HIKE OVER THE HILL FOR HOCKEY 1 Motto; “SAIL ON, SALEM” GAMES BEGIN AT 2:30 MONDAY Vol. IV. Winston-Salem, N. C.j March 15, 1924. No. 27 lectures on current topics BY members of history CLUB Wednesday evening, March 12th, the History Club met in the Living Iloom of the Alice Clevi^ell Building. The program had been arranged in Accordance with the policy of the society to hold at least one student Meeting during the year, and five club members talked for fifteen minutes each on topics of current interest. Without question, the dis cussions were profitable and in teresting, demonstrating as well the native abilitj^ of the speakers in the field of oratory. Mary Oettinger, Kinston, North Carolina; Helen Ford, Knoxville, Tennessee; Eloise Willis, Winston-Salem, N. C.; Eliza beth Tyler, Bristol, Tennessee, and *'Iiriam Brietz, Selma, N. C., pre sented the subjects chosen for re sume. Tiis Kemal Movement in New Turkey / Mary Oettinger summarized the ‘aovements which had been started jluring recent years to modernize Turkey, and carried the situation through to the present time. In 1908, appeared the first signs dissatisfaction with the old order things, and it was in this same )car that a definite movement was Organized, which resulted in the deposition of the ruling Sultan. A tew j'ears later, Germany, quick to •lote the disrepute into which the Reforming party had fallen because of wholesale corruption, eagerly Seized on the chance presented her ^nd planned to enter Turkey. With ‘nis idea in mind, she constructed a ^ilroad from Berlin to Bagdad, ^hus, on account of German in fluence in Turkey, the allied victory 1918 affected the later country as well. Continued attacks from the ||i-eeks were in part responsible for unsettled condition of affairs, |he invasions lasting even after the eginning of the Kemal movement 1918. Acting without foreign in- crference, the new nationalist cam- I^aign progressed, and in 1920 call ed a council at Lausanne, Switzer- ®nd, to effect some sort of settle ment between the Allies and the Urks. The Turks were backed by ‘‘>e Russian government. The first ^eeting was held on November 0th, and lasted only seventeen *^inutes, which were spent in ar- fanging the preliminary details. At ^«e next session, on the day follow- **>g, the Pasha argued vainly for Concessions to his country, and Tur key lost on every single point. The capture of the city of •nyrna was discussed from various ’**igles, with details of the whole- ®ale ruin and destruction occurring ®t the time; and the question was J*iised as to whom the responsibility Or the deed might be attributed, ^le entrance of Kemal into the ^^ty, at all events, spelled progress, phools were established, manu- ^ctures quickened and encouraged, '^omen discarded veils and began '^tatnor for greater equality—all '''idence that the entire social and ^conomie order was giving way to *e new regime. A. definite treaty between the '^tlies and Turks was signed at the !®eond meeting of the council at ^ausanne, in July, 1922, but there no very strong hope among orcign nations that the Far East erners will remain quiet. The ex isting condition is probably due, more than anything else, to inter mingling of races and continued western interference. At the present time, Turkey is anxious to control Constantinople. The United States has not yet rati fied the treaty; but if she does, tht^ world which has for so long mixed in Turkish affairs will give that country an opportunitj"^ of showing that it is capable of running its own affairs without the aid of foreigners. The Little Entente Beginning with a definition of the Little Entente, describing the na tions which were joined in such an alliance, Eloise Willis spoke briefly on its previous action and future possibilities, describing its impor tance as an international factor along various lines. Tlio Little Entente is an alliance formed in 1920 and 1921 between the Slavic nations of Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, and lloumania. Since its beginning it has had a three fold aim, the establishment and main tenance of peace; security and nor mal economic conditions in Central Europe, defensive efforts against all attempts at reaction menacing the existence of the new states. Before the war in 1914, the Slavic states of Europe were either under big governments or were weak, individual states. In the for mer case, there was little popular voice in the government and the plain