Motto—“Sail on, Salem” Vol. III. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., MAY 19, 1923. No. 45 Juniors Entertain Seniors Prom Is Big Success A most memorable occasion was the prom given by the Juniors in honor of the Senior class on Saturday evening, May 12. For four years the annual event has been looked forward to with keenest delight, and this year even the highest anticipations were far sur passed. At eight-thirty, the guests began to arrive at the north door of Main Build ing, where the Juniors and Seniors were grouped to receive their respec tive “dates”. From here they were ushered to the very informal receiving line in the lobby of Main Hall. This was composed of: Eleanor Shaffner, president of the Junior class, and James Norfleet; Josephine Shaffner, president of the Senior class, and J. A. Vance; Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Rond- thaler; Miss Leftwich, Junior class teacher; Miss Stipe, Dean of Women, and Mr. Edwin J. Heath. From here the guests strolled out to the back campus ,which was trans formed into a veritable Japanese gar den, with its picturesque lantern- covered lights. Tucked away in an en chanting spot was concealed the “merry makers”, who proceeded to justify their name. At a blast, accommodatingly render ed by the orchestra, it was announced that'the miniature dates had begun. Each guest was then presented with a lovely black leather “date” book, which served as first aid in the resc.u- ing of fair damsels by the members of the opposite sex. At the conclusion of the fifth “date”, every one was drawn, as by a magnet, to the Burrage-constructed stage, which presented a very Keith-like ap pearance as “Senorita” Heaton, clad as a Spanish dancer, and armed with a tinkling tambourine, danced lightly across the stage. She was followed by several dancing girls, headed by Mar garet Harris, who sang “I’m Runnin’ Wild”. At the conclusion of this act, Alwyn Hughson and Una Lindsey, both attired in dainty hoopskirts and pantalettes, with 1860 accessories, per formed a most graceful dance. At ten thirty, every one cheerfully consented to wend his way to the rec reation room of Alice Clewell Memo rial building, where a miracle had in deed been wrought. Here, a most ar tistic scene had been arranged to carry out the Japanese scheme. Lovely trellises of lavendar wisteria and Spanish moss me the eye at every turn and huge Japanese parasols suspended in air over the tables lent an additional touch of color. Grouped about the center table, at which were assembled Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler, and the members of the faculty present, were numerous small tables, presided over by Japanese waitresses. While the orchestra per formed its duty with much pthusiasm, each guest was guided to his seat by a dainty nut box which was in the shape of a charming little hand painted Japanese maiden. At the conclusion of a two-course supper of chicken salad, sandwiches, coffee, mints, strawberry ice, and cake. Miss Eleanor Shaffner, as toast rtiis- tress, expressed her delight at having the Seniors and the men as guests. Miss Josephine Shaffner then re ponded in behalf of the Senior class, and in a very appropriate manner as sured the hostesses of the pleasure (Continued on page four) Salemite Staff Gives Picnic Honors New Members Scribes though they be, and full of learned wit, versed in all lines from jokes to current lit, they laid aside their literary bone, far to the winds their air of wisdom thrown. They found a place enclosed by mountains high, free from the world of sordid passers-by. There they encamped and full of hunger sore, feasted as gods described in ancient lore—a wondrous spread, with mirth and jollity, for they like fun e’en though they sages be. And when the dusk began to gather ’round, homeward they turned with melancholy sound- THE FASHION SHOW. For several years the annual fashion show has been one of the most attrac tive features of the school year. Mrs. Meinung and the girls of her sewing classes deserve much credit for the splendid and beautiful display of cos tumes, which they presented on Fri day afternoon- At four-thirty the liv ing room of Alice Clewell Building was filled with interested spectators. There were clothes becoming to every type. The fat girls looked thin, and the thin girls looked fat. Stunning street cos tumes were displayed. There were lovely afternoon frocks of voile and organdie, gingham dresses of organdie designs, sport dresses, and beautiful evening dresses. After the costumes were displayed, delicious punch and cake were served to the guests- During the afternoon, the display of the work of the Fine Arts Class received much attention and interest. This work shovyed talent and unusual ability. The entire revue was a charming success, and all of us left with our ehads full of plans and ideas for our summer wardrobes. THE WEDNESDAY CHAPEL SERVICE. The Wednesday chapel service has indeed been a big success during this last year. We wondered at first whether the beauty of the old Y. P. M. would disappear and whether the stu dent body would miss the spirit of that service which has been dear to Salem College for so many years. Now, however, we know that our chapel ser vice has retained the significance of the old and has, at the same time, given the student body innumerable benefits in its contact with the outside world. Our programs have been varied. They have presented problems, facts, and conditions which have made us think, but more than anything else, they have served to give us an hour which we may devote to the interests of our college. We have felt that we could know what Salem was doing, and that we could have time to