourage sales. Students need to be aware of their options." Privacy was a consideration when in stalling the condom machines. Students may feel more comfortable purchasing condoms if they are able to go to a secluded area, rather than a frequently traveled loca tion. In Bryan and Milner Halls, the ma chines are located in the basement and laundry rooms. In Mary Hobbs and Shore, jj||pF 4 4 IFa P^^ssi^Rß BJr^ Vice President for Finance and Development Jim NewlitVphoto by Charles Almy only increase salaries, instead of both sala ries and the operating budget." Nancy Cable-Wells, chair of the Enroll students can go to the downstairs unisex bathrooms. In Binford, the machine is downstairs by the Coke machine. "It's not in a key location," said Gates. "I don't know if many freshmen know it's a con dom machine. But it is being used." Although the location of the machines is a key factor, judging from the sales stu dents are trying to be responsible. "Regardless of sales, it is important to have to machines functioning and acces sible," said Angus McLees, a Bryan Hall RA. The only complaint hall directors had in regard to the machines was that there needs to be more publicity surrounding them. The directors have suggested that the loca tion of the machines needs to be made known to all students. Signs and/or flyers could be placed around the residence halls ensuring that students know that protec tion is being offered and where it can be found. ment Management Committee, was also pleased with the new enrollment situation. In a report to members of the faculty, Cable-Wells states that the "college can note with pride the reason that our enroll ment picture has turned around despite both regional and national trends." Cable-Wells indicates several reasons see ENROLLMENT on page 3 >• INSIDE Off Campus Com mittee adds Italy 4 Highlight on new philosophy prof. 6 Division 111 move con troversial 10