April 6, 2001 Interview with the Page ticket James Tatum SPORTS EDITOR On Sunday, April 1, the Page ticket began their term as executives for the Guilford College Community Senate. That evening, Sports Editor James Tatum sat down with President Megan Page and Vice-President Christopher Babcock to discuss their plans for the remainder of the year and beyond. The following is a transcript of that conversa tion. Guilfordian: Thank for sitting down with us today, I know you're both very busy. To start things off could you give us an overview of your first 30 days in office: are there any current Senate projects you intend to tie-up, or any new initiatives/proposals the Page ticket intends to bring to Sen ate before the end of the year? Page: First of all, our sec retary [Tamara Asad] is going to be bringing a proposal to Senate. She has heard from her constituents some concern about the quiet lab in Bauman, that they would like to have 102 become the quiet lab in stead of 104 because 104 is big ger. So, that's something she is going to work on for Senate. We're also going to be looking into Senate by-laws. There were revisions made that have never been ap proved, and those revisions have been revised, and so we're looking to consolidate all of that and to bring new Sen ate by-laws before Senate to be passed. Babcock: We're also look ing at finding a time when more students will be able to come to Senate. We're not sure if we will be able to change the meeting time yet, ■ ■■ ....■■■■•.■■; |^|H|H||^H^H^H The Guilfordian jflHßfe. JHI Hr - JnflH i^KHnk. •> dsBSSHHHk. - I ** fW i|b Js9 Bk i^^HH|| MMJf ||V''9B, ■'vE ; : s . l- : ■■'. iV>- " :V r^, -r-:;. ■ ■ ■' \ : " • : . The Page ticket relaxes making plans for next year but we want to bring that before Senate for discussion. Page: We also want to dis cuss whether or not students feel Senate should be every other week instead of every week. Babcock: Right. Page: We don't want to make those decisions for every body. We want to discuss them and see what everybody thinks.... Guilfordian: Senate is cur rently discussing plans for a com munity forum in response to the "Bullwhip Incident" of a few weeks ago. In last week's Sen ate meeting it was suggest that such a forum should be sched uled for the fall since the semes ter is drawing toward a close and any forum planned for this se mester would occur around the time of finals. Can you give us any sort of timeline as to when we can expect the forum to be held? Page: That's another thing that we are going to talk about in Senate this Wednesday, about when to do that. I'm not really sure if I can give you a timeline yet. It's definitely some thing that we have been talking about. The "Bullwhip Inci dent" in particular is difficult because New s the people involved are still in the judicial process, and that's the issue with that. But I think that it all links together the Bullwhip Incident, drug/alcohol enforcement and security all link into one huge issue that needs to be unfolded. And I think that may be something that takes place in the fall. Probably something you will see in September. Babcock: We're definitely going to look at it. The thing is we don't want to go into any humongous changes right now just because like you said that would probably take place during finals, and people are going to be stressed out'about that. And not only that, then they're leaving, and then we're just going to go into something and then just cut off and then everyone is going to go home. Page; And it's hard to count on other people to be sure to carry it on while the students are gone. So, I'm afraid that if we move forward right now that anything that comes out of it will be dropped once school lets out. Babcock: Right. Guilfordian: To follow up, you mentioned the drug policy as well in that statement. That is an issue that has continued to dominate the discussion on campus throughout the year. Students have complained that their voices are being ignored while at the same time Senators Page 3 feel they have been misrepre sented as trying to push through the revised policy sub mitted by the Judicial Commit tee last November. How does the Page ticket plan to proceed on the issue of the drug policy? Page: The Student and Community Concerns Commit tee did a survey about drugs and alcohol on campus. I don't have those results in front of me so I can't give you specifics, but I believe those are going to be published in The Guilfordian. Guilfordian: I found them on Lotus Notes. [Editor's note: results are available through the March 14 Senate Minutes on the Community Senate 2001 Conference via Lotus Notes] Page: Oh good. What we've drawn from that is that students are not positive about changing the policy but students are posi tive about looking at stricter en forcement. And not even stricter, but more just actually enforcing it, because a lot of stu dents feel like its not being en forced at all right now. And so that's kind of what we are look ing at right now: what to do about the issue of enforcement, which is complicated when you have student RAs who are su pervising their friends, and dealing with personal relation ships as well as professional Please see Interview, page 4 DAVE SCOTT