peoples under Austro-Hmi- garian domination were over-ruled and restricted as to franchise. With the end of the war came the down fall of the Austria-Hungary and a re-assuring of the Slavic peoples, with the result that several small, independent nations were formed. Czechoslovakia is a repblic with a population of thirteen million, and is composed of the counties of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Slovakia, and Ruthcnia. It is rick in resources and a wonderfully productive- land whose chief products are coal, iron, and petroleum. Jugoslavia is a kingdom — the kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, with an area of ninety six thousand square miles and a population of over twelve million. The third mem ber of t!ie league, the still smaller kingdom of lloumania, is divided principally into Old Roumania, Bessarabia, and Transylvania. Its present king is Ferdinand I. As to action, the Little Entente has not shown itself slow nor be- hind-times. Its efforts very definite ly helped to frustrate the attempts of Charles of Hapsburg to regain his throne; and since the admission of Hiingary to the League of Na tions in 1922, her small neighbors have anxiously watched her every movement. Much has been done to wards strengthening friendship with trance, and an alliance with that country is being sought. Such an alliance may prove a valuable asset to France in case of war, because of the rich food and munition supplies from the fields and factories of the smaller nations. The recognition of tJie Soviet Government of Russia is another important step of the allied nations, and along with this is a definite plea for the adhesion (Ttirn to pagt two) SECOND LENTEN TALK BY BISHOP RONDTHALER At the Expanded Chapel Service on last Wednesday morning, Bishop Rondthaler delivered his second talk for the season of Lent. The Crusaders’ Hymn—which is, per haps, the oldest song found in the Office of Worship—fittingly opened the service. By way of review. Bishop Rond thaler mentioned the circumstances attending Jesus’ stay at the home of Zaecheus. The parable of the wealthy nobleman was told—how the man, who returned to be crowned king of his land, had re warded his three servants according to their abilities. To everyone is given a “pound” which sets forth the opportunity of a Christian life. It is, therefore, the duty of each one to stand for Jesus, and to per suade others to use their oppor tunities. “Now is our time for opportunity,” Bishop urged. The lecture described Christ’s journey to Jerusalem. Before He came into Jericho, Christ met the blind man. As Bartimeus, the man who had been blind from infancy, sat on a stone near the public road, he heard a multitude draw near. Here he had sat for days, and had begged alms of those who happened his way; but on this particular day, Bartimeus was unusually interested in those who were approaching him. He had heard all about Christ, and believed that He could cure him of his physical impediment. By the aid of a friendly hand, Bartimeus was led before Christ. The blind man in his rags, his misery and his darkness thus stood before the One possessing grace, divine compassion and heavenly power. And Bartimeus, because of his faith, received sight. Bishop Rondthaler explained that there was a blindness far graver than the physical blindness—it is tne blindness of heart in regard to Jesus Christ. There are those who disregard His grace. His mercy, and do not see Him as their Savior. The prayer, led by Dr. Rond thaler, was followed by a closing hymn. To all those who attended this unusually impressive service there appeared, in a stronger sense, the undeniable sweetness of such a Lenten service. CAPTAIN AND BASKET BALL GAMES PLAYED BY ACADEMY Great interest has been shown in basket-ball and captain-ball in the Academy this year. The games were played Monday afternoon, on the indoor court before a large crowd of enthusiastic rooters who “told the world” whom they wanted to win. The senior girls over whelmed the tenth grade in a thrill ing contest, scoring fifteen points to the undergraduates’ eight. Thus the winning senior team played the ninth grade. When the massacre was over, the score stood thirty-one to eight in favor of the seniors. The line ups were as follows; Eleventh Grade Althea Backenstoe Dorothy Frazier Dorothy Schalbert Mon tine Ver Nooy Miriam Anderson Mary Audrey Stough Helen Board Marion White Nina Jenkinson. Tenth Grade Pearl Fishel Zaidee Dorough Anna Hairston Ruth Hairston Helen Johnson Barbara Heath Nellie Dawes Mildred Snider. Reply—Miss Taylor. Junior Team Song—Junior^ Yell to Miss Doris Chipman— Tenth and Eleventh Grade* Reply— Toast—Hortense Brower. Reply—Miss Margaret Murray. Toast—Elizabeth Marx. Reply—Miss Miriam Efird. Toast—Virginia Shaffner. Song to Seventh Grade—Ninth Grade. Toast—Margaret Herndon. Speech—Mr. Heath. Toast—Kathleen Mitchel. Song to Ninth Grade—Eleventh Grade. Announcements — Miss Charlotte J ackson. Awarding of Trophy Cup Bessie Chandler. Song to Salem — Tenth and Eleventh Grades. Speech—Dr. Rondthaler. Alma Mater. CALENDAR Monday, March 17.