- Jf In Loving Memory 1992-2014 On Nov. 4, the Guilford conununity lost Rachel Lindner Leahy '14. After fighting liver and kidney disorders for about two weeks, Rachel suffered a stroke that ultimately left her unresponsive. She was only 22 years old. Rachel graduated with a degree in English last May and was working as the admissions marketing associate in fhe office of communications and marketing and admission. "Rachel was the kind of person that, within five minutes of meeting her, you knew she was a special soul," said Angela Reiter, senior director of the office of communications and marketing. "Our hearts are broken, and we feel so incomplete without her running aroimd the office barefoot and making us smile." As an English major, she had a great appreciation for words and was well read. An intelligent and dedicated student, she challenged many ways of thinking and encouraged her fellow students to do so as well. "Rachel was a great study partner," said Ashley Lynch '14. "She was smart, determined and pushed me to keep going." Many friends and faj^y wrote messages on Leahy's Facebook wall. "Rachel, you will always be a part of our lives," said senior Ines Sanchez De Lozada in a Facebook post. "We all love you and will forever carry you in our hearts. I will always think of you while driving aroimd Falls Church's tree-filled streets and will always feel your presence in the beautiful Guilford woods. Rest in peace, sweet girl." By Molly Schneider, staff writer “We thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and warm wishes during the past two weeks. The Guilford community is impressive, and the enthusiasm and spirit that you mustered in support of Rachel is truly remarkable. Deb and I are so glad that Rachel went to Guilford College and met so many wonderful people. And we are honored not only to have been able to witness the way you rallied around Rachel in her time of need but also to have been warmed ourselves by the love you shared with her.” Mike Leahy, Rachels father “There are memories worth sharing here: we danced to Public Image ITD’s “Albatross” on a Greenleaf shift; you yelled at me for being a snob about insignificant things. You have always deserved something more, something I can never offer. I love you, friend.” Lyes Benarbane ^14 “More than anything, I remember those several hour long conversations we used to have about everything ever. You were the first person I really warmed up to in college. That was a really big year. I’m glad I got to share it with you.” “I will always remember those nights we stayed up till 3 a.m. studying for midterms and final exams. I couldn’t have survived it without you. Thank you for always being an awesome friend and partner. I will never look at John Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ without thinking of you.” Ashley Lynch ‘14 Max Williams ‘14 “I knew Rachel about as well as anyone, and Fve never met anyone as beautiful and' complex. Tm incredibly grateful for the years I was able to share with her and I am happy that so many people in the Guilford community got to know and love her as all. Tm certain that I will never stop missing her.” Gabe Monroe ^15 A memorial fund has been started in Rachel’s honor. If you wish to donate, visit the Facebook page titled “Rachel Linder Leahy Memorial Fund” for more details.