NewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNews Drug Policy Discussed at Community Forum Darma Jeter Staff Writer A crowd of approximately 75 Guilford students gathered in the school cafeteria to participate in the Senate sponsored Drug Policy forum last Wednesday evening. The forum, sponsored by the Commu nity Senate, was moderated by the Senate President Vance Ricks and discussed vari ous aspects of the new Guilford College judicial code, including the controversial "One Strike You're Out" policy concern ing the immediate suspension of students convicted of drug abuse or possession. During the forum questions centered around disagreements over the new sus pension policy and if the policy served more of an educative role or a punitive roie. Students disagreed over whether immediate suspension of drug abusers would serve an educative purpose. Other Controversy over New Semester Abroad in Italy E. J. Hofferman Staff writer The Off Campus Studies Committee recently approved a new semester abroad program in Brunnenburg, Italy, beginning Christ the King A.R.Presbyterian Church We meet in the Moon Room at Dana Auditorium every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Some upcoming topics to discuss include: -The rise of Satanism: Sept 9 & 16—A rational look at an emotional issue. -Are all religions the same? -Who is Jesus? -How can I know God? -Is The Bible full of errors? -How to be confident in relationships -What does The Bible have to say about problems such as: Fear? Anxiety? Depression? Self Control? Etc. -How do I know when he/she is right (marriage partners)? -"Are we having fun yet?" how to experience true and lasting joy. -Faith/reason: Do I have to commit intellectual suiside in order to believe? -Jesus and the New Age. For more information call Mark Hunneman 854-8383 ■ * \ * —* - : 7—x-r-n—Tw —rr^ —~—-—rz r THE GUILFORD IAN October 8, 1990 4 students felt the new policy went against the Quaker tradition of tolerance and for giveness. Several students who attended the fo rum expressed displeasure over the new policy dealing with the immediate suspen sion of any student convicted of illegal drug use on campus. Students felt that immediate suspension of drug abusers would prevent students from receiving the help or guidance needed forrehabilitation, whileothers didnotagree that alcohol and drug abuse should have separate punishments in the student hand book. The new policy was also defended by a variety of students. Some students defended the new policy by arguing that the immediate suspension of drug abusers will allow for students to realize the seriousness of their problem, thus the suspended abuser would receive January 1992. The semester abroad will take place in South Tyrol, an agricultural, wine-grow ing region of northern Italy. In this way, it differs from the other semester abroad programs since it is not in a big city. Jmm 111 x/ f Panel members hear student concerns at the Drug Policy ForurrVphoto by Jiro Mizuno an education to the dangers of drug abuse, as well as the opportunity to receive help from the outside community. Said one student participant, "The ques tion appears to be which will help the abuser more —kicking the person out of Students will live in Brunnenburg Castle, which is owned by the descendents of the wife of Ezra Pound, a 20th Century Ameri can poet A maximum of 14 students will live in the castle complex, study there, work in it or in the neighboring village and make excursions to important sites, in cluding Florence, Rome and Venice. Several courses will be offered includ ing German and Italian 101, agro-archae ology which studies the developing tech nology in agriculture in Southern Europe, and The Pound Era, an examination of Ezra Pound and his work. In addition to their studies, students will be required to participate in the agricul tural work of the community, thereby inte grating themselves into the culture. Despite the obvious advantages of the program, several concerns have been raised, the most notable being the fact that students will be living in the castle of, as well as studying, Ezra Pound, who held anti-Semitic and fascist views. John Stoneburner, a religion professor at Guilford, is concerned that the school would be identifying, even if indirectly, with those views. "We are a Quaker school," said Stoneburner. "With whom do we think it's wise to associate with? Also, will the students be getting a well-rounded educa tion on Pound? His ideas should not be ignored." Another religion professor, Joe Groves, is also concerned about Pound's contro versial views. "Pound is a great poet. His work should be taught But he is also an apologist for fascism, and students who study him need to beaware of that dimension of his work," said Groves. Groves also feels that because the course school, thus forcing him to realize his situ ation, or putting the person through Guilford's rehabilitation process to help him deal with his problem here. I think see FORUM on page 6 >• in Pound is taught by a member of Pound's family, that the students are isolated from a setting of broader learning; it is "harder to gain a critical perspective" on Pound. In reply, the Off Campus Studies Com mittee said that there is no attempt in the course to overlook the negative side of Pound, although his anti-Semitic and pro fascist attitudes are not the focus of the course. They recommend that during ori entation at Guilford, the students be pre pared for what they will encounter and that they be encouraged to raise questions on these issues during the course. Another concern Groves raised about the semester in Italy is why Guilford is starting another program in Europe when there are presently only two non-European semesters abroad (Guadalahara and China). "While the college is seriously consider ing a program in Africa," he said, "I'm concerned that financial priority seems to be given to starting another program in Europe first, with no certainty that an African program be started." The Off Campus Studies Committee said that the decision to set up a semester in Brunnenburg will not affect efforts to find solutions for study in Africa. It has been recommended that there will be an annual review of the Brunnenburg program by the Off Campus Studies Committee and reconsideration, by the faculty, after every three years. 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