—2:30 P. M., Hockey games. 6:13 P. M., Hockey banquet. Tuesday, March 18.—3:30-4:00, Golf practice. Wednesday, March 19.-11:00 A. M., Y. P. M., Bishop Rond thaler will deliver his third Lenten address. ^ 3:30-4:30, Golf practice. Thursday, March 20.—3:45 P. M., Music Hour. Dean Shirley will play a portion of the Pilgrim s Progress, a remarkable organ work by Ernest Austin. He will be assisted by Mrs. W. T. Reid. (Rilla Garrison.) Friday, March 21.—8:15 P. M., Graduating piano recital by Miss Louise Young. Saturday, March 22.—2:45-3:46, Golf practice. 4:00, Llike. See the Hockey Games Monday Ninth Grade Virginia Pfohl Elizabeth White Athena Kampourakis Virginia Shaffner Selma Hines Horteuse Brower. A great deal of interest and pep was aroused in a new game, cap tain-ball. The following girls com posed the team: Virginia Harris, Kathleen Mitchel, Mary Mock, Marjorie Siewers, Era May Clinard, Grace Hartman, Elizabeth Pfaff, Daisy Vestal, Eloise Crews, Fran ces Gagle, Margaret Herndon, Vir ginia Fry, Mildred Holmes, and Louise Efird. Never has the Salem Academy dining-room looked prettier than it did on Thursday evening at the annual banquet given in honor of the basket-ball and captain-ball teams. The decorations were very suggestive of Easter. In the center of every table were lovely ferns, with a huge basket of tulips on the senior table. Streamers of the pastel shades were hung from the different corners of the room, and were sus pended from each light. There was not a dull moment during the entire evening for as soon as every one was seated the following most interesting program was given: Welcome—Mary Audrey Stough. Toast—Dorothy Frazier. Song to Eleventh—by Seventh and Ninth. Toast—Helen Board. Reply—Miss Isabelle Birrell. Song to Mrs. Herndon—-Tenth and Eleventh Grades. Toast—Lois McRae. Reply—Mrs. Herndon. Senior Class Song—Seniors. Toast to Seniors—Julia Efird. Song to Tenth—Eleventh Grade. Toast to Winning Team—Pearl Fishel. Song to Miss Grace Taylor— Tenth Grade. CAMPAIGN BEGUN FOR DR. BARNARDO HOMES There have been many drives and campaigns in Salem College, but none other has had the strong ap peal that the campaign for the Bardardo Homes has. This is a cause in which everyone is greatly interested. Several months ago the Y. W. C. A. members of Salem College had the privilege of hearing Mr. Stephens lecture on his work in the Barnardo Homes. He told of the founding of these homes to rescure, support, and train homeless chil dren. Everyone was extremely in terested in Mr. Stephen’s great work then, and it was with keen enthusiasm that they welcomed him back to Salem on Thursday morn ing. He made a short talk in Chapel, telling of the work and the need for everyone to co-operate in the cause of caring for homeless children. On the following morning Mis.s Effie Bentham, honorary secretary of the fund, spoke. She told many interesting incidents concerning the children for whom they cared. She also spoke of the success of a num ber of the boys and girls who had been trained in the Barnardo Homes. There are one hundred and fifty-six Barnardo Homes, and for nearly sixty years no destitute child has been turned away. The children trained, and, educated, and taught trades and professions in these wonderful homes are sent out all over the world. Mr. Stephen and Miss Bentham paved th(^ way for the campaign which began on March the twelfth and will last a week. Lucile Reid is the capable chairman of the drive. There is no doubt that Salem Col lege will arise to the need, and gladly lend a helping hand to this worthy cause. APPRECIATION The Senior Class wishes to ex press its appreciation of the ser vices rendered by Mr. Burrage and Mr. Talley in the production of their play, “Mr. Pim Passes By.” Edith Hunt, President. See the Hockey Games Monday