talk over the things which we want to know. Our regular chapel services are so short that we have little time to really learn the things which beilong to Salem and to her interests. We feel that we have the spirit of our Y. P. M. coupled with the activity of the chapel services, and we are glad that they are to be continued in the coming years. Plans Announced For Hundred Fifty-Second Commencement The one hundred and fifty-second baccalaureate sermon of Salem College will be preached on Sunday, May 27, by President Charles Smith, Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia. The Senior class will enter, singing the time- honored crusaders hymn, “The Son of God Goes Forth to War”, without | which commencement at Salem would hardly be commencement. In the even ing comes the vesper service, con ducted by Dr. J. Kenneth Pfohl. Monday is alumnae day, when all old Salem girls of every year, from every where, come together again at the an nual business meeting and luncheon, and hear reports from the fifty branch associations. At four o’clock comes the dedication of the Mary Strother Barnes Memorial building, and Senior Class Day exercises on the back cam pus. At eight, is the Grand Concert, “The Rose Maiden”, by Cowen, under the direction of Dean Shirley and with Miss Laura Littlefield of Boston, soprano. Miss Jessie Lupo, contralto, Mr. William Breach, tenor, and Mr. Troxell of Greensboro, bass. Tuesday is the reception at the portico of Main Building, to the speaker, citizens, and visitors, by faculty and seniors. The formation of the daisy chain follows, and the ad dress by Dr. S- Parke Cadman, of Brooklyn, New York. The announce ment of honors and bestowal of de grees conclude commencement. DO YOU LACK A POINT OF GET TING THAT “S”? If So, Here’s Your Opportunity. Due to the fact that the time is so short from now until the end of school and everyone is so busy studying for exams, it has been decided that points be given for swimming just as they are for walking, that is, two points for five practices. Of course the number of times last fall will be counted too, and to those of you who lack only two or three points, this ought to be a big opportunity. The pool opens on Thurs day afternoon. May 17, and will be open every afternoon thereafter. How good a swim will feel when you come from an exam hot and tired in need of diversion, exercise, and some refresh ing stimulus! Aren’t you crzy to try some of that fancy diving as W'ell as the life-asving stunts that Mr. Stag and Mr. Longfellow demonstrated so admirably? Let’s all take advantage of this and become fulllfiedged life savers! NEW COUNCIL ENTERTAINED. Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler entertained the members of the New Council at lunch Wednesday- Those of us who have enjoyed Dr. and Mrs. Rond- thaler’s charming hospitality can imagine with what pleasure the girls anticipated the luncheon. The guests found their places, around the beauti fully appointed table, by means of at tractive place cards. The menu was: Cream Chicken Patties Rolls Tomato Salad Cheese Sandwiches Olives Iced Tea Strawberry Shortcake Nuts Incoming Seniors Elect Officers; Miss Bradiiam Is Made President Thursday evening. May 17, the in- commg Senior class held its elections for next year. We feel sure that a staff of leaders with the caliber of these chosen insure a splendid Senior year for the Class of 24. The list of officers is printed below: President—Mary Bradham. Vice-President—Elizabeth Strowd. Vice-President—Mary Pfohl. Secretary—Tdith Hunt. Treasurer—Polly Wolff. Song Leaders — Margaret Smith, Eloise Chesson. Cheer Leader—Adelaide Armfield. Poet—Nettie Allen Thomas. Prophet—Elizabeth Tyler. Testator—I’auline Turner. Historian—Eleanor Shaffner. ANNUAL STAFF 1924. Faculty Advisor—Mr. C. H- Higgins. Editor-in-Chief—Jane Holden Noble. Assistant Editors-in-Chief — Jean Abell, Hannah Weaver- Business Manager—Eleanor Shaff ner. Assistant Business Managers—Alice Dunklee, Thelma Jackson. Literary Editors—Seniors, Marjorie Hunt, Nettie Allen Thoitias, Sarah Herndon. Junior Representative—Tabba Rey nolds. Sophomore Representative — Rosa Caldwell. Freshman representative to be ap pointed. Club Editor—Dorothy Sessoms. Photographic Editor—Edith Hunt. Sports Editor—Estelle Hooks. Joke Editor—Mary Lou Boone. Art Editors—Senior Catherine Crist; Junior, Mary McKelvie; Sophomore— Margaret Marshall. Advertising Manager—Mary How ard Turlington. Sophomore Representatives—Alpha Shaner, Irma Heaton. Freshmen representatives to be ap pointed. DEMONSTRATIONS IN FIRST AID. The Wednesday chapel service was a lecture and demonstration of first aid. Dr. Rondthaler presented Rev. Douglas Rights, who in turn introduced the speaker. Commodore Longfellow of the American Red Cross and Captain Robert Stag, who, Mr- Rights said, was the best swimmer in the south, with the exception of our Salem professor, the Rev. E. J. Heath. Mr. Sam Mat thews, scoutmaster of Winston-Salem, accompanied them as guide and as the victim of demonstrations Commodore Longfellow said his topic was first aid, dry and wet, de claring that he and Captain Stag were the only persons who spoke on the wet platform with the consent of the Red Cross. By a series of demonstrations Commodore Longfellow showed how to administer and not to commit first aid —therein an incalculable difference be tween the two. He tied and explained different bandages made from a middy tie that were helpful in case of a sprained ankle, broken arm, or injured head. The last bandage was wonder ful; it could be used to bandage eyes, ears, or jaws, and it could even stop a woman from talking—an invaluable quality, according to Commodore (Continued on page four)