Member Southern Internatioiril Collegiate Press -issociation •t I i Motto: “SAIL ON, SALEM” Published Weekly by the Student Body of Salem College Vol. IV. Winston-Salem, N. C., January 26, 1924 No. 20 SOCIAL FORUM INSTI TUTED AT SALEM •Mr;. Frederick Hanes Speaker At First Meeting There was a distinct lack in student life at Salem, but it took Miss Stipe, Dean of Women, to ■■'alize that it lay in tlie need of bru.shing up socially.” This could easily be remedied, she thought, through the institution of a Social tor'TH -s-’iicli would be the channel for te.iching such extra curricular ■‘uhiects as social usages, social '^''■qnettc. .'inil good uses of leisur-' tinio. After it had been thought ''vcr cnrcfully and the details "orked out painstakingly with the 11. S. Committee, a mass meeting ''as callo.l in the recreation room Inst Thur (lay when Miss Stipe put matter h;‘fort^ the student body and a vote was taken which proved ^0 be unan'mously in favor of hav- *ng such an organization at Salem. Friday night at 9 it.*) the first Social Forum meeting was held in living room of Alice Clewell and olf-campus and on- I'ampus students met in a purely social n'nnner for quite the first time—but, by no means, the last. Miss Eleanor Shaffner, chairman the I. R. S., called the meeting to order after which Mrs. Rond- tlialer introduced Mrs. Frederick l^anes, formerly from Kentucky, now a resident of Winston- Salem, who gave a very interesting talf on “Dancing.” The evident interest and enthusiasm of the girls "'as show'n by the questions they '*sked Mrs. Hanes, to all of which she gave most satisfactory answers. Mrs. Hanes herself is fond of 'lancing and therefore in sympathy ''’ith the girls and the pleasure they derive from it, she could appeal to them as few perhaps could. At the close of lier talk, Misses Laura billet and Marj' Louise House gave a Very pretty demonstration dance "’hich everyone enjoyed. ^liss Stij)e then talked a few 'ttinutes to the girls on the institu- ^'011 of Social Forum. This, she is the most important extra curricular activity in college life. It 's the most democratic means of Retting the girls together and, as ■ of the greatest outcomes, it is hoped that all the girls will be as instead of the dormitory girl oeing the beloved daughter and the *'on-dormitory girl, the step-daugh- '■Cf- The programs for Social Forum, "'hich is to be held the third Wed- *'esday in each month at 9:45 P. M., planned through the* co-opera- ^*011 of the Dean of Women and the • R. S. Miss Stipe urged every- wlio had any suggestions as to "'hat they would like to have dis- '^'issed, to offer them to her or to ^he chairman of the committee. There will be three or four weeks tliink the matter over and, since Social Forum is exclusively for the benefit of the girls themselves, the^ ®'ight to have some idea of what they want. If it is carried out in ^his spirit, Social Forum will be in ^’•Uth all it was intended to be. After Miss Stipe’s talk, everyone ’’esponded eagerly to Miss Shaffner’s ®'^ggestion "Let’s be sociable,” and delightful social half hour was ®*^joyed during which delicious Sandwiches and cocoa w'ere served. THEODORE RONDTHALER LECTURES AT Y. W.C. A Mr. Theodore Rondthaler was the speaker at the Y. W. C. A. ser vice Friday night. He spoke on a topic of great interest—^the relief of European students. Mr. Rond thaler studied at the University of Munich and was personally ac quainted with the men in charge of tlie student relief work there. He told of tlie economic condition of Germany that made aid neces sary for the struggling student. The decrease in the value of the Ger man mark maj' seem a convenient comedy to the American who finds that five dollars makes him a mil lionaire. The same trick of fortune, that makes the poor foreigner rich, makes the rich German poor. It 's difficult for the German to obtain the necessities of life: his money is almost worthless, Iiis savings lost, and his earnings insufficient. There is nothing left for educa tion and the students are compelled to seek outside assistance in order to continue their studies. It is not surprising to hear tliat the most conspicuous sign Mr. Rondthaler saw on the bulletin board of the Municli University was the notice stating that deserving students could get financial help from the American Student Relief Bureau. The funds of this bureau are used to j)ay part of the tuition of students who can not meet all their expenses. 'Fhis money is also used to provide food, which, though course and scanty, is gratefully re ceived. Mr. Rondthaler related his axperience at one of these meals served deserving students. This was the menu: A weak liquid sup posed to be soup, black bread, and potatoes. Another thing the Ameri can Relief Bureau does is to fur nish books. The price of books in Germany is prohibitive. PUPILS’ RECITAL AT FIRST MUSIC HOUR OF SECOND TERM On Thursday at 3:45 the first Music Hour since the Christmas holidays was given. The program was unusually interesting and varied, there being selections of piano, violin, and voice. Several of the music seniors as well as under class pupils took part. The pro gram was as follows: Chaminade Scarf Dance Miss Mary McKelvie Schuett Canzonetta Miss Geneva McCachern K. P. E. Bach Solfeggietto Miss Julia Staley Slater May Day Morn Miss Blanche Hanes Fr'nnl Twilight Miss Elizabeth Lumpkin a. Bach .Solo for Harpsichord b. Bach-Saint-Saens Bouree Mr. Stephen Morrisett Dehussy Second Arabesque Miss Amelia Galloway Bach Prelude in B flat Miss Willie Valentine a. JVieniau'sM Legende b. Wieniau'shi Mazurka “Obertass’ M iss Laura Howell Soro Caprice M iss Eloise Chesson Rachmaninojf....Vrelnde in G minor Miss Mildred Barnes EPISCOPALIANS ENTER TAINED AT R. E. L. HOTEL On last Thursday afternoon the .Salem members of the Episcopal Church met with the congregation of .St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at a most delightful dinner at the Robert E. I^ee Hotel. In former years there have been annual re ceptions at which the Winston- Salem people met and welcomed the .Salem girls; lately, however, things have changed to a slight de gree. Salem girls are no longer asked as outsiders but are included in the congregation as an important part of it. The dinner last Thurs day was probably the most enjoy able entertainment given in many years by the church. The program was an harmonious mixture of busi ness and jjleasure, of merriment and seriousness. One of the most popular features of the program was the part rendered by the Junior Choir. Tlise small boys and girls of the Sunday School have long prac ticed on church liymns, but last Thursday they proved their value in quite another w'ay. Hymns wxrc substituted for college songs and for other familiar ones, as for in stance “Old Black Joe.” Of course it was impossible 'for anybody to resist the temptation of “joining in.” After the dinner, which was an elaborate one served to the guests in the ball room, reports from various committees and departments were given, and then follow'ed a most interesting talk on “Religious Education.” The speaker made his talk as entertaining as it was in structive. He cited many instances which showed the necessity for more education of this kind, and spoke of the present day status of tlie study of Bible in schools. So interesting and “alive” .was the entire evening that the guests were reluctant to leave, even though the clock warned them that, though not Cinderellas, it was high time for them to depart. Y. W. 6. A. TO SERVE TEA DURING EXAM^ On Saturday, Monday, and Wed nesday afternoon from 4:45 to 5:30 o’clock, the Young Women’s Chris tian Association will serve tea in the living room of Alice Clewell Build ing. This plan was tried out for the first time last year and proved so successful that it has been thought wise to continue it. All members of vantage of the opportunity al- readjf know how refreshing a cup of tea can be after a long, tedious exam; and to them as well as to tiiose who have not as yet dis covered the secret, a most cordial invitation is extended to come and enjoy a social half hour of real rest and recreation—for there are those who tell us that tea does have re-creative power. CAMPUS PROBLEMS AT CHAPEL SERVICE WED. My husband has no faults, he doesn’t gamble and he doesn’t drink. Doesn’t he smoke, either? Well, after a good dinner, he may light a cigar, but that’s only about once in six wxeks. Expanded Chapel Services on Wednesday, .January 23rd, were devoted to interesting features of the more intimate campus life. Dr. Rondthaler, in a direct and forceful manner, revealed some of the prob lems and interests in a true and unbiased light. He spoke first of the closing of Thrift Week. Approximately one hundred persons in our group have signed the thrift cards and pledged themselves to live on a budget. A ::liort but eifective discussion on “Make a Will” followxd. College girls and boys are apt to be “de- liglitfully flippant” in this matter but anyone who possesses something valuable and doesn’t make a will betrays a very indiscreet attitute. The next subject discussed was the Edward W. Bok Peace Plan which won $50,000 in the recent contest conducted by tlie “America Peace Award.” This is a plan by w'liieh United States may correlate with other countries for peace. Every American is asked to read this plan and record his vote and the results will be published. This is the first vote of this kind that our nation has ever taken. It is a great intellectual, non-political, request for public referendum. Dr. Rond thaler urged the serious co-opera tion of the student body in this statistical report and pointed out the great privilege attached to it. He took the last of the hoiir to speak 01) matters relative to Ex aminations. “Examinations,” he says, “are not the invention of the devil or hostile faculty members but real tests of efficiency and in efficiency.” Football games, in ventories, and tax assessments are all forms of examinations. All through life we are affronted by examinations but not always do we have notice of them in advance as we do in school. There are two pre parations for examinations — the subject and the individual. The first is usually stressed. Only by re view do we get a w'hole view with the consciousness of the relation ship of the parts—in other words a birdseye view. Just as important as the preparation of the subject is the preparation of physical reserve —Plenty of sleep, exercise, regu larity of meals, rel&xation and diversion is necessary. Dr. Rond thaler spoke vehemently about cheating and stated that it is the meanest form of cowardice. To fail is honorable but to cheat is to at tach stain to j'ourself. There are two kinds of cheating — pre meditated and panic. In the last instance both the cheater and his neighbor are responsible for per sons who observe cheating and do not report are guilty with the cheater. As a closing thought Dr. Rond thaler spoke of the power of prayer and the fact that this should crown preparations, for all duties. “I see your neighbor, the banker, is looking for a cashier.” “What! Again ? He’s only en gaged a new one a little while ago.’ “Yes, that’s the one he’s looking for!” Sarah McKellar (in Jigger Shaw’s room one cold night)— 0-o-o-oh, I’m freezing; I think I shall sit on the radiator. COLLEGE MID-YEAR EXAM INATION SCHEDULE 1923-1924 Saturday, January 26th Room A. M. 11—Eng. Comp. 1-2 A. 10—Eng. Comp. 1-2 B. 21—Eng. Comp. 1 A. 14—Home Ec. 11. 15—Eng. Comp. 1-2 (Taylor). 40—Chemistry 5-6. P. M. 21—Bible 7-8. 14-15—Bible 3-4. 10-11—Bible 1-2. 21—Bible 5-6. Room 15- 15- 25- 24- 21- 10- 20- 40- 11- 10- 25- 24- 40- 20- 11- Monday January 28th A. M. -Psych. 1-2 C. -Psych. 1-2 A. -French 1-2 A. -French 5-6. -History 3-4. -Math. 1 A. -Sight Singing. -Physics. -Home Ec. 15-16. P. M. -Mus. App. -Spanish 1 A. -German 1 A. -Chem. 3. -Hygiene. -Eng. Lit. 7-8. ’ Tuesday, January 29th Room A. M. 21—Fine Arts 3-4. 20—History 7-8. 10—Math. 1-2. 25—Spanish 1 A. 40—Biology 1-2. 11—Eng. Lit. 1-2 B. 15—Counterpoint I and II. 14—Shorthand. P. M. 40—Chem. 1-2. Office—Math. 7-8. 25—History of Music. 14—Home Ec. 7-8. 21—Philosophy. 24—Latin 1-2 B. 11—Eng. Lit. 1-2 A. 10—Eng. Comp. 3-4. 15—Home Ec. 14. Wednesday January 80th Room A. M. 21—Fine Arts 9-10. 40—Biology 5-6. 25—.Spanish 3-4. 10—Math. 3-4. 14—Home Ec. 9-10, A & B. 11—Business English. 24—Latin 1 A. P. M. 21—Fine Arts 5-6. 25—French 7-8. 11—Eng. Comp. 3-4 A. 10—Math. 5-6. 40—Biology 3-4. 15 Harmony I. 40—Biology 7-8. Room A. M. 15—Ed. 5-6. 21—Fine Arts 1-2. 25—French 3-4. 20—Latin 1-2. 24—History 9-10. 14—Home Ec. 5-G. 11-10—Home Ec. 1-2. P. M. 15—Ed. 3-4. 10—Harmony II. 25—Spanish 1-2. 24—French 1-2 C. 40—Chem. 9-10. 20—French 1-2 B. Friday, February 1st Room A. M. {Turn to pagt twe)