April 12, 2002 Why I still hate Black History Month Jacob Blom STAFF WRITER Black History Month is not a joke. I was mistaken to state the opposite. But, Black History Month should not exist. Its spirit merely should. The founders of Black History Month intended to increase edu cation about black history. The best way to accomplish this is to educate society year-round. I assure you that if black his tory were not to be studied year round, then I would prefer to have Black History Month than noth ing at all. But, integrating black history into history texts would be ideal. Those who wrote letters in response to my initial article would contend that black history is celebrated all year. I believe this is only true for an elite group. Traveling to museums and festi vals to learn about black history is not possible for too many indi viduals. This can be attributed to the scarcity of places to honor it across the country (one would be hard-pressed to find a black his tory museum in the Midwest). THE f*ITTT FHRDTAIV \XUJLJLsJk l/JEvu^LnLli STAFF MEETINGS ARE MONDAYS AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE PASSION PIT. ALL ARE WELCOME. Statement of Purpose: The Forum exists to facilitate dialogue and expression on matters of importance to Guilford College and its mis sion. Toward this end, active community participation in these pages is vital. Editorial Policy: Every effort will be made to print appropriate sub missions of editorials, cartoons, and letters to the editor. They must be signed, with the phone number of the author or artist included and turned in to the box outside the publications suite by 3:00 on Monday before that Friday's publication date. Editorials must be no longer than 400 words and letters to the editor must be no more than 250 words. The Guiifordian reserves the right to edit submissions for grammatical correctness and brevity. Staff: Editor-in-chief. Alison Goss 316-3206 Managing Editor James Tatum 316-3954 News Editor Dan Fleishman 316-3299 Features Editor Nora Ballard 316-3243 Forum Editor Katy Wurster 316-3923 World Editor Scott Smith 764-5182 Sports Editor Alice Sharp 316-3372 Associate News Editor Casey Creel 316-3796 Layout Editor...... Sam Stephens 316-3293 Photography Editor Justin Betson 316-3331 Arts Editor. Jared Axelrod 316-3948 Copy Editor Casey Creel 316-3796 Business Manager Derek Tolley 297-4116 Webmaster. lreys Baucum 316-3125 Advertising Manager Erik Edgerton 316-2306 Faculty Adviser Jeff Jeske 316-2116 Staff Writers: Jeremy Ball, lreys Baucum, Jacob Bloin, Alison Buck, Jason Carter, Michael Cole, Seth Feinberg, Gabe Fertman. Matt Gei ger, Rebecca Muller, Brian Schuh, Joshua West, Erica Wiggins By mail: c/o Student Activities. 5800 W. Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27410 By phone: (336)316-2306 ' By fax: (336)316-2949 By e-mail: GniifordiantogMlford.edu On the internet: www.guitford.edu/Gnilfordian Forum Black History Month does not at tract more interest because, by virtue of its name, it feels exclu sive. As a public school student in Baltimore City, I went to the Blacks in Wax Museum. This was a grand experience. Unfortu nately, my school took the trip once a year, in February. Education about black his tory should not be hindered by the month of February. Valentine's Day celebrates love, but it breeds an environment in which people believe it is unnecessary to show apprecia tion to their love on any other day. I don't doubt that racism ex ists. I am not naive. But I believe that the best way to quell racism is to teach about black history. People are afraid of what they do not understand. Learning black history's awe-inspir ing stories and lessons throughout the year might allow for white people to not feel excluded from black his tory, and allow blacks to not feel ex cluded from society. I agree that Black History Month was not covered sufficiently in The Guilfordian. But I feel the making of a newsletter for black stu dents makes matters worse. The The Guilfordian writers in this newsletter would be very welcome to help The Guilfordian cover issues pertaining to Guilford's black community. The newsletter, I am afraid, segregates the com munity further by saying that ar ticles are somehow only relevant to one race or the other. They remain separate. "He should not speak from outside his experience," Miss Weintraub said in her letter to the editor. It makes proceeding difficult >MLU?ME sx CPO-aiMt £u WnS •s>/ f 8/ *H. \ihM- mtm f I6tt-TE?S- 60*4 £tY\l Aowa, Select "6v : Uf"®rA Co\Uf t! tw^ cUcK "So." cOcfc. ■+ JU **+*.. ' I _ gAJHm [S® |M Sk Ga-Li Co-Li a tnsly duet featuring uoli end In it ru men! often renqinq frwn Native American flute? and drums to blues end tenor futtsr will fee performing at: Mew Canted Friends School fOII New Garden Road | (si g> sf Jal Iford £*!!#s [ luHidcf! April 14th at 7PM Tickets: $4 for students, children arid seniors $8 for adults Proceeds support the Guilford College first year Bonner wort? trip to the Crow Reservation For ticfeet* contact: Judy Harvey at 316-2447 Sponsored by Community Learning when the black community com plains that there is a lack of cover age, but protests that I should not talk about black issues because I am white. Yes, I am white. But I have ex perienced Black History Month, so it is within my experience. I believe, as a white person, that it would be beneficial to all races to learn more about black history throughout the year instead of solely during the month of February- , Page 7