Saturday, May 12, 192f THE SALEMITE Page Thrff. I’RENCII CLUB ENJOYS friends of the students, and the to UXUSUAL MEETING people witnessed the charming (Continued Frona Page One) sung throughout the program under the direction of Dr. Floyd, with Carrie Mae Stockton as accompanist. This was the last meeting of the year and the club is to be congratu lated on the wonderful record of the CROWNING OF MAY QUEEN FEATURE OF CELEBRATION (Continued From Page One.) Red Riding Hood, Jack the Giant Killer, Cinderella, Bluebeard, Goldie I.ocks, and the Three Bears, The Little Tin Soldier and Hans Gretel as Peach Blossom turned the fairy book leaves at the Fairy Queen’s command. From the page the Maid of Hon or took the diadem and crowned the Queen. Afterwards the members of the court, preceded by the Queen, made their exit, and thus marked another eventful day in the life of Salem. Besides the student body, a i her of the alumnae, out-of-town All day Saturday Salem was do ing observance to the May. These impressive May Day legun with the Saturday morning Chapel service held on the back campus. At this time Dr. Rond- thaler made a striking and beauti ful comparison of man to the tree in the struggle for light. DR. MOSS SPEAKS IN EXPANDED CHAPEL HOUR (Continued Frc-n Page One.) tion. This is what Paul meant when he said “Work out your own Sal- In conclusion the speaker said that wise people bow to the law. \11 restrictions were made for us to ive and grow to. Restraint comes mt of one’s own inner life. We grow to a braver, more glori- i self. An opportunist is a man who upon finding himself in hot water pro- icceds to take a bath. Charming and Permanent Ask those rcho have a Nestle Permanent Marcel from the ROBT. E. LEE BEAUTY SHOPPE Our test curls assure that hair xcill he ivaved accordmg to its mdivtdual texture. Call Mrs. Padgett 2500 for Appointment ANCHOR STORE “Winston-Salem’s Shopping Center” THE STORE PREFERRED BY ALL SALEM GIRLS (Continued From Page One.) composition in the form of a double :anon in unison, by Pietro Yon; and illegro Moderato” from Storm King Si/mphon,/, by Clarence Dick- , which really formed the cli- of the whole program with its brilliant crescendos and contrasting ■aim and serene diminuendos. The last group of compositions vhich Mrs. Lockwood played con- listed of: Clarence Dickinson’s ar rangement of Dvorak’s Goblin j Dance, a delightful and fanciful number whicli gives, at first, a pic- ire of frollicking elves, and, then asses into a lovely, “singing” mel- ly; A Song of i)arcn, a pictur- >que and imaginative number by Torjassen; and Joseph Bonnet’s brilliant Rapsodie Catalane which ■luded t'lc program. The Bon- numb?r contains unusually diffi cult pedal passages which the or ganist mastered with the utmost fa cility. The enthusiastic audience de manded an encore. Mrs. Lockwood graciously responded by playing a ihort Bach selection. Mrs. Lockwood displayed unusual ikill as an organist and held the interest of her audience throughout the entire program. Her technique was facile, lier registration appropri ate, her phrasing clear and exact. She played in a precise and masterly way, changing registration with the utmost agility and ease. She gave a delightful and expressive interpre tation of each number on the pro- Tlie audience proclaimed the re cital one of the most enjoyable of the year and showed particular terest on account of the fact that Mrs. I.ockwood was a former stud- c-nt of Salem. Gleam,” beautiful which is one of the Salem tradition: the close of the impressive service Tourist (in village store) : “What d’ya have in the shape of automobile tires?” Saleslady: “Funeral wreaths, life preservers, invalid cushions and doughnuts.” GIRLS—We want you to keep in mmd that this is your slu . try to run it to suit you. We may not be as modern as some DRUG STORES as to fixtu and beauty, but Quality and Service count, and that’s wliere we shi for we serve the best sandwiches that are made for the monej SALEM PHARMACY Kodak Work—We have a 21--hoi PHONE 4398 MODERN Cleaners—Hatters—T ailors 420 North Cherry St.—Next to Robert E. Lee Hotel IDEAL MON. AND TUES. ONLY Always 10c-25c ‘‘Children of Divorce” —With— CLARA BOW and ESTHER RALSTON SPECIAL FRIDAY And SATURDAY New Summer Dresses Regularly $19.75 and $24.50 85 the Sport, Street, Afternoon and Dinner )resses of unusual styles and beauty, .ovcly printed Chiffons, bright Gorgeous solid color crepes in shades. They are new and ROSENBLOOM-LEVY CO. 430-32 Trade Street Phone 3360 Always First With the Best (Continued from Page One.) his dignified gentleman caused ;reat deal of laughter by her antics. Miss Margaret Herndon, pianist, issisted by Josephine Thomas and Joseph Shachtman, violinist, nished the music which added very uch to the effectiveness of the play. The songs and clioruses showed the careful training which Miss Chase has given this new glee club, we congratulate her and the bers of tlie club on their excel lent progress which was shown in the deliglitful and entertaining op- See Our Lovely White Shoes for Graduation BELCHER-FORLAW CO. 204 W. 4th St. Phone 1311 (Continu ed on Page Four) Mrs. I.eGrand and Lilli .•an N( jwell then sang “I Sought the I.ord and He Inclincth Unto Me,” which followed bv : Miss Turlington’s talk. This was rei iponded to Miss Ro})er. The old members tf gave their lighted candles to the new members, and thev in turn passed on tlie light to everyone prese nt. The rece; isional ■ “F. ollow the HARRISON’S, Inc. “Style without Extravagance” 215 W. Fourth Street Daily arrival of summer Dresses—All pastel shades $10.95 to $39.50 Books Fountain Pens Diaries Kodaks, Victrolas & Records, Leather Goods WATKIN’S BOOK STORE SALEM GIRLS ALWAYS WELCOME MAKE THIS YOUR SHRINE CASSELL DRUG COMPANY MONTALDO’S X* J. FOURTH AT CHERRY CORRECT APPAREL IN ALL TYPES OF COSTUMES FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL EAT Blue Ribbon Ice Cream It contains only the highest quality products the markets afford. BLUE RIBBON ICE CREAM is made from grade A Milk and Fresh Cream and no other Grade or Substitutes are used. BLUE RIBBON ICE CREAM in many flavors and always the flavors in fresh fruits that are in season. TRY OUR FRESH STRAWBERRY Always Insist on BLUE RIBBON ICE CREAM A New Product of Peerless Ice Cream Co.