rH^E SALE MITE AN INVITATION! To you, to see the new smart fashions in “Boyish Style” Suits, Millinery, Froeks, Coats, Footwear, and accessories— if only to look! THE PRETTIEST STYLES OUT! PRICED TO PLEASE YOU! The Store for the New Things First. ROSENBACHER & BRO. “The College Girls’ Store” MILWARD’O OF NEW YORK ^ Distinctive Ladies Apparel Spring-- Models ON DISPLAY West 4th Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina FRESHMEN ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT THE IDEAL Salem Girls—pay us a visit every time you are up town. You will always find here something new and something you will want. You are always welcome, whether you come to shop, use our phone, leave your packages or wait for your friends. THE IDEAL HEADQUARTERS FOR SALEM GIRLS SOPHMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS! You’ll find the latchstring on the outside al- ways just around the corner, at /&A\U kj the College Girl’s Drug Store, where you’ll find anything you want. Make your wants known at Welfare’s and they will be supplied. 212 Mam St. Phone 1130 iirpose"; JOKES Crowd of Fresh Boys (in the post office)—^Who owns the post office here!* Jennings Ross (turning around) —Er—I-^on’t know. * « * Can’t Get Out Of It Lucile Reid (looking disguested- ly at the quart of milk before her) —-Uh, I’m going to start to taking two pints instead of a quart. * * * Mr. Taylor (in English class)— The heading of a business letter is best put at the bottom. * * « Fresh (very inquisitive)—What are you going to be after you finish school? Senior (disinterestedly)—Oh, an old maid. Fresh—A lady in waiting sounds better. E. M.—Two fellows fell from a balloon last week and landed on the sky light of a building. Mid.—Were they killed.^ E. M.—No; one said as he land ed, “'Where are we?” Says the other, “Scotland, I guess, didn’t you hear the glass go?” * * * Mid.—Have you travelled abroad much, Tambo? E. M.—Yes, a great deal. Mid.—How did you like Turkey? E. M.—With cranberry sauce. * Fresh—Did you ever read Burns’ poem “To a Mouse?” Senior (indignantly)—Of course. Fresh—How did you get it to listen ? Say, ain’t you de feller vat I met in Philadelphia ? Philadelphia? I ain’t never been dere. Veil, neider have I. I guess it must have been two odder fellers. THINKS UNITED STATES SHOULD ADOPT PLAN Dr. W. W. Pierson, Jr., professor of history and government, made the second talk of the group ex plaining the Bok Peace Plan in Chapel last Friday morning. This talk was made by Dr. Pierson in order to give the student body a clear idea of the plan so they might vote intelligently in the ballot held on it Friday. He stated that the project for •■he Peace Plan suggests three ideas. These are the providing of some practicable plan for peace, pro vision for co-operation of United States with rest of world, and the achievement of world peace. As Dr. Pierson viewed it, the Plan is prac ticable. Its merits are that there is nothing in it which endangers the safety of the United States, and that it provides for the traditional policy of co-operation in the inter national court. And furthermore, as Dr. Pierson stated, “If we do not take this plan, the United States will be left in its unnatural position of isolation.” On the other hand, the removal of Article X. and the reshaping of Article XVI. of the League of Nations would remove the heart and lungs of the League. To pro pose to use moral force and public opinion on the offending nation would only be to ues the forces which we have been using all the time without avail. Public opinion usually goes with the nation having the most clever propaganda. Thus the League would be reduced to a peace-time activity and so far as preventing war goes, we would not ■lave much more forceful arrange ment than we have at present. —Tar Heel. To earn your confidence and then to be everlastingly faithful to it . . . this is our goal. HOPKINS LANDQUIST COMPANY Phone 189 DRUGGISTS South Main St. ^ COMPLETE NEW WARDROBES FOR THE COLLEGE GIRL— BROTANS OF NEW YORK 418 No. Liberty Street You can select the most exclusive apparel for Classroom, Campus and the more Formal Afternoon and Evening Functions. And re member the prices are most reasonable, con sidering the beauty of the garments. Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sweaters, Skirts, Millinery, Etc. O’Hanlon’s For Dainty Creams and Face Powders Coty’s Face Powder, 89c the Box O’HANLON, The Rexall Store SHOES FO STYLE See Our SPRING SHOES and HOSIERY Before Buying BELCHER-FORLAW SHOE CO. DOBsolSr"iils WINSTON SHOE STORE 436 N. TRADE ST. ^VINSTON.SALEM, N. C. Hawkins-BIanton Co., Inc. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Ladies’ Ready to Wear, Millinery 434 Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C. College Girls— BUY YOUR NEW SPRING COATS AT OUR PHENOMENAL COAT SALE MONDAY 175 Beautiful Garments to select from $12.50 $16.50 $19.75 and up. ANCHOR